Hide the Salami (Rare 1950s Song) by Martin Deen
Sus RecordsHide the Salami (Rare 1950s Song) by Martin Deen #ai #aisongs #aimusic #aifun #1950smusic #1950shits #oldies #comedy #vintagecomedy #oldieclassics #retro #forgottensongs #classichits oldies music videos, ai songs, ai music The music was made with AI, the arrangement and lyrics are human-made and 100% SuS110 views -
I Got My Balls Stuck in My Zipper (Rare 1950s Song) by Little Peter & the Danglers
Sus RecordsI Got My Balls Stuck in My Zipper by Little Peter & the Danglers (1955) - the first of many hits from the boys! #aimusic #music #50smusic #50shits #doowopmusic #bestsongsever #comedy #50srockandroll48 views