Should I Rescind My Contracts With State Drivers License Social Security Karl Lentz
Freedom UnchainedAs a Free Man, State National, Sovereign Bring... "You mean (wo)man because god only makes me and women are one with man so that is that and only (wo)man is your foundation for all other persons. Man is superior over all." So... As a (wo)men ... Should one rescind all contracts with the Government and State? Karl Lentz gives his opinion of common law and it's a good one. This is the Freedom Unchained Channel! We are living in a time where the Truth can't be Stopped! This Channel hopes to shine light on that Truth about Law, Government Lies and Corruption, Correct Meaning of Words, and Hope one should me a (wo)man. Contact Me- 331-330-9911 Please Text to set up a conversation. Conversation for Directions Only - Not a Legal or Council for court EMAIL Me! foundationfreedom@protonmail.com Follow Me (Freedom Unchained) on the other platforms! Twitter - https://twitter.com/GarrettJGrubbs Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GarrettJGrubbs MeWe Presonal - https://mewe.com/i/garrettgrubbs1 MeWe Group - https://mewe.com/join/freedomunchainedcommunity Rumble - https://rumble.com/register/GarrettJGrubbs/ Odysee - https://odysee.com/@FreedomUnchained Flote - https://flote.app/user/GarrettJGrubbs How to Win in Court Every Time! Understand How Courts Work and What Due Process is. (This course teaches Legal Process not common law process) www.howtowinincourt.com?refercode=GG0029 Join Presearch- https://www.presearch.org/signup?rid=452831 Read and Listen to Unlimited Audio with Scribd Free 60 Days of Unlimited Audiobooks, Books, Common Law Documents and More Of the Best Writings of Freedom and Truth. https://www.scribd.com/ga/47psce Help Support These Demonetized Videos and Channel- Donate Paypal https://paypal.me/freedomunchained Auditors and Freedom Fighters MUST auto-backup their channel with LBRY https://lbry.tv/$/invite/Agm1cEprBhMa6Po6dAxuAxYGJcDrxizu Join Coinbase- https://www.coinbase.com/join/grubbs_2r Buy $100 in Crypto and Get $10 in BTC Donation Crypto BTC- bc1qw79huk7hcj2350zakjjk8ke6kux7n076xzgckz LTC- LPXMmbT633urK3Cd7scRLikTvq5wQVTXYV ETH- 0x60db1EE71b442b2bbF0158aC4304683591278426 DASH- Xgpt8fCbooAvo9V4uSKXeEzgz9Zck4VY36 Join Me on UHive with this Link and Earn Tokens and 25% discount within the story https://www.uhive.com/invite?c=JAW4AT UHive- Freedom Unchained Join TradingView- https://www.tradingview.com/gopro/?share_your_love=GarrettGrubbs268 views -
Political Prisoner Ed Brown - Request for Assistance to Public
LoneStar1776July 14th, 2021 Political Prisoner Ed Brown - Request for Assistance to Public Request for Assistance to EVERYONE from Innocent Political Prisoner Ed Brown, Political Prisoner Ed Brown is in need of information on how to revoke/rescind/terminate his social security number. If you have information on this topic, please mail Ed a letter at his prison mailing address. Ed has been unjustly incarcerated for nearly 14 years now. Edward Brown #03923-049 FCI Gilmer FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION P.O. BOX 6000 GLENVILLE, WV 26351 If you prefer to send the information to Rudy Davis, send it to ruddavis@yahoo.com and we can forward along the information to Ed Brown. Thank you for your attention to this matter. www.YearOfJubile.com/edelaine M:\backup\EdBrown\SS#126 views -
Firearm Flex - Rights Explained
DisclosurehubFind more at Secret Civics.com10.1K views 12 comments -
Right To Travel: Driver VS Traveler
YYeshuasPatriotsFollow me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/deron340 Share and follow, please.67 views 3 comments -
$500 First Class on Amtrak's 28 Hour Texas to Chicago Route 🇺🇸
World NomacGrab your accessories now and get an exclusive 10% discount with code 'Nomac10' at checkout @TORRASOfficial Click the link to redeem: https://bit.ly/3TdQL0N I am taking the Amtrak First Class train from Austin, Texas to Chicago, Illinois and I will be sharing with you what it is like to go on a 28 hour journey across the country. 🌍🌏Follow me here: ➖Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/worldnomac ➖Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Worldnomac/ ➖Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@worldnomac? ➖Website: https://www.worldnomac.com/ 📧 Email me contact@worldnomac.com (business inquiries only) Helpful links: My Clothing Brand - Perception Apparel: https://www.worldperception.store/NomacYT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📃Some links contain affiliate links which may result in a small commission for World Nomac LLC. Using these links do not increase the price of the products or services and the small commission made from these links help bring you more content from around the world. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬119K views 179 comments -
Driver vs Traveler
eedgeorge44The difference between a driver and a traveler definitions of Motor Vehicle corporate case law on definitions how to obtain your manufacturer certificate of origin or manufacturer statement of origin and much more159 views