NO EVIDENCE of Human Remains a Canadian Residential School! TRUDEAU LIES EXPOSED AGAIN!
Don Khan SwayloThe Native Residential School mass grave scandal that rocked Canada in 2021 always had odd smell to it. Seemed like a rip off of the Black Lives Matter movement, co-opted for Liberal Party gain. Lo and behold, now that excavations have taken place, just like BLM, the whole thing was a scam. Pine Creek Residential School was exhumed in Manitoba and turned up exactly zero human remains in their mAsS gRaVeS, surprising absolutely no one. Chief Running Mouth... erm... Chief Derek Nepinak tried to turn this massive failure into some grasp as sympathy, but you can see what time it is... Sources: CBC 1: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/indigenous-residential-schools-trc-alberta-25-truth-reconciliation-1.6185579 CBC 2: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/pine-creek-residential-school-no-evidence-human-remains-1.6941441 Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DonKhanSwaylo Subscribe on Rumble: https://www.rumble.com/donkhanswaylo Subscribe on Odysee/LBRY: http://www.odysee.com/@DonKhanSwaylo:5 Follow on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DonKhanSwaylo Support on Locals: http://www.donkhanswaylo.locals.com 🔴 LIVE Every Tuesday & Saturday Night! 6pm Mountain Time! 🔴 LIVE On RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/DonKhanSwaylo/live #Canada #Trudeau #ResidentialSchools #Native #Reservation #NativeReserves #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #Scandal #Lies422 views 2 comments -
Former residential schools worker criticizes far-left "denier" narrative
joegecko's Proxy ChannelFormer residential schools worker criticizes far-left "denier" narrative233 views 2 comments -
Author speaks out after facing attacks for book on residential schools
Rebel Newshttp://KamloopsDocumentary.com | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/3VT8nRB Rebel News was fortunate to once again be joined by Dr. Widdowson to discuss the controversy surrounding her book on Canada's former residential schools. Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. ►https://www.RebelNews.com for more great content. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting, so please consider supporting us through one of the following: ►Donating to help fund our independent journalism - https://rebelne.ws/donation ►Signing up for our free emails and newsletters - https://rebelne.ws/emails ►Becoming a Premium Content subscriber - https://rebelne.ws/plus ►Buying Rebel gear - https://rebelne.ws/store ►LISTEN to our FREE podcast - https://rebelne.ws/podcast Make sure to follow Rebel News on social media too! FACEBOOK - https://rebelne.ws/fbook TWITTER - https://rebelne.ws/twitter INSTAGRAM - https://rebelne.ws/Instagram8.03K views 32 comments -
Former residential schools worker criticizes far-left "denier" narrative
JunoNewsRead Rodney Clifton’s full article on C2CJournal here: https://c2cjournal.ca/2024/07/they-would-call-me-a-denier-let-me-explain-what-i-believe-about-residential-schools-in-canada/ If the far-left activists who have hijacked the Indigenous relations debate between the government and First Nations communities had their way, Rodney Clifton would be criminally charged with “residential school denialism.” Rodney, who lived in a residential school in the 1960s, has been calling out the inaccuracies in the modern description of residential schools and highlighting the benefits that the school system implemented. Rodney joined The Faulkner Show to discuss the facts about residential schools and the push from the far-left to criminalize “denialism.” ——————————————————————————— - JOIN True North - https://tnc.news/subscribe/ - DONATE to True North - https://tnc.news/donate/ Share us online and spread the word! FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/truenorthcentre/ TWITTER - https://twitter.com/TrueNorthCentre INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/TrueNorthCentre/ TELEGRAM: http://t.me/truenorthcanada.com RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/user/TrueNorthCentre ——————————————————————————— An original video production by True North Canada.2.79K views 10 comments -
'What went on at residential schools was not genocide': Michelle Stirling
Rebel Newshttp://RebelNewsPlus.com | MORE: https://rebelne.ws/4727lGB Independent researcher and journalist Michelle Stirling joined The Gunn Show to discuss her work using archival records to debunk the sensationalism around claims of genocide taking place at former residential schools. Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. ►https://www.RebelNews.com for more great content. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting, so please consider supporting us through one of the following: ►Donating to help fund our independent journalism - https://rebelne.ws/donation ►Signing up for our free emails and newsletters - https://rebelne.ws/emails ►Becoming a Premium Content subscriber - https://rebelne.ws/plus ►Buying Rebel gear - https://rebelne.ws/store ►LISTEN to our FREE podcast - https://rebelne.ws/podcast Make sure to follow Rebel News on social media too! FACEBOOK - https://rebelne.ws/fbook TWITTER - https://rebelne.ws/twitter INSTAGRAM - https://rebelne.ws/Instagram9.72K views 45 comments -
🎯 King Charles III Linked to Deaths of Kamloops, British Columbia Residential School Children and William Arnold Combes, a Witness
