A Bold and Biblically Sound Church with Pastor Don Cousins
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin me and lead pastor of Discovery Church in Orlando, FL Don Cousins as we discuss the markers of a Biblically sound church and the importance of a pastor who speaks the truth boldly and without compromise. Learn how to live in right relationship with God, your self, others and the world around you. Get plugged into a church where the Holy Spirit is moving, and learn how to find it. This is a great message for pastors, church leaders, and those seeking to be a part of a community of Believers. If you're looking to plug into an amazing online church community or want to watch past sermon series go to discoverychurch.org today.119 views -
What It Means to Be Living Life On Mission with Pastor Ben Markham
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin me & Pastor Ben Markham as we discuss what it looks like to live your life on mission for Christ in the midst of our culture, and in light of our past and our pain. To hear more from Ben & the other pastors of Discovery Church, check out www.discoverychurch.org.21 views -
How Walking The Text & Context Brings The Bible To Life with Brad Gray
All My Favorite People PodcastAfter years of hearing Brad Gray give amazing talks on the nitty gritty, often unknown elements of the Bible and its history I finally got to sit down with him to find out more about his ministry Walking The Text and how each facet of it serves to help others gain Biblical clarity and context. Listen in as we hear all about The Teaching Series, Bible Lands tours, and the upcoming Infusion Bible Conference. For more info on Brad's ministry, visit walkingthetext.com.47 views -
Don't Major on the Minors- A Conversation with Pastor Josh Miller
All My Favorite People PodcastPastor Josh Miller caught my attention with his "5-minute message" ministry on Instagram this past year, and I loved sitting down with him to chat about all things Bible on this episode! I know you'll be encouraged by our conversation on how new believers can find the right church, how the Holy Spirit leads and guides us, and how it's so important to not major on the minors when it comes to our faith. Watch Josh's mini messages on Instagram by following him at @refugepastorjosh12 views -
Daniel Mitchell's Story of Finding Light in The Darkness & The Power of A Praying Mom
All My Favorite People PodcastWorship Pastor & recording artist Daniel Mitchell joins me to discuss the stories behind his new album "Older" and the wisdom that inspired it, imparted to him by his late mother throughout the years. He shares how with God he was able to move from an abusive past to a beautiful and purposeful future with the help of her powerful prayers, his church community, and an unshakable faith in Christ. Download Daniel's album "Older" today, available on Apple Music and Spotify, and follow him on Instagram at @iam_danielmitchell To experience Daniel leading worship and hear amazing weekend messages at Discovery Church, visit discoverychurch.org11 views -
What Is Sabbath & Why It's So Important in Our World Today with Pastor John Parrott
All My Favorite People PodcastWhile many Christians may have heard of the concept of a Sabbath day, unfortunately in our non-stop culture, few actually practice this ancient and God-given opportunity each week to rest and recharge. Listen in as Discovery Church Executive Pastor John Parrott shares with us the meaning behind Sabbath, God's original design for us as humans, and how we can begin to practice this in our own lives. For an even deeper dive into this subject, check out his message on discoverychurch.org, and the website hebrew4christians.com. On Instagram, follow Discovery Church @discoveryfl and John Parrott @johnparrott30 views 3 comments -
Speaking The Truth No Matter What with Pastor Ralph Howe
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin Pastor Ralph Howe and I as we talk about the importance of telling the truth no matter what. In this world where truth is now considered subject, why is it so important to speak Biblical truth, in love? We also talk about the persecuted church throughout the world and how we as Americans can strengthen our churches by standing on the truth of God's Word and refusing to be enveloped by our culture. Check out crossroadsimpact.org to watch or listen or get more information about Crossroads Impact Church.21 views -
Pastor Tommy Kyllonen- How Serving Others with Your Unique Talents Puts God's Love On Display
All My Favorite People PodcastPastor and FRAMES Author Tommy Kyllonen shares the story of Crossover Church in Tampa, Florida and how capturing the attention of the next generation and serving their community have been the center of their evangelism strategy. His newest book FRAMES talks on how to shift your perspective in life to follow closely after God's desires for you, even in the midst of an uncertain world. (tranzlationleadership.com) Crossover Church also created a strategic, turn-key community outreach resource called Love Our City (loveourcitybook.com) based on the amazing stories and success they've had in being a tangible light to their city. And mark your calendars now! Flavor Fest 2022 (flavorfest.org) is October 6th-9th in Tampa Florida. You won't want to miss this incredible mash up of leadership conference & concerts. FLAVOR FEST IS A CONFERENCE WHERE CHURCH LEADERS, ARTISTS, PASTORS, CHURCH PLANTERS, AND ENTREPRENEURS ARE EQUIPPED WITH PRACTICAL TOOLS AND INSPIRATION TO OVERCOME MINISTRY OBSTACLES. Visit crossoverchurch.org to learn more about ALLLLLLL the things!11 views -
Relentless Empathy with Author & Pastor Dr. Brian Pikalow
All My Favorite People PodcastJoin Dr. Brian Pikalow and I as we discuss his life-giving book Relentless Empathy which offers a solution to problems so many people deal with daily, a lack of connection and miscommunication. Learn the "secret ingredient" to connecting to and caring for others like never before. Hear miracle stories of being obedient to those inner nudges that beckon us to join people right where they are and see them for who God made them to be. I believe every person should read this book for new insights and clarity around "loving our neighbors as ourselves" and the encouragement needed to live it out. BOOK GIVEAWAY! Comment on this video and let me know what part of our conversation encouraged you or something you learned. I'll choose 1 lucky winner to receive a FREE copy of Relentless Empathy.131 views