Unacknowledged. documentary
Phenomena TV"Unacknowledged" focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced-and why. The best evidence for extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, is presented with direct top-secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage, 80% of which has never been revealed anywhere else. The behind-the-scenes research and high-level meetings convened by Dr. Steven Greer will expose the degree of illegal, covert operations at the core of UFO secrecy. From briefings with the CIA Director, top Pentagon Generals and Admirals, to the briefing of President Obama via senior advisor John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton Campaign, we take the viewer behind the veil of secrecy and into the corridors of real power where the UFO secrets reside. The viewer will learn that a silent coup d'état has occurred dating back to the 1950s and that the Congress, the President and other world leaders have been sidelined by criminal elements within the military-industrial-financial complex.15 views -
Police State: There is Nowhere to Hide. They Have Their Lists. Are You Next? (Full Documentary)
MedeeaGreerePolice State: There is Nowhere to Hide. They Have Their Lists. Are You Next? (Full Documentary) America is on the brink of total tyranny! Police State reveals the terrifying truth: censorship, political persecution, and mass surveillance are here. The government is watching, and no one is safe. Will you be their next target? Find out before it’s too late! The American Police State: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide America, the land of the free, is being hijacked. The home of the brave? It’s morphing into the playground of cowards who hide behind surveillance cameras and draconian laws. Police State doesn’t just suggest that the U.S. is becoming a totalitarian state—it screams it. The question is no longer “Are we becoming a police state?” It’s “How much longer will it take before every one of us is put on a list, silenced, and shackled?” Read more here: https://amg-news.com/police-state-there-is-nowhere-to-hide-they-have-their-lists-are-you-next-full-documentary/ RELATED: „Main Core” – A CIA Database of 8 Million Who Will Be Rounded Up When Martial Law Is Imposed – From the Reagan Administration to the Present as Part of a Broader Continuity of Government (COG) Program - https://amg-news.com/main-core-a-cia-database-of-8-million-who-will-be-rounded-up-when-martial-law-is-imposed-2/ SEE ALSO: WARNING: AGENDA 2030 AND The New World Order Plan: Say Goodbye to the 50 States, Get Ready for FEMA Regions for the North American Union – One World Government - https://amg-news.com/warning-agenda-2030-and-the-new-world-order-plan-say-goodbye-to-the-50-states-get-ready-for-fema-regions-for-the-north-american-union-one-world-government/ Join Us: https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 View More News Here: https://amg-news.com63.1K views 61 comments -
5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event Documentary
Truthseekers175G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event Documentary A full-length documentary exposing the 5G threat to humanity. Weapons development experts, biologists, molecular and cellular biologists, activists, as well as leaders are desperately trying to bring to light the dangers of 5G technology. Please SHARE with friends, family, and groups511 views -
☢️ Five G (2019) ▪️ Hibbeler Productions ▪️ 5G Radiation Documentary ▪️ 22-mins
Follow The White Rabbit™ 🐇▪️ If you think Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, & 4G cell phone towers are harmful, meet the new 5G. Keep in mind that human beings are made up of electromagnetic fields. All animal life is. Plant life, too. Human EMFs are compatible with those of nature. They are not compatible with the EMFs sent out by scientifically created technology. One of the problems with 5G is it can literally change human DNA, cause multiple cancers, plus hundreds more biological effects. #5G ✅ Follow my Rumble Channel here: https://rumble.com/c/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit ✅ Also, find our beefy Awakening Documentary List here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/44250 🚨Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/24504 🔺🔺🔺**MUST WATCH & SHARE ‼️ ✔️ 🔥⬛️🔵🇺🇸 ▪️💡🇺🇸☑️🔲👹 👀😵‼️❓❗️🔥 👀✔️3.86K views -
Frankenskies GeoEngineering Chemtrails Weather Modification HAARP Cloud Seeding
