Tucker Carlson interviews Russell Brand
1 video
Updated 5 months ago
Tucker Carlson interviews Russell Brand and exposes a coordinated attempt by the UK intelligence agencies and the CIA to shut him up and take him down.
Russell Brand Responds to Coordinated Smear Campaign Against Him
Tucker CarlsonThe Tucker Carlson Network is here. Unlock all-new shows from Tucker and his team: https://bit.ly/3RCq6cc Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand. This is his first interview since that happened. It’s one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern world you’ll ever hear. Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson Text “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates! #TuckerCarlson #RussellBrand #smearcampaign #accusations #allegations #responds #BigPharma #hitpiece #news #politics #war #BigGovernment #CIA #journalism #exclusive1.05M views 2.03K comments