playlist thumnail

By The Numbers

5 videos
Updated 21 days ago
Welcome to "By The Numbers"! This Video Playlist features my non-voice over versions of Video Games in conjunction with "The Atlas Initiative" (my Voice Over Video Game Reviews) and containing all play statistics up to the date of the video being published. The videos will be numbered in the same fashion as videos from "The Atlas Initiative"; with one exception, the "By The Numbers" videos will have designations for each specific version (see below). VIDEO LETTER DESIGNATIONS: A - JP Version B - NA Version C - EU Version D - PAL Version E - Other Version (or Specific Localization) H - Hacked Version or Homebrew Version
  1. By The Numbers [S1E5B]: "Battle Shark" (Arcade - 1990) [NA Version]
  2. By The Numbers [S1E4B]: "Space Invaders" (Arcade - 1978) [NA Version]
  3. By The Numbers [S1E3B]: "Phoenix" (Arcade - 1981) [NA Version]
  4. By The Numbers [S1E2B]: "Moon Patrol" (Arcade - 1982) [NA Version]
  5. By The Numbers [S1E1B]: "Scramble" (Arcade - 1981) [NA Version]