Real Truth Real NewsToday (10/9/22), on the 58th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian residential school, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to their fate and to the death of other native children. A group of witnesses have presented their affidavits to the special Tribunal that has convened to investigate Charles’ complicity in both the abduction of the ten children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and the medical murder of eyewitness William Combes in February 2011. (Breaking News, September 19/20, 2022: King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal over the death of William Combs and Others) According to the Tribunal’s Public Information Office, “Our Tribunal has today received sworn statements from British and Canadian nationals. They claim to have witnessed the personal participation of Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, aka King Charles III, in ceremonies involving native children that occurred in Carnarvon Castle in Wales and at the former Catholic Indian school in Fort Providence, Canada, on October 30, 1964, and July 11, 1970, respectively. “The first ceremony involved the ritual killing of Cecilia Arnold, age ten, and Edward Arnuse, age ten, two survivors of the original ten children abducted by Charles’ parents from the Kamloops Indian school. The second ceremony involved a similar ritual killing of an undetermined number of Inuit children provided by the clergy of the Catholic Sacred Heart Indian residential school in the Northwest Territories. “Another witness, a former government employee, claims that then-Prince Charles had personal knowledge of and sanctioned a ‘kill order’ issued by the British MI-6 against William Combes, the sole living eyewitness to the October 1964 Kamloops abductions. Combes subsequently died of arsenic poisoning administered to him in St. Paul’s Catholic hospital in Vancouver on February 26, 2011.” (See nurse Chloe Kirker’s statement at (38) Eyewitness to medical murder of William Combes - YouTube) This new evidence and accompanying documentation has been entered into the docket of the Tribunal and will be presented at its opening session on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Charles Mountbatten-Windsor has been issued a Public Summons to appear before the Tribunal. More updates will be available at Kevin Annett's website: www.murderbydecree.com under ITCCS Updates and every Sunday on www.bbsradio.com/herewestand at 6 pm eastern. Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice, the special advisor to the Tribunal’s Prosecutor. Issued by the special Tribunal of the International Common Law Court of Justice - Monday, October 10, 2022 Uncovered! Mass Graves in British Columbia - Kevin Annett: https://rumble.com/v15fzkj-kevin-annett-talks-about-the-uncovering-of-mass-graves-of-native-women-and-.html Mass Graves of Children, then and now: The Evidence they want you to forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcxHFmNQLN0&t=1s . 🛑 Covid Vaccine Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com 🛑 "The Cancer/Parasite Connection" ~ This is HUGE! https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/the-cancer-parasite-connection-and-treatments-including-detox/ . 🟣 Dr. Zev Zelenko's Detox Product For People Who Have Had the Vaccine – It’s Called Z-Dtox. Children's Gummies Are Now Available. ⭐️ Dr. Zelenko Also Has an Awesome Flu Product Called Z-Flu, You Can Find All Products Here: https://zstacklife.com/?ref=lxoi8kWFn8tvph ⭐️ Dr. Zelenko Has Another NEW Product Called "Z-Shield" which helps defend against dormant viruses. These dormant viruses include Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), herpes viruses (e.g., shingles, chickenpox), and cytomegalovirus (CMV). Detailed Product Info Can Be Found Here: https://zstacklife.com/products/z-shield?ref=lxoi8kWFn8tvph . 🟣 Alternative Health and Healing Website www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com . 🟣 High Quality Immune Boosting Products: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/high-quality-immune-support-and-wellness-products/ . 🟣 High Quality Full Body Detox and Cleansing Products https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/high-quality-full-body-detox-and-cleansing-products/ . 🟣 PET DETOX ~ Support your pet's natural ability to address immune system challenges and common environmental contaminants. You won't find any other pet supplementproducts that have our ability to remove toxinsand restore health at a cellular level: https://tinyurl.com/d8774jtt . 🟣 CBD Oils/Detox Products/Zeolite: https://bodywise.thegoodinside.com . 🟣 Chlorine Dioxide (Miracle Mineral Solution): https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2022/06/10/miracle-mineral-solution-mms-for-detox-and-other-amazing-health-benefits/ . 🟣 My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/fgMp4RX9ZrplYzhh . 😎 All Donations to Help Support My Channel Are VERY Much Appreciated! Thank You So Much! https://tinyurl.com/349t4rx54.88K views 27 comments -
The Residential School Story has been distorted to push a political agenda
The Grey Matter PodcastIn this episode Constitutional Lawyer Leighton Grey and Dr. Rodney Clifton have a conversation about Canadas indigenous history, how the truth and reconciliation commission has dramatically altered data, the role he played in the residential school system, and the other side of the story that isn't being talked about. Rodney A. Clifton is Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Manitoba, where he has been teaching since 1979. He was born in Jasper, Alberta, and he taught at Memorial University for six years before moving to Manitoba. Over the last thirty years, he has published more than ninety research articles and five books and monographs. Dr. Clifton has won a number of research awards: the Spencer Fellowship from the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement Clifton and Grey take a deep dive into the history of residential schools, unpacking the complex nature of the challenges everyone faced during the era, the problems with the information manipulation from the truth and reconciliation commission, while shining a light on some of the more positive aspects of the good that was done. The conversation takes a break from the distortion of main stream media spinning and really examines the reality of the difficulties everyone endured. This Episodes Recommended Reading: Indian Residential Schools: Another Picture - Eric Bays https://amzn.to/3Ls0ISl Guts Glory Arctic Skiers Who Challenged World - Sally Manning https://amzn.to/3vsf7Zc From Truth Comes Reconciliation - Dr. Rodney Clifton https://amzn.to/3rCpvLF The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam - Douglas Murray https://amzn.to/3kpKDjY Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications for future episodes as we are aiming to deliver a new conversation each week full of new ideas and ways to explore the world around us. Some of the content we create has been censored by the YouTube platform and you may not be able to watch everything we’ve shared. To check out some of our other more controversial episodes visit our Rumble Chanel here: https://rumble.com/c/c-1964734 Remember to follow our other social channels for news, updates, and cool offers from our sponsors as we continue to challenge the status quo and bring thoughtful conversations to the hungry minds who are willing to dabble in the Grey Area! https://linktr.ee/greymatterlinks228 views -
Residential School Lies, Wild Trans Demands, and Canada's Dire Economy | Blendr Report EP47
BlendrNewsIn this episode of "The Blendr Report," Jonathan and Liam discuss: 0:00 Intro 0:57 The Truth About Residential Schools 5:06 Will Canada’s Reputation be Restored? 7:34 Are Europeans Uniquely Evil? 11:58 Canada’s Lack of Action for Indigenous Communities 13:12 Weaponizing Oppression Narratives 15:34 UN Changes Israel vs. Palestine Casualty Count 19:10 Is the UN Reliable? 22:19 Using Palestine Narratives to Attack the West 24:04 Marxism is Taking Over the Youth 26:07 Wild Trans Activist Demands 33:04 CSIS Warns China is Weaponizing Green Energy 35:23 The Hypocrisy of “Sustainable” Energy 38:36 The Degrowth Agenda 40:02 Canadian Mortgages to Increase by 60% 44:46 The Dark Economic Future of Canada 47:30 Is Hyperinflation Inevitable? 52:51 Canadian Rage Index Reaches All Time Highs 56:20 Ignorance vs. Cynicism vs. Hope - Sign up for raw and uncensored news at www.blendrnews.com - Follow BLENDR News: Twitter - @BlendrNews Instagram - @blendr.report TikTok - @blendrnews - Follow Jonathan: Instagram - @itsjonathanharvey TikTok - @itsjonathanharvey - Follow Liam: Instagram - @liam.out.loud Twitter - @liam_out_loud YouTube - @liam-out-loud - Subscribe to the BLENDR News Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast or Google Podcast | open.spotify.com/show/54wJHHTrDE3FgFqBUIFrIq?si=3fe4244965d84a3173 views 2 comments -
Residential schools narrative
Western StandardJames Pew shares opinion on the residential schools & alleged grave sites. ————————— #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #skpoli #bcpoli #westernstandard775 views 1 comment -
Former judge pokes holes in 'mass grave' narrative at Kamloops residential school
Rebel NewsWatch the trailer for our Kamloops documentary ► https://rebelne.ws/3UTzZDb Visit Rebel News for more on this story ► https://rebelne.ws/3r7htcX In today's report, I sit down to interview retired judge Brian Giesbrecht to help bring the public more insight into the flawed claim that 215 children's remains were discovered buried at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School last year. Giesbrecht served as a Manitoba Provincial Court judge for over 30 years, so he definitely knows a thing or two about sorting through the facts and fiction tied to claims. “It was Sarah Beaulieu’s report that was considered to be somehow evidence of the existence of these graves, and in actual fact it was nothing of the sort," he says. Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. ►https://www.RebelNews.com for more great content. We rely on our generous audience to help keep us reporting, so please consider supporting us through one of the following: ►Donating to help fund our independent journalism - https://rebelne.ws/donation ►Signing up for our free emails and newsletters - https://rebelne.ws/emails ►Becoming a Premium Content subscriber - https://rebelne.ws/plus ►Buying Rebel gear - https://rebelne.ws/store ►LISTEN to our FREE podcast - https://rebelne.ws/podcast Make sure to follow Rebel News on social media too! FACEBOOK - https://rebelne.ws/fbook TWITTER - https://rebelne.ws/twitter INSTAGRAM - https://rebelne.ws/Instagram3.69K views 57 comments