EP 447: From My Homestead to Yours: My Fall Checklist for a Stress-Free Winter
Melissa K NorrisAs summer rolls into fall it’s important for any homestead to walk through the checklist of things to do to be prepared for winter. The bonus of doing these tasks is that it sets you up for a great spring the following year. Join me as I walk you through everything we’ve been doing on our homestead. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit https://melissaknorris.com/447. This podcast is sponsored by Azure Standard. For first-time Azure customers, you can get 15% off your first order of $100 or more by using coupon code "MELISSA15" at checkout: https://melissaknorris.com/azure-standard LINKS MENTIONED: - Wood Butter: https://melissaknorris.com/product/woodbutter/ - Apple Preserving Recipes: https://melissaknorris.com/9waystopreserveapplesathome/ ********************** Listen in to the top #10 rated Pioneering Today Podcast for Home & Garden for Simple Modern Homesteading Tips https://melissaknorris.com/podcast-2/ ********************** My Books: Everything Worth Preserving: https://melissaknorris.com/preservingbook The Family Garden Planner: http://melissaknorris.com/planner The Family Garden Plan: http://familygardenplan.com/ Hand Made 100+ From Scratch Recipes: http://handmadethebook.com/ The Made-from-Scratch Life: http://madefromscratchlife.com/ ********************** Howdy! I'm so glad you're here. I'm Melissa from Pioneering Today and a 5th generation homesteader where I'm doing my best to hold onto the old traditions in a modern world and share them with others. Click any of the below links for FREE resources and training to help you on your homestead! Homemade Sourdough Starter Series https://melissaknorris.com/learnsourdough How to Pressure Can Series https://melissaknorris.com/pressurecanning Beginners Home Canning Safety https://melissaknorris.com/canningclass For raising, cooking, and preserving your own food come hang out with on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/melissaknorris/ and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/melissaknorris/1.27K views 3 comments -
3 Ways to Build Garden Beds
Mr. Build ItDIY 3 different ways to build Garden beds or planter boxes. Head to https://www.kiwico.com/mrbuilditsummer Promo Code: MRBUILDIT for $20 off the Summer series. ➤SHOP MY TOOLS: ➡︎ https://bit.ly/3PFwA9Z ➤MERCH:➡︎ https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/mr-build-it ➤PREVIOUS EPISODE ➡︎https://youtu.be/jk8Tt_Eyumk ➤PATREON:➡︎ https://www.patreon.com/MrBuildIt ➤FOLLOW ME on Social Media: ========================== Instagram: ➡︎ https://www.instagram.com/mr.build_it/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/mr.build_it.com Facebook: ➡︎ https://www.facebook.com/misterbuildit Twitter: ➡︎ https://www.Twitter.com/misterbuildit Website: ➡︎ https://www.mrbuilditandco.com55.4K views 38 comments -
Regenerative Permaculture Podcast 12 Mini Series Part 2
SowGrowRegenerateIn this second part of our mini series, George and myself explore more about the world of Permaculture and Soil. We are offering something unique-showcasing the holistic nature of connecting with nature by growing our own food, becoming more self-sufficient and building community.7 views -
Fruit Maintenance and Pruning & Knowing WHEN it's Time!
Melissa K NorrisWalk through the garden with me as I chat about pruning and maintaining fruit and berry bushes. It's important to understand the weather, and this year especially, to make sure you don't wait too long before pruning for the health of your plants. Check out this blog post for more: https://melissaknorris.com/when-to-prune-berry-bushes/ For more information on pruning, check out the following posts: - How to Prune Elderberry Bushes for Maximum Growth: https://melissaknorris.com/how-to-prune-elderberry-bushes-for-maximum-growth/ - How to Prune Blueberry Bushes: https://melissaknorris.com/prune-blueberries-larger-harvest/ - How to Prune Raspberries: https://melissaknorris.com/how-to-prune-raspberries/ ********************** Listen in to the top #10 rated Pioneering Today Podcast for Home & Garden for Simple Modern Homesteading Tips https://melissaknorris.com/podcast-2/ ********************** My Books: Everything Worth Preserving: https://melissaknorris.com/preservingbook The Family Garden Planner: http://melissaknorris.com/planner The Family Garden Plan: http://familygardenplan.com/ Hand Made 100+ From Scratch Recipes: http://handmadethebook.com/ The Made-from-Scratch Life: http://madefromscratchlife.com/ ********************** Howdy! I'm so glad you're here. I'm Melissa from Pioneering Today and a 5th generation homesteader where I'm doing my best to hold onto the old traditions in a modern world and share them with others. Click any of the below links for FREE resources and training to help you on your homestead! Homemade Sourdough Starter Series https://melissaknorris.com/learnsourdough How to Pressure Can Series https://melissaknorris.com/pressurecanning Beginners Home Canning Safety https://melissaknorris.com/canningclass For raising, cooking, and preserving your own food come hang out with on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/melissaknorris/ and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/melissaknorris/ **********1.52K views 1 comment