F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 1 | Interval 1 | Inception | Point of Origin ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 1 is about interval 1 'Inception' mission 'Point of Origin'. It introduces you with the game & the characters :) you have to interact with the enemy less now but I'm sure it will be more in the future ;) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearPart1 #FearInterval1 #Interval1Inception #PointOfOrigin4 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 2 | Interval 2 | Initiation | First Encounter ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 2 is about interval 2 'Initiation' mission 'First Encounter'. It really pumps up the whole intense experience all of a sudden :O Interacting with enemies, experiencing supernatural things, getting new weapon all in episode :D If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearPart2 #FearInterval2 #Interval2Initiation #FirstEncounter3 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 3 | Interval 3 | Escalation | Infiltration ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part is about Interval 3 'Escalation' mission 'Infiltration'. This episode of the game is fine mix of horror & action :D You can get the intense horror experience & also get the adrenaline rush from some pumped up action ;) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearInterval3 #FearPart3 #Interval3Escalation #Infiltration6 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 4 | Interval 3 | Escalation | Heavy Resistance ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 4 is about interval 3 'Escalation' mission 'Heavy Resistance'. This section of the game is pumped up with more action & less horror element. Dealing with action is not easy. Watch the full video to know more :O If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearInterval3 #FearPart4 #Interval3Escalation #HeavyResistance5 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 5 | Interval 3 | Escalation | Bad Waters ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 5 is about Interval 3 'Escalation' Mission 'Bad waters'. This part is quite exciting ;) It has element of surprise & also pumped up action :O really impressive :) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearInterval3 #FearPart5 #Interval3Escalation #BadWaters5 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 6 | Interval 3 | Escalation | Exeunt Omnes ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 6is about Interval 3 'Escalation' Mission 'Exeunt Omnes'. It is filled with exciting elements. Protagonist is getting closer to the mission. But He knows it won't be easy ;) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearPart6 #FearInterval3 #Interval3Escalation #ExeuntOmnes3 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 7 | Interval 4 | Infiltration | LZ is Hot ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 7 is about Interval 4 'Infiltration' Mission 'LZ is Hot'. It's pure intense right from the starting point :O Shooting starts & stops at the end of the mission ;) If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearPart7 #FearInterval4 #Interval4Infiltration #LZIsHot5 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 8 | Interval 4 | Infiltration | Watchers ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 8 is about interval 4 'Infiltration' mission 'Watchers'. This is way different then the previous one :O It has new enemies :D But They can be invisible :O If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGame #FearGameplay #FearPart8 #FearInterval4 #Interval4Infiltration #Watchers20 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 9 | Interval 5 | Extraction | Bishop ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 9 is about interval 5 'Extraction' mission 'Bishop'. It is full of action with a slight hint of horror. Splendid combination & really remarkable :D If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #Fear #FearGameplay #FearPart9 #FearInterval5 #Interval5Extraction #Bishop3 views -
F.E.A.R. Game-play | Part 10 | Interval 5 | Extraction | Blindside ✔
iamcgbdF.E.A.R. Game-play Part 10 is about interval 5 'