Ann Vandersteel4.11.2024 ANN VANDERSTEEL: CHINESE HAVE US VOTER DATA: US INTEL AGENCIES DO NOTHING? Cain & Associates was hired by Los Angeles District Attorney's office Bureau of Investigation to conduct cyber forensic capture in the commission of a Grand Jury Authorized Search Warrant on Konnech. In the commission of doing their job, they discovered data being maintained on Chinese servers in China and provided such evidence to the Defense Counterintelligence Security Agency, as required as a cleared contractor. They verified all evidence and elevated it to a national security threat, passing it onto the FBI. As far as Nate and Harry know, nothing has been done. They also provided evidence to Allegany County State Police showing how their election management data was breached and they in-turned contacted the FBI. Nate was told that the FBI was not interested. FOLLOW NATE CAIN https://twitter.com/NateCain4WV SPONSORED BY SAT123.COM 2024: Year of Exposure… YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/@realannvandersteel CLOUTHUB https://clouthub.com/c/gyFG3mMS RUMBLE https://rumble.com/AnnVandersteel/live GETTR https://gettr.com/user/annvandersteel FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ann.vandersteel YOURNEWS https://yournews.com/area/videos/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/annvandersteel KEY WORDS: ANN VANDERSTEEL, NATE CAIN, HARRY HAURY, ELECTION FRAUD, CHINA, VOTER FRAUD, IC, INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY, KONNECH, THE PEOPLES OPERATION RESTORATION, SAT123.COM, GRID DOWN, SATELLITE PHONE STORE, SUPER FOODS, VANDERHEALTH.COM, PLANT BASED PROTEIN, WEIGHT LOSSS, COVID, INFLAMMATION, SATELLITE PHONE STORE, LIGHTS OUT BEEF, BELLA GRACE GLOBAL, MY PILLOW SPONSORED BY: VANDERSTEELHEALTH.COM https://vandersteelhealth.com Ready to save big on your superfoods purchase? Made in America, non GMO superfoods for your whole family and pets. 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WILL YOU STAND AND DEFEND OUR REPUBLIC Please consider supporting Operation Burning Edge: https://givesendgo.com/burningedge EMAIL ann@annvandersteel.com FREEDOM https://thepeoplesoperationrestoration.com SNAIL MAIL Ann Vandersteel ℅ P.O. BOX 386 Palm City, Florida [34991] FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE: https://AnnVandersteel.Substack.com https://twitter.com/annvandersteel https://truthsocial.com/@annvandersteel https://gettr.com/i/annvandersteel https://t.me/AnnVandersteelTruth https://annvandersteel.locals.com https://app.clouthub.com/#/users/u/AnnVandersteel/posts https://gab.com/AnnVandersteel https://facebook.com/annvandersteel https://www.linkedin.com/in/ann-vandersteel-312310260/ FAIR USE NOTICE These pages may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, such material has been referenced to advance understanding of political, human rights, ecological, economic, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues. This constitutes a "fair use" of any such material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.5.62K views 24 comments