Awakening World - Truth & Secrets RevealedFrankenskies GeoEngineering, Chemtrails, Weather Modification, HAARP, Cloud Seeding, Man Made Climate Change Global Warming SCAM. Please Like, Share and Subscribe! It's Time For Everyone To Wake Up! 👉 BREAKING Awakening Secrets You Need To Know ASAP! Click Here: https://greatawakening.io 👉 Real Great Awakening Daily News! Join Our Telegram Here: https://t.me/greatawakeningworld 👉 Stay Safe, Secure & Anonymous Online. Get Your FREE VPN Here: https://greatawakening.world/vpn Source: https://frankenskies.com/ geoengineering , chemtrails , haarp , wakeup , weather modification , agenda , earth , nwo , weather manipulation, cloud seeding , lookup , truthseeker , truth , newworldorder , research , wedonotconsent , weatherwarfare , geoengineeredsky , chemtrail spraying , lies , geoengineering watch , nasa , depopulation , project bluebeam , sky , climate change , awake qanon, wwg, trump, wga, maga, thegreatawakening, q, kag, pizzagate, draintheswamp, darktolight, obamagate, covid, donaldtrump, deepstate, conservative, savethechildren, pedogate, fakenews, qarmy, truth, usa, makeamericagreatagain, redpill, adrenochrome, pedowood, republican, wakeup, epstein, america vaccine, covid, coronavirus, vaccination, health, pandemic, corona, lockdown, trump, vaccines, news, pfizer, medicine, virus, science, india, freedom, healthcare, memes, covidvacccine, moderna, billgates, truth29.5K views 51 comments -
Grid Down, Power UP - Full HD
Exposing the truthDennis Quaid hosts an alarming look into the potential of life without power. A dynamic legion of energy, economic, national security, and infrastructure experts fearlessly expose our most critical global threat: the vulnerability of our nation’s power grids. Together they inform the public of imminent threats and the infinite horrors in store from prolonged power loss. Buckle down and power up with this series of shocking scenarios.1.59K views 3 comments -
Dark Journalist The Banned Jim Marrs Interview on 9/11!
Dark JournalistDARK JOURNALIST: THE BANNED JIM MARRS INTERVIEW ON 9/11 FROM 2016! EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW REVEALED PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN FACTS THE EXPLOSIVE VIDEO THAT WAS BANNED ACROSS MULTIPLE PLATFORMS! The late Jim Marrs was a best-selling author and widely respected journalist who investigated many official cover-ups and the covert aspects of the modern political world. In the many conversations he had with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt he revealed his frustration with his publishers resistance to him giving out the full facts of the 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Centers Twin Towers and Pentagon. They decided to do a Breakthrough Episode that would include all fo the Controversial Information and missing pieces to the official story of the 9/11 event including the use of the Doomsday Plane in NYC and Washington D.C., and the Continuity of Government (COG) plans that were invoked. Here in its entirety from 2016 is the Dark Journalist Interview with Jim Marrs that was Banned on Multiple Platforms and has been restored here from the Archives. NOTICE: ****DO NOT COPY OR RE-UPLOAD THIS VIDEO**** For More Videos https://www.Youtube.com/DarkJournalist https://DarkJournalist.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkJournalist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DarkJournalist Join Us On Telegram (New) https://t.me/realdarkjournalist SUPPORT DARK JOURNALIST NOW! We are 100 Percent Independent and Supported by Viewers like YOU! You can make sure this important work continues by subscribing to Dark Journalist here: https://darkjournalist.com/s-subscribe.php SPECIAL DARK JOURNALIST X-PROTECT UFO ASSASSINS DOCUMENTARY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S8G_mep6ME51.5K views 274 comments -
DDiggyEL777Gary Busey’s Malibu Beach House: The Meaning of LIFE with Alex Jones (2003)28 views -
THE OBAMA DECEPTION - The Mask Comes Off (full movie, mirrored)
