How Faith and Favor Manifest God’s Will: Lessons from Mary and Elizabeth
Lance WallnauHow Faith and Favor Manifest God’s Will: Lessons from Mary and Elizabeth Merry Christmas! On this special day, we’re celebrating the miracle of God’s favor through the stories of Mary and Elizabeth. Their faith and obedience remind us that nothing is impossible with God. In this episode, I’ll share how favor aligns us with heaven’s plans and why this timeless Christmas story holds keys to unlocking God’s purpose in your life. Let’s rejoice in the season as we explore how faith, favor, and God’s love manifest the miraculous. Podcast Episode 1612: How Faith and Favor Manifest God’s Will: Lessons from Mary and Elizabeth | don’t miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at lancewallnau.com/podcast5.46K views 9 comments