A Young Concavenator Walking the Path of Titans - Path of Titans
AirCondaTv GamingI completely forgot to transfer my photos from my laptop to my desktop so that I could process my astrophotos today. I apologize. In the mean time, I am going live playing Path of Titans. Learn About StackUp - Click Here: https://www.stackup.org To Donate - https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/airconda My Socials - https://linktr.ee/aircondatv456 views 1 comment -
I am a Dinosaur! And I am Hungry! - The Isle
AirCondaTv GamingFriday Night with Friends has fallen apart tonight so I will be playing The Isle and taking out my frustrations and aggressions on unsuspecting Herbs. They will feel my wrath! Learn About StackUp - Click Here: https://www.stackup.org To Donate - https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/airconda My Socials - https://linktr.ee/aircondatv331 views -
Sunday Funday! Fish Out of Water is Growing & He is Hungry! - Path of Titans
AirCondaTv GamingLast night we played Path of Titans and started off as a baby Nessie. We were quickly adopted and taken in by kind Adult Nessie. She took us around & showed us the ropes in hopes we would grow big in strong. Well now it is time to continue that growth & become the terror of the 7 seas! Learn About StackUp - Click Here: https://www.stackup.org To Donate - https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/airconda My Socials - https://linktr.ee/aircondatv400 views -
StackUp Charity Event - Back from Disaster & Walking the Path of Titans
AirCondaTv GamingLast night Friday Night with Friends did not happen because of my computer absolutely crapping out on me but I think we have recovered! Earlier I tweeted a poll to allow you all to choose the game you would like me to play and the viewers have spoken. It was tied between ARK and Path of Titans so I made an executive decision and went with PoT. Let's see if I can get my butt kicked as a baby dino! Learn About StackUp - Click Here: https://www.stackup.org To Donate - https://stackup.donordrive.com/participant/airconda My Socials - https://linktr.ee/aircondatv Support the stream - https://streamlabs.com/airconda850 views