AIMD S03E01 The CTX 3030's First Hunt
AIMDIf you want a finds Bag and Belt set-up like I show in the video, contact dhurley55@msn.com or go to his Facebook page "Metal Detector Belts Bags And Accessories". He's a great guy to deal with and produces a fantastic product that he stands behind. This is the culmination of 10 years of patience and hard work. I saw and handled my first CTX3030 back in 2013. I ended up getting an E-Trac instead because I just couldn't find a way to pay for it then. Fast forward to December 2022 and Minelab has reduced the price AND included a FREE 17 inch coil. How could I not get it? My Akaso V50X action cam really let me down today, I was using the app for the first time in a long time and it may be the culprit here but either way I have a new one in the Amazon cart. Sadly though, there's very little action in this video, but it catches the viewer up on what's new in my life and where I've been for the last year. Additionally you get to see my "sweet" finds at the end of the video...24 views -
AIMD S03E01b Trying For Redemption, CTX 3030's SECOND Hunt
AIMDI did a second hunt with the 3030 today and had better luck with the video camera as well, for the most part...32 views -
AIMD S03E02 Big Iron Don't Scare Me!
AIMDI've been playing with a mode using TTF (Two Tone Ferrous), a favorite of mine on my E-Trac when working Iron infested sites. Today was the first real test "in the wild" and it acquitted itself on the CTX3030 wonderfully. In addition, I hooked up with another detectorist from a town a ways away, and we had a great time.37 views -
AIMD S03E03 A New Day, A New Park Gives Up Its' Goods
AIMDwe found us a "virgin" park we think...27 views -
AIMD S03E04 Will Detect For Sammiches!
AIMDOn this hunt I traveled to Houma La. and hunted with a new detecting buddy. This site was a US Navy blimp base in WW2. The Navy flew anti-submarine patrols out over the Gulf Of Mexico from here. There's not much to tell, good finds were few and far between on this first hunt at a new to me site. I do have high hopes of still finding some Silver or USN artifacts on future hunts even though this site has been pounded over the years by other detectorists. I always have faith in my machine, my skills and the chance that possibly they all missed and area I might find. But it was a fun hunt out with my buddy Gene. This place has so much potential and we have only just scratched the surface...35 views -
AIMD S03E05 No Ring... But I Got Me A Doubloon!
AIMDI met a guy while hunting a local park. Nice guy. Had some legit questions about Metal Detecting and eventually got around to asking if I could find his class ring in his front yard... WOW, sounds like a slam dunk... So I said sure, without knowing "The Rest Of The Story". Turns out I had Time, Fill Dirt, and Trash In The Ground going against me. But I did get a few coins, and a Doubloon... a Mardi Gras Doubloon!21 views 1 comment -
AIMD S03E06 Excuse Me... Do You Have The Time?
AIMDSince this video was made, the guy who made my Finds Rig has stopped producing them. It's really sad because it's such a well thought out and well made rig. I'm using a Two Tone Ferrous mode today that I found on a buddy's YouTube Channel, it works super in the really trashy Iron infested parks that I like to hunt in. Just search for "Minelab CTX3030 using the smooth audio setting" if you want to see how to set it up.28 views -
AIMD S03E07 I Robbed A Piggybank Today
AIMDIf you have ever doubted the need to recheck your hole after recovering your target, or finding trash and thinking it was the only thing there... well pay attention...38 views 1 comment