Nutrition is easy, but people STILL don't do it.
Lee WeilandFree Training & Complimentary Coaching Session https://www.pacificrimathletics.com/online-reg?el=r-nutrition-is-easy Welcome to training fellow Pac-Rimian! My name is Lee Weiland, Co-Founder & CEO of Pacific Rim Athletics, LLC and Creator of "Powerbatics." Our mission is to help people of all ages, levels, and backgrounds achieve Total Body Mastery through Powerbatics Training. And me and my Team of Doctorate Physical Therapists and Elite Athletes/Coaches have helped 1000's of people do just that. And you can hear from countless students (ages 3 to 83 featured in all of our videos) who've trained from scratch and through past injuries to become highly advanced... Gaining Press Handstands, 1 Arm Pullups, and Human Flags just to name a few...not to mention incredible Powerbatics' skills... While radically transforming their bodies and minds for the better. We believe 1:1 Coaching (face-to-face and online) when combined with Positive Community guarantees the very best of safe, effective outcomes. To that end, we ONLY offer FREE content...in order to inspire you to become a stronger version of yourself (and not to be confused with real, transformative coaching). If you would value further information--and transformation--we suggest opting-in for our Free Training and then booking a Complimentary Coaching Session to do a deep-dive on your current situation and goals. Blessings! I look forward to everything you're going to achieve! Coach Lee66 views 1 comment -
How to raise your Vibration and Frequency easily~~~
1ReikiFloWTruth only hurts posers and liars~35 views -
Mark Sokol - Alternate Propulsion and Ufology
JustAshtonMark Sokol is the founder of APEC (alternate propulsion engineering conference) and Falcon Space lab. We discuss various mechanisms of alternate propulsion as well as the current landscape of ufology and how disclosure can be achieved.402 views 3 comments -
Relationships between Allistic and Autistic/Neurodivergent folks, EFT and some truth~
1ReikiFloWIf you are uninformed about what autism truly is and still rely on ancient fake science I suggest Proudly Autistic on youtube as an informative and yet straight to the point channel~ I understand we are all busy but seld education is up to each and every one of us so up to you~54 views 1 comment -
Evidence of a Zionist Mafia- How Israel Controls the US and Global Politics
Ian Carroll ShowThe US House just passed a bill that would outlaw the free speech of Americans to criticize Israel, labeling such speech as "antisemitic" and a hate crime. Well, this week for Free Speech Friday, we remind Israel that this is the United States of America. Furthermore, we dig into the extensive body of evidence that there is, in fact, a global Zionist mafia. The most expansive and successful international criminal organization the world has ever known. It controls everything from the global drug trade all the way to the White House. I want to remind everyone that in the exact same way that not every Italian is part of the Mafia, not every Jewish person is part of the Zionist Mafia. But the Zionist Mafia has very cleverly hidden behind the cloak of "antisemitism" to prevent anyone from even realizing they exist. No more. This is an international criminal organization and it is in everyone's interest around the world, especially that of innocent Jewish people, to expose them and bring them to justice. Thank you for tuning in, sharing this content, and supporting my work in any way that you can. A huge thank you to my Locals supporters for pitching in $5 a month to help me make this content free of censorship and monetary pressure from platforms that would limit our free speech. You all make this work possible.119K views 252 comments -
Ian Carroll ShowA deep dive into the forbidden FBI files on the dancing Israeli's and suspicious Israeli involvement before, during, and after the 9/11 terror attacks.96.4K views 149 comments -
Debunking ANTISEMITIC CONSPIRACY THEORIES: The history of war between Israel and Palestine
Ian Carroll ShowDISCLAIMER: This video was filmed and uploaded to my Locals community before the current conflict in Israel/Palestine broke out. This is not meant to be a commentary on the current situation there, but I feel it does provide some critical context to keep in mind as we watch events unfold today. My heart goes out to all innocent people on both sides of the conflict that have lost loved ones, their homes, their way of life. This is a conflict largely waged by a ruling elite, funded for the profit of a warmongering minority, and brokered on the blood of innocent civilians. I do not condone the violence of Hamas or the violence of Israel, and especially all violence directed towards civilians deserves to be condemned. Something about the current conflict smells funny. Think critically about the reporting you are seeing and the narratives being pushed. More to come on this soon, Ian92.3K views 326 comments