Reverse Music
4 videos
Updated 8 months ago
A collection of songs that I reversed to find backmasking or reverse speech in music.
Reverse Lyrics In Music Part 4
Original TasrKazmThe99th VideosDo you ever wonder what secrets are hidden in your favorite songs when played backwards? Well, I do! That’s why I decided to listen to some popular tracks in reverse and share my findings with you. In this video, you will discover the surprising and sometimes hilarious backmasking messages in these songs. You won’t believe what I found! Watch till the end and let me know what you think in the comments. Uploaded October 2014. The "TsarKazmThe99th" character was made using geN8hedgehog's Furry Doll Maker on deviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog/art/Male-Furry-Dollmaker-v1-1-64778353 gen8hedgehog deviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog63 views -
Reverse Lyrics In Music Part 3
Original TasrKazmThe99th VideosThis is part three of my back masking series, where I reveal the hidden messages in songs when you play them backwards. I made this video in July 2011. The quality got better, but it still looked like a Microsoft Movie Maker project. The "TsarKazmThe99th" character was made using geN8hedgehog's Furry Doll Maker on deviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog/art/Male-Furry-Dollmaker-v1-1-64778353 gen8hedgehog deviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog22 views -
Reverse Lyrics In Music Part 2
Original TasrKazmThe99th VideosThis is part two of a back-masking video I made in 2007. It was a different time, YouTube had a time limit for videos, so I had to split the video and redo this part. You’ll be amazed by what you hear when you play some songs backwards. But, anyway please enjoy the second video of my early YouTube career. The "TsarKazmThe99th" character was made using geN8hedgehog's Furry Doll Maker on deviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog/art/Male-Furry-Dollmaker-v1-1-64778353 gen8hedgehog deviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog22 views -
Reverse Lyrics In Music Part 1
Original TasrKazmThe99th VideosYou won’t believe this, but this is the first video I ever posted on YouTube in 2007. Don’t mind the music, it’s not mine, but it’s perfect for showing you some hidden messages in songs when you play them backwards. Watch and enjoy! The "TsarKazmThe99th" character was made using geN8hedgehog's Furry Doll Maker on deviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog/art/Male-Furry-Dollmaker-v1-1-64778353 gen8hedgehog deviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog33 views