Social Security scheme
JoeLusticaIn this video I go over how the SSA and the SSN have been used to pull you into the jurisdiction of the United States by making you a Federal Employee. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/20/422.103 https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/552a https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/factsheets/WhatAreTheTrust.htm For One on One: https://calendly.com/jlustica247/60min https://linktr.ee/joelustica Telegram: https://t.me/+nfvBqEzQqDA2ZjEx https://t.me/thefreedomfighter_1776 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information. If you'd like to donate you can here: cashapp: https://cash.app/$joeguitar1 venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=16902.51K views 4 comments -
How to get the 98 EIN number (foreign grantor trust)
JoeLusticaYes I put it back up.This was in popular demand so, here it is, haters can exit please. In this video I go over how to get the EIN number for the foreign grantor trust also called the 98 number. I called them and did the entire process over the phone but yes I did fill out the SS4 form before calling them. They did recommend that I fax it over but I never did. They gave me the number right over the phone the phone call was about five minutes just be professional and to the point with them. Here is their number: 1-267-941-1099 https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fss4.pdf This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information15.9K views 158 comments -
Who gets paid by the international monetary fund
JoeLusticaThis video I go over who are the people who get their checks signed by the international monetary fund. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/COMPS-10334/pdf/COMPS-10334.pdf https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/part-III/subpart-D/chapter-53/subchapter-II Telegram: https://t.me/+nfvBqEzQqDA2ZjEx https://t.me/thefreedomfighter_1776 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information. If you'd like to donate you can here: cashapp: https://cash.app/$joelustica venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=1690745157189632408&created=1674743333 paypal or zelle: jlustica247@gmail.com4.09K views 9 comments -
Live telegram Q&A January 25, 2024
1776erThis is a live telegram Q&A from January 25, 2024. https://calendly.com/jlustica247/60min https://linktr.ee/joelustica Telegram: https://t.me/+nfvBqEzQqDA2ZjEx https://t.me/thefreedomfighter_1776 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information. If you'd like to donate you can here: cashapp: https://cash.app/$joeguitar1 venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=1690745157189632408&created=1674743333 paypal or zelle: jlustica247@gmail.com2.34K views 6 comments -
Coupon payment not working? Try this!
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you how those sneaky assholes have done it again. How they hide the UCC and refuse to enforce it. Look it up by STATE!!! Use the state codes instead of the UCC if that's the game they're playing. If you know they are using it then force them to abide by the laws!!! https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/table_ucc?fbclid=IwAR2CGneljbcmvg79nlD4cL-cSiRPMf7vpKxraWYPwUV7I2T8ynff-Zx9Iyk This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information9.03K views 44 comments -
Fee schedule additional information
JoeLusticaThis video I go over some applications of the fee schedule and some additional things that I didn't put in the original one so I corrected that put the notary in and now you can put anyone you want on notice with this fee schedule now having the power of an affidavit. If anyone is interested in the plates that I'm going to have made I don't have a price on them so no word on that yet but I should find out soon. Telegram group: https://t.me/+nfvBqEzQqDA2ZjEx This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information4.23K views 24 comments -
More on coupon payments
JoeLusticaIn this video I go over a little more data about the coupon payments and even a company that processes them as deposits for the companies taking them as payments https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/34/674.45 https://www.fiserv.com/ This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information7.73K views 15 comments -
How to write the letter to the corporation for the coupon payment
JoeLusticaIn this video I show you how I would write a letter to the corporation regarding a payment coupon. This letter is to let them know that you understand the legality of the negotiable instrument and how it works. You also informing them that even if they were to rejected that because it is a valid form of payment that they still have to discharge the debt. They do not have a choice in the matter if they want to stay in honor. Here is a link to my Telegram group where I have the file that I wrote in this video: https://t.me/thefreedomfighter_1776 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information10.7K views 48 comments -
How to turn the payment voucher into a check
JoeLusticaSpecial note: this video is for entertainment and educational purposes only I am not offering any kind of legal or financial advice. This video I show you how I use the coupon method to pay debts. You can follow these simple instructions to pay your own debts when you get these vouchers or coupons in the mail. It is key that you write your own letter along with this explaining the laws of negotiable instruments that way they know that you know what you're talking about and if they do anything to your negotiable instrument or refuse it that the debt will still be discharged anyway. I am linking the entire article 3 of the UCC because you should study the entire article 3 in order to have a full grasp and understanding of what a negotiable instrument is and the rights that you have. https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/326.8K views 122 comments -
What is a UCC financing statement and how to use one (W/Dave)
JoeLusticaIn this video Dave with 30 years of experience of doing these filings and handling the courts with the UCCs gives us a glimpse into his vast understanding of the codes, statutes and application of them. He teaches people how to properly do a UCC 1 and become a secured party creditor. This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information18.8K views 92 comments