The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekersTHE OBAMA DECEPTION - The Mask Comes Off (full movie, mirrored) This channel exists to provide occulted (hidden) truth and documentation for the sleepers still waking up and for those Left Behind after the rapture. Once that occurs, all hell breaks loose on earth and the seven year Tribulation begins as prophecied in the Bible, and the fact that all evidence exists proving that earth is coming to the final cataclysm (kali yuga). Most of the videos on this channel are mirrored, and if possible, the source URL is provided. My work is at https://EatingToAscend.com, and you can sign up for new post updates on the Blog page at https://EatingToAscend.com/blog. and Patreon at https://patreon.com/TheAscensionDiet https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/06/09/your-choice-if-left-behind/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/08/04/you-dont-have-to-be-left-behind/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/08/05/hot-cookie/ I PROVIDE CUSTOM DETOX AND SYSTEM CLEANSE PHONE CONSULTATIONS: To schedule a one hour consultation with me, please deposit $200.00 into PayPal using Friends and Family option along with your email address, and I’ll contact you by email to set up an appointment. My Paypal email address for payments and donations is eatingtoascend@protonmail.com https://eatingtoascend.com/2019/12/06/you-need-the-ascension-diet-ropeworm-protocol-now/ SINNERS PRAYER - YOU NEED SALVATION THROUGH JESUS CHRIST Pray this prayer of Repentance & Salvation, and ask Christ Jesus to come into your life and Save you from Sin and the Wrath of God. Father God, in the name of Jesus, Thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who died on The cross because of my sins and the sins of this world. I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, The Holy God in the form of a man, lived, was crucified, hung on a cross, died and was buried, rose up on the 3rd day and that same Jesus Christ was God in the flesh. I believe that Jesus Christ did all this for ME, and I accept Jesus Christ as MY Lord and Savior. I am confessing with MY own mouth and I do believe in MY own heart that He truly is God. I confess MY sins to you and you alone and I am asking for forgiveness. Come into my Life, to be my God, and Savior. Write my name in the book of life. And help me to serve you, and help me to live a righteous life before you. Thank you. Amen. Truly this is a Holy War. Early recruits and experimentees (I am one, as many other high VMAT2 and SLC-18 gene humans are) have been used as lab rat guinea pig test subjects without informed consent. NEVER take the genetic alteration injections, pills or altered foods, drugs and products which of course includes testing swabs, kits and masks. Don't allow any penetration of your skin or body orifices at all. THE MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX EXISTS TO FORCE TRANSHUMANISM AND END THE HUMAN RACE WHOSE DNA SAYS Y H V H - the name of JEHOVAH, our creator. STAY HUMAN, WHICH IS LEFT BEHIND WILL MEAN BEING BEHEADED FOR IT. The geoengineering is to hide the holy war above. The fly and spray directly through ANGEL CLOUDS - the HEAVENLY HOSTS. IT IS BIBLICAL. History is HIS STORY and the bible is prophecy. Beware wolves in sheep's clothing. The church and religion complex, under the Lucifer group Freemasons, the hidden hand, have forced all denominations to hide the Rapture, which is the removal of ready and waiting true believers in Jesus Christ. We are his BRIDE and the Holy Spirit is in us collectively. This is referred to in the bible as "The Restrainer". The Antichrist is waiting in the wings (so to speak) for Rapture - Paul calls this OUR BLESSED HOPE - to be removed so that the man of sin and lawlessness can be revealed. Literally ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE ON EARTH WHEN RAPTURE OCCURS. All of the stories and parables in the bible, reinforced by the gematria, are typologies of this! The enemy has dumbed down and decieved nearly all who call themselves (identify as lol) 'Christians', who are ignirant of the imminent rapture.THEN the tribulation will begin, for seven years. THEN in that period the earth and mankind will suffer all predicted in the bible and every word of the Book of Revelations be fulfilled. Know Jesus, who IS GOD, personally. HE IS THE LIGHT, THE DOOR, THE WAY. Pray for the lost new agers and those who think they can have their own truth. Unplug from digital. Do not use smart devices or apps. Do not use videoconferencing or livestreaming. Detox from parasites, molds, yeasts, dead animals and fish, stop eating PORK, which is a hybrid of wild boars and humans! Detox toxins, remove the nanotechnology! The nanotechnology contains graphene oxide, which is activated by ELF - extra low frequency waves - WIFI - to form demons in the human body. ALL OF THIS IS FACT. Why the Most High GOD told humans not to eat pigs: https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/12/27/testify-this/ Jesus taught his disciples and follows how to cleanse from what he called 'devils': the human ropeworm and other parasites within. Rome and the Catholic Church hid this truth from humanity but it