WTD ep.113 Nathaniel Gillis 'demonology, necromancy & the science of demon possession'
WakeTheDeadNathaniel J. Gillis joins us on Wake the Dead to discuss the science of demon possession. Nathaniel is a demonologist with a unique perspective on evil & the parasitic relationship between demons & Mankind. Specializing in possession cases where it leads to pregnancies, missing fetus syndrome, scarification etc... Are all demons various incarnations & evolutions of a singular intelligence that has coexisted along with our species throughout history? The way we & all life are fractal expressions of the loving force of creation, demonic entities are fractals of the opposite polarity. The missing fetuses & genetic testing on our species is not aliens from another planet. Nathaniel posits the idea that it is the demonic force seeking incarnation into a flesh body. This has always been the modus operandi. From ancient necromancers to modern black magick sorcerers, even 'aliens' have been working towards achieving this goal. The demonic force has been using Mankind as a host, like a common parasite for aeons. All the while studying us, learning our weaknesses & evolving. This is an infinitely interesting conversation, please enjoy the show. Find Nathaniel Gillis here: https://www.youtube.com/@nathanielj.gillis5466 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCkYN2s9tFS75pDe198og2dSD2ztmeBO6 https://www.instagram.com/thenathanieljgillis/ Please donate to Sean McCann: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/wakethedead https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/seanmccannabis Visit Wake the Dead's new store! https://wakethedead.creator-spring.com/ join the Wake the Dead telegram: https://t.me/wakethedeadpodcast join the Wake the Dead guilded server: https://www.guilded.gg/i/kJWaQzmp1.2K views 2 comments -
Parasites, Demons, and Nephilim Abductions w/ Vicki Joy Anderson – Conspiracy Pilled OFF SCRIPT ep.2
Conspiracy PilledAre we all infested with parasites, making us mentally, physically and spiritually weak? Are these parasites themselves infesting with demons? Vicki Joy Anderson, author of “They Only Come Out at Night” returns to Conspiracy Pilled with a completely unscripted interview that takes some wild turns! Follow Vicki Joy Anderson - https://www.vickijoyanderson.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/vickijoyauthor/?hl=en YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@VICKIJOYANDERSON Get our NEW card game CATTLE ABDUCTION: GO! By supporting the Kickstarter – https://cattleabductiongo.com ---------- Support the show and get bonus UNHINGED episodes ---------- LOCALS - https://conspiracypilled.locals.com/ MERCH - https://conspiracypilled.com Join the DISCORD - https://discord.gg/vq2QtU2bUh ---------- SPONSORS ---------- MIDDDLEBORNE ARMS – https://middlebornearms.com Because swords are awesome! NORTH ARROW COFFEE - https://northarrowcoffee.co Use code CONSPIRACY10 to get 10% off your order! Music by: Drake Campos #nephilim #parasites #demons6.29K views 4 comments -
Scripture vs Satan! | RISE UP 10.22.24 @9am
LFA TVRISE UP Ep.#456! The best way to fight satan is with scripture. This is something we should all understand and all get better at. Scripture is something that satan knows front and back. When you use it, he will use it back until he can't. Let's talk about this today. Please join me in sharing the #gospelnotgossip LFA TV PARTNERS THAT HELP US STAY LIVE ON THE AIR THROUGH YOUR PATRONAGE! BIOPTIMIZERS MAGNESIUM BREAKTHROUGH www.bioptimizers.com/lfatv PROMO CODE: LFATV for 15% off! INSURITY FINANCIAL SERVICES - YOU HAVE UNTIL MID DECEMBER TO PICK A NEW MEDICARE PLAN. SCHEDULE WITH TIM TODAY! www.insurityfinancialservices.com TACRIGHT NIGHT VISION BINOCULARS www.tacrightlfa.com for 50% off for the Holidays! PATRIOT MOBILE | GET ONE MONTH FREE WHEN MAKING THE SWITCH www.patriotmobile.com/LFA DONE WITH DEBT IN MY LIFE! www.donewithdebt.com OFP FARMS WITH NATURAL GOAT MILK! www.ofpfarms.com PROMO CODE LFA FOR 15% OFF! THE WELLNESS COMPANY; VISIT www.twc.health/lfa for 10% off and memberships! ARMRA COLOSTRUM FOR PEAK BODY PERFORMANCE! GET 15% OFF TODAY GO TO >>>www.tryarmra.com/LFATV COLONIAL METALS GROUP! LESS OF BUY IN! www.colonialmetalsgroup.com/lfa TRUMPET DAILY NEWS! 9pm DAILY! www.trumpetdaily.com MY PILLOW https://mypillow.com/lfa PROMO CODE LFA MY STORE https://mystore.com/lfa PROMO CODE LFA11.5K views 6 comments