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Sherlock Holmes (Radio)

70 videos
Updated 10 months ago
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote 4 novels about Sherlock Holmes. (1 - A Study in Scarlet, 2 - The Sign of The Four, 3 - The Hound of the Baskervilles, 4 - The Valley of Fear. (2) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, (12 short stories) followed the novels. (3) The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, (11 stories) followed by (4) The Return of Sherlock Holmes, 13 stories. (5) His Last Bow, 8 stories followed by (6) The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes, 12 stories and finally (7) The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 10 stories by the BBC. All other Holmes stories would fall under this banner.
  1. Sherlock Holmes in a Study in Scarlet (Radio)
  2. Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of the Four (Radio)
  3. Sherlock Holmes in The Hound of the Baskervilles (Radio)
  4. Sherlock Holmes in The Valley of Fear (Radio)
  5. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ep01) A Scandal in Bohemia
  6. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ep02) The Red-headed League
  7. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ep03) A Case of Identity
  8. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ep04) The Boscombe Valley Mystery
  9. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ep05) The Five Orange Pips
  10. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (ep06) The Man with the Twisted Lip