An Airline Pilot's Warning
childrenshealthdefenseAre our skies safe? A large number of airline pilots have been vaccinated for COVID, and many of whom have reported adverse reactions. As a result, questions are being raised about the oversight of those who fly commercial, military and private planes, warning that safety standards have been overlooked. One of these individuals is Captain Sherry Walker, EdD. She warns that regulatory agencies are not doing their jobs; instead of acknowledging documented health concerns, the injured are being overlooked and lives are at stake. Captain Walker provides details from her research into this critical matter, today, on “Doctors & Scientists.” Listen in, on CHD.TV!2.67K views 7 comments -
Pfizer Documents Leak Online in 2021 (Link in Description)
WOLFGANGPRODUCTShttps://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/leaked-pfizer-post-marketing-safety?s=r and https://www.phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf54 views 1 comment -
Medical Coder During COVID
childrenshealthdefenseAs a medical coder, this woman transfers the information included in patient medical records into a database for insurance. Her job is critical in order for physicians to get paid. In this shocking interview, she unmasks the truth behind COVID protocols and their relationship to the incentives behind PCR testing and medicines. She explains why hospitals might treat for a virus before doing any testing to find out whether the patient is actually positive and discusses the time when healthcare staff were warned of a fatal flaw in their ventilator settings. Catch interviews with medical whistleblowers, like this one, on CHD.TV. Watch More CHD Bus Stories LIVE: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/bus/ Check out the FULL TOUR SCHEDULE: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/bus/schedule/ Tell Us Your Story! Contact the CHD Bus: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/contact-the-chd-bus/161K views 108 comments -
Tucker Carlson Delivers An Absolute Masterclass In How To Deal With A Dishonest Reporter
NewsVidsPosted • June 26, 2024: Tucker Carlson is holding a speaking tour in Australia, and the events there are already producing viral moments. In one especially tense exchange, Carlson was challenged about so-called "replacement theory," with the reporter suggesting the political commentator felt "white people" were being replaced by illegal immigrants. It only took a few seconds before Carlson turned the tables. (…) • More at: RedState - Tucker Carlson Delivers an Absolute Masterclass in How to Deal With a Dishonest Reporter https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/06/26/watch-tucker-carlson-delivers-a-masterclass-in-how-to-deal-with-a-dishonest-reporter-n217602482 views 1 comment -
A Nurse Gives You a Truth Bomb
WOLFGANGPRODUCTSTruth About AIDS https://rumble.com/v4l5ga3-truth-about-aids.html66 views 2 comments