14 videos
Updated 3 months ago
A Goy Guide to World History - E. Michael Jones
National Socialist Black MetalJewish lies and subversion and their fictional history they taught us.626 views 1 comment -
Schwarze Sonne - Mythologische Hintergründe des Nationalsozialismus (English Subtitles)
National Socialist Black MetalBlack Sun - The Mythological Origin of National Socialism I made the subtitles myself I couldn't find a version in English anywhere. There used to be one someone else made on archive.org but it was removed for some reason.94 views 2 comments -
The Holocaust - A Very accurate documentary on the tragedy with the most evidence ever
National Socialist Black MetalThis is based on testimony of survivors who remember everything that happened when they were 2 years old. I can't believe the nazi's made drum skin heads with jewish skin. Then they could beat jews while marching down the street. How evil!112 views 1 comment -
How White People Were Created By Dr Yukub - Speech By Nation of Islam Elijah Muhammad
National Socialist Black MetalIn nig nog mythology we are the perfect creation made from blacks into browns into reds into asians and finally the white man bred for 200 years from the best asians. LOL. I love how they think 200 years of breeding could cause such changes. The scary thing is like 90% of rappers and ghetto blacks believe this shit. "The White Man does not want to mix. He does not want to mix! Only the boot-licking so called ‘Negro’ comes to another race begging to ‘mix’!" -- Elijah Muhammed136 views -
Tuntematon Sotilas "The Unknown Soldier" (2017) (Movie) (English Subs)
National Socialist Black MetalMovie based on a book of the same name that's really popular in Finland about the part of WW2 "The Continuation War" in 1941 with Finland and Germany against the Soviet Union in the part of Finland, SE Karelia, that the Soviets stole in 1939 during the "Winter War". I put english subtitles I'm trying to teach myself Finnish so it was a good practice. I had to use online translators, mostly Yandex translator in a bunch of parts but its all understandable... A movie about a part of WW2 rarely shown and no jews involved in the making or mentioned during the film. It was made by some Finnish independent filmmakers and has all Finnish and Russian actors. Most of the movie industry in Finland is liberal (not as bad as USA because its not all jews) so of course they have to pretend like Finns all hate Germans despite Germany helping Finland try to retake the territory it had lost 2 years prior.108 views -
The Evil Scientist Who Created White People (Longer/More Detailed But With Annoying Mutt Narrator)
National Socialist Black Metalremember all the niggers who say we came from caves are referencing this shit. nevermind the caves in france have art and techniques not found anywhere else for thousands of years. i wish i could find the interview with tom metzger when he tried to reach out to farrakhan and other black nationalists to try to make peace and possibly work together. metzger had 4 people with him and farrakhan was acting scared the whole time when he came near. metzger said he was an obvious shill and faggot. WE HAVE TRICKNOLOGY! NO ONE CAN STOP US154 views -
(Audiobook) The Myth of the Twentieth Century by Alfred Rosenberg
National Socialist Black Metalthis is mandatory to read or listen to at least once by every european but especially national socialists. hitler said rosenberg was the biggest influence on his thoughts when creating national socialism and he was in charge of foreign policy for the entire existence of third reich. IMO Hitler made a mistake by not following Rosenbergs plan to redistribute large parts of the land in Ukraine back to the peasants there. When Germans first arrived Ukrainians gave flowers and gifts to the German soldiers. It could have caused widespread sabotage and revolt against the Soviets if they saw the soviet propaganda about the germans wasn't true. Russia is huge there would have been no shortage of land for Germans, Ukrainians and Russians if the Soviets were defeated. Hitler was influenced by the anglo bullshit that Ukrainians were subhuman mongol asiatics. Ukrainian history wasn't as well known back then and Soviets suppressed it. Kiev was founded by Aryan Vikings from Scandinavia. Looking at all the blonde haired tall blue eyed ukrainians would have shown him otherwise but they didn't get the chance. there are subhuman asiatics in russia but they are in the eastern northern and southern parts, western russia is all the same people as ukrainians. soviets prob. threw those in the front lines so thats who germans saw.90 views -
Jews and Commies trying to get national socialist girls banned from Tiktok
National Socialist Black MetalI made these damn subtitles for you guys who don't speak German.... Head to Tiktok to make white babies.30 views -
Pagan and Völkisch Art by Fidus (Music: Burzum - To Hel and Back again)
National Socialist Black MetalFidus was the pseudonym used by German painter and illustrator Hugo Reinhold Karl Johann Höppener (October 8, 1868 – February 23, 1948). He was an influential figure in the revival of Germanic culture in 1930s Germany. American hippie psychedelic artists ripped off his style but added jew peace and love politics to the mix along with CIA drugs. Fidus’s work was heavily inspired by the writings of Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Heinrich and Julius Hart and the Wandervogel and Garden City movements. His work contains Nietzschean, Völkisch, eugenicist, and Teutonic Pagan influences. Music: Burzum - To Hel and Back again off The Ways of Yore album.115 views