was revealed when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found - and THEN the original Essene Gospel was found hidden in the Vatican's library, 100% proof of the scheme to prevent humans from knowing how to detox from the ropeworm, and other parasites! https://eatingtoascend.com/essene-gospels-of-peace/ I have written two books to help humans to save their souls at risk from the pharmakeia of multi-vector toxin pollution. PLEASE READ THEM AND FOLLOW THE PROTOCOLS AND METHODS I HAVE PROVIDED. My Amazon author page https://www.amazon.com/Laura-Rohrer-Little-Brooks/e/B096LG6H8L THE ROPEWORM PROTOCOL BIBLE HUMAN ASCENSION MANUAL available on Kindle, Amazon paperback and Lulu (non-Amazon) paperback: https://amzn.to/3pXHX0g - Amazon Kindle https://amzn.to/3t5lPTq - Amazon Paperback Lulu Paperback https://tinyurl.com/ropeworm Additional ropeworm as well as natural and synthetic parasite removal instructions are in the 783 page THE ASCENSION DIET EATING TO ASCEND - Alkaline Diet and Optimal Health in an EMF Nano Toxic World is as close to William "Bill" Cooper's BEHOLD A PALE HORSE one can get, and is available at: https://amzn.to/3KEq8em (Paperback) https://amzn.to/3MIaf8N (Kindle) For even more truth - ALL DISEASE IS PARASITES (website in progress) IS WHAT I HAVE REVEALED SINCE 2018, THE FIRST TO DECLARE WITH PROOF AND DETAILED DEWORMING PROTOCOLS - visit https://eatingtoascend.com and sign up for Wordpress blogpost updates at https://eatingtoascend.com/blog They have used us as batteries for thousands of years https://eatingtoascend.com/2021/05/27/magnetics-and-morgellons/ JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIE THE MATRIX, people will be used as battery power source and antennas to power the 6G Internet of Bodies (IoB). The Probiotic Cabbage Juice Protocol is the most effective way to remove the heavy metals and nanotechnology, molds, yeasts, accumulated chemical toxins, organic and synthetic biology GMO parasites and patented superbug biofilms. THE MANDATED 'VACCINATIONS' ARE THE COVID HORSE FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM AND TRANSHUMANISM BY THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT MILITARY MEDICAL COMPLEX, THE mRNA OF LUCIFER AND MISCEGANATED DNA MANIPULATION. https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/07/25/delivery-from-gain-of-function-is-up-to-you/ BELIEVERS HAVE THE GOD PARTICLE WAITING TO BE SWITCHED ON AT THE RAPTURE https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/10/31/the-science-of-our-rapture/ THE SHROUD OF TURIN WAS STUDIED BY NASA ASTROPHYSICISTS BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO TRY TO REVERSE-ENGINEER THE GOD GENE - BUT CAN'T! https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/11/18/christs-cme-yesterday-today-and-tomorrow/ IRREFUTABLE TESTIMONIES AND SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCES OF JESUS AND HIS RESURRECTION - AND YOURS, IF YOU BELIEVE! https://eatingtoascend.com/2021/11/09/mercy-proof-for-those-who-need-it-ten-historical-scientific-evidences-of-jesus/ THE GREAT RESET IS ACTUALLY THEIR GREAT RAPTURE COVER-UP ATTEMPT! https://eatingtoascend.com/the-great-reset-rapture-cover-up/ Ultimately, The Great Reset is the Rapture cover-up. Like a coiled snake, the rulers of this world are ready to strike with the blockchain digital currency and every other scheme planned and like dominoes, set up. They cannot do it until the restrainer is removed, and that's God's people who believe in Jesus Christ. That is about to happen soon, as the solar weather and earth changes indicate. All prophecy is being fulfilled: always has, always will. These entities - Gates, Schwab, Musk, Rothschild, Soros, Bezos (whose grandfather founded Monsanto) aren't even people. Demons in human suits. They have always miscegenated earth's peoples. They know they lost already. They trap souls through fear, and the Devil is a sore loser. https://eatingtoascend.com/the-great-reset-rapture-cover-up THEY ARE LITERALLY FIGHTING ANGELIC FORCES WITH THE CHEMTRAILS - PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE (I have been documenting this since 2010) https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/08/13/angel-of-the-lord-and-wormwood-photographs/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/07/07/holy-war-sky-documentation-july-7-2022/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2021/09/26/they-are-terrified/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/08/12/the-terrified-terraformers-vs-the-winged-disk/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2020/10/14/images-of-the-nibiru-system-october-14-2020/ WORTH YOUR TIME: MAX SPIERS AT THE 2016 SUPER SOLDIER CONFERENCE, where he discloses the background research and agendas which led up to the genetic alteration Covid-19 Trojan horse program in place now. https://rumble.com/v1symka-max-spiers-speaking-at-the-2016-super-soldier-summit.html THEY ARE LITERALLY FIGHTING ANGELIC FORCES WITH THE CHEMTRAILS - PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE (I have been documenting this since 2010) https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/08/13/angel-of-the-lord-and-wormwood-photographs/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/07/07/holy-war-sky-documentation-july-7-2022/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2021/09/26/they-are-terrified/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2022/08/12/the-terrified-terraformers-vs-the-winged-disk/ https://eatingtoascend.com/2020/10/14/images-of-the-nibiru-system-october-14-2020/ For even more truth - ALL DISEASE IS PARASITES IS WHAT I HAVE REVEALED SINCE 2018, THE FIRST TO DECLARE WITH PROOF AND PROTOCOLS - visit https://eatingtoascend.com And YES, mankind is GASLIT by Narcissistic PSYCHOPATHS: narcissism is excellent at masking itself as empathy for spiritual (ideologically driven) people serving God, Jesus Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit. TAGS: Shroud of Turin,burial shroud,CME,coronal mass ejection,Jesus Christ,Yeshua Ha'Mashiach,Messiah,resurrection,STURP,Barrie Schwartz,evidence,holographic,rose from the dead,true history,conspiracy,savior,harpazo,rapture,catch away,snatch up,translate,end times,prophecy,tribulation,pre-tribulation,antichrist,Jesus Christ,Yeshua Ha'Mashiach,left behind,apocalypse,martyr,persecution,Revelation,mark of the beast,Singularity,Hebrew,Jewish,Christian,Believer,Essene,The Way,Sons of Light,The Good Religion,Holy Land,Mesopotamia,Sumeria,Egypt,world,fallen angels,aliens,Yeshua Ha'Mashiach,Yeshua,Jesus,Christ,Messiah,Pilate,Caesar,crucifixion,resurrecion,Pontius Pilate,rose from the dead,apocrypha,evidence,report,Rome,Roman,true history,apocrypha,Archko Volume,Dead Sea Scrolls,sacred texts,NagHammadi,scripture,Kumran,Antarctica,Admiral Byrd,Operation High Jump,Nazi,Vril,reptilian race,aliens are demons,Flat Earth,US Navy,genetic alteration,transhumanism,vaccines,mRNA,alphabet agencies,Holy War,ropeworm,detox,gain of function,parasites,health,protocol,nanotechnology,nephilim,Andreas Noack was murdered,cancel culture,Covid is a Trojan Horse,angels,Holy War,sky,documentation,sightings,raw video,evidence,angels,rapture,geoengineering,chemtrails,weather warfare,climate change is a lie,The Great Reset Rapture Cover-up,miscegenation,Catholic Church,Babylon,hidden history,alkaline diet,DNA rescue mission,Derek Prince,Chuck Missler,out of shadows,illuminati,red pill,the matrix,rabbit hole,wake up,true world history,Soldiers for Christ,S4C,Pastor Sandy Armstrong,Pre-tribulation Rapture,Spiritual Babylon,Walt Disney, NASA, space, flat earth, dome, firmament, deceived, Freemasons,David Icke, Arizona Wilder, reptilian, Black Nobility, Luciferian, Satanic, human trafficking, Ba'al, blood sacrifice, child sacrifice, Molech, Frazzledrip, Illuminati, sex cult, adrenochrome, organ harvesting,alien,demon,reptilian,fallen angel,Hollywood,Alec Baldwin,HULU,commercial,V,frequency,432 Hz,sound healing,cell regeneration,cymatics,Solfeggio,Mesopotamia,cuneiform,heiroglyph,accounting data,Luciferian,nanotechnology,nanobots,graphene oxide,AI,DI,programmable matter, quantum computer,agenda,Luciferian,End Times,Paradise fires,Agenda 21,Agenda 30,WEF,NWO,geoengineering,satellite,wearables,WiFi,5G,6G,slaughterbots,Morgellons,transhumanism,quantum dot,PARADISE LOST 51,burning embers,alphabet agency, elite, illuminati, demons, nephilim, fallen angel, Satan, FBI, Lucifer, fallen world, prison planet, aliens, soul trap, Holy War,filmmaker, Stanley Kubrick, NASA, moon landing, propaganda, fraud, there is no space, flat earth, testimonial, deathbed confession6.72K views 7 comments -
The Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga - Official Trailer
SRGFXMovieTrailersThe Kings of Tupelo: A Southern Crime Saga - Official Trailer Streaming Only On Netflix 2025 |© 2025 Netflix Genre: Documentary | Crime In this bizarre true-crime tale, an Elvis impersonator's conspiracy theory sets off a feud that spirals into an attempted presidential assassination. #OfficialTrailer #Trailer #TheKingsOfTupeloASouthernCrimeSaga #Season1 #TVMiniSeries #TVSeries #Netflix #SRGFXMovieTrailers80 views