Journey to TruthTune in as we are joined by Patrick Riley & Jayse to discuss the connection between crypto, suppressed technology & Secret Space Programs. What role is blockchain going to play in the release of free energy systems. How will Space Force and the aerospace industry utilize crypto as a truly UNIVERSAL currency? 🔥TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR REBELS OF DISCLOSURE 2025 - GET YOUR TICKET TODAY! https://www.journeytotruth.online/ 🔥Aaron's new book!👇 https://www.amazon.com/Waking-Infinite-Universe-Extraterrestrials-Spirituality/dp/B0D2LH8T4F EVERYTHING JOURNEY TO TRUTH HAS TO OFFER IS NOW UNDER ONE ROOF! CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!: https://www.journeytotruth.online/ PATREON: Subscribe to our Patreon for Webinars and Bonus Content: https://www.patreon.com/j2tpodcast HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH10' gets you 10% off all cbd products! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE -- https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 OMNIA RADIATION BALANCER: To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=QX6V8YRVJAY74&no_recurring=0&item_name=Journey+to+Truth+Podcast¤cy_code=USD Thank you 🙏 MERLINS LAB ORGONE PYRAMIDS & COLLOIDAL SILVER - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth SHIRTS & MERCH: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! https://teespring.com/stores/journey-to-truth-podcast13.1K views 23 comments -
EP 344 | LIVE w/ JAYSE | XRP ON FIRE - The Future Of Crypto
Journey to Truth🔥TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR REBELS OF DISCLOSURE 2025 - GET YOUR TICKET TODAY! https://www.journeytotruth.online/ MATRIX REHAB TOUR: Opening The Green Door. GET YOUR TICKET HERE: In person pass - https://www.adonnaofsol.us/events Livestream Pass - https://journeytotruth.ticketspice.com/matrix-rehab-tour-opening-the-green-door _______________________________________________ 🔥Aaron's new book!👇 https://www.amazon.com/Waking-Infinite-Universe-Extraterrestrials-Spirituality/dp/B0D2LH8T4F EVERYTHING JOURNEY TO TRUTH HAS TO OFFER IS NOW UNDER ONE ROOF! CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!: https://www.journeytotruth.online/ PATREON: Subscribe to our Patreon for Webinars and Bonus Content: https://www.patreon.com/j2tpodcast HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH10' gets you 10% off all cbd products! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE -- https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 OMNIA RADIATION BALANCER: To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=QX6V8YRVJAY74&no_recurring=0&item_name=Journey+to+Truth+Podcast¤cy_code=USD Thank you 🙏 MERLINS LAB ORGONE PYRAMIDS & COLLOIDAL SILVER - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth SHIRTS & MERCH: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! https://teespring.com/stores/journey-to-truth-podcast Jayse: https://calendly.com/cryptowithjayse/30-minute-strategy-call https://beacons.ai/consciouscrypto https://www.instagram.com/cosmic0rigins/ https://x.com/Cosmic0rigins17.1K views 56 comments -
Journey to TruthIlluminati In The Music Industry 🎶 As we speak the music/entertainment industry Is being flipped on its head and it’s dark secrets are being exposed daily. Artist after artist are coming forward blowing the whistle on things that many involved never believed would see the light of day. Join us as we dive deep into the origins the Illuminati infiltration into the industry and shine a light on their s@tanic agenda, black magic rituals, mind control manipulation, cloning, Reptilian puppet masters and their presence in the astral realm where the real dirty work is done. 🔥Aaron's new book!👇 https://www.amazon.com/Waking-Infinite-Universe-Extraterrestrials-Spirituality/dp/B0D2LH8T4F REBELS OF DISCLOSURE CONFERENCE REPLAY: May 13-16, 2024 Grafton Illinois 🔥 Get your ticket today!🔥 https://www.rebelsofdisclosure.com/ EVERYTHING JOURNEY TO TRUTH HAS TO OFFER IS NOW UNDER ONE ROOF! CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE!: https://www.journeytotruth.online/ WATCH OUR DOCUMENTARY HERE! 'Cahokia Mounds: The Untold Story' https://www.cahokiauntold.com PATREON: Subscribe to our Patreon for Webinars and Bonus Content: https://www.patreon.com/j2tpodcast HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JTT420' gets you 20% off all CBD products through 4/30! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE -- https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 OMNIA RADIATION BALANCER: To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=QX6V8YRVJAY74&no_recurring=0&item_name=Journey+to+Truth+Podcast¤cy_code=USD Thank you 🙏 MERLINS LAB ORGONE PYRAMIDS & COLLOIDAL SILVER - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth24.7K views 73 comments -
Q WEBINAR | PART 1 - What/Who is Q? Understanding The Operation
Journey to TruthPART 2: https://rumble.com/v4l8e8r-q-webinar-part-2-time-travel-project-looking-glass-and-the-et-connection.html For those who haven't had time to sit through the over 4 hour Q webinar! First of all, we don't blame you 😜. We've decided to break it up into two digestible segments editing out all of the dead space, addressing tech issues, making audio adjustments etc. A more seamless final product that we hope you all enjoy. Part 2 will be coming soon! In part one we cover the Deepstate plan, why the Q operation was even needed, what the operation was/is, who the key players are and so much more! Is there extraterrestrial cooperation? Is Time travel involved? Tune in and find out what we've uncovered in our research!33.2K views 185 comments -
EP 290 - Tom Paladino: Scalar Light Technology - Tesla Quantum Healing
Journey to TruthREBELS OF DISCLOSURE CONFERENCE: May 13-16, 2024 Grafton Illinois 🔥 Get your ticket today!🔥 https://www.rebelsofdisclosure.com/ WATCH OUR DOCUMENTARY HERE! 'Cahokia Mounds: The Untold Story' https://www.cahokiauntold.com PATREON: Subscribe to our Patreon for Webinars and Bonus Content: https://www.patreon.com/j2tpodcast HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH10' gets you 10% off all cbd products! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE -- https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 OMNIA RADIATION BALANCER: To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth OUR WEBSITE: https://www.journeytotruth.online/ DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=QX6V8YRVJAY74&no_recurring=0&item_name=Journey+to+Truth+Podcast¤cy_code=USD Thank you 🙏 MERLINS LAB ORGONE PYRAMIDS & COLLOIDAL SILVER - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth SHIRTS & MERCH: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! https://teespring.com/stores/journey-to-truth-podcast Tom Paladino: Tom began researching Scalar Light during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the Father of Scalar Light research and development, Nikola Tesla. Thereafter, beginning in 1993, Tom was able to study the research notes as well as operate Scalar Light instruments developed by another Scalar Light expert, Galen Hieronymus. Tom attributes much of his success today to these two, brilliant Scalar Light pioneers: Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus. There are two (2) energies in the universe: Scalar Energy and electromagnetic energy. Scalar Energy is divine energy and the Sun or our solar system as well as the stars serve as the "storehouses," for this divine light. The laws that govern Scalar Energy are distinct from the laws that govern electromagnetic energy. Website: https://www.scalarlight.com/about-tom-paladino15.2K views 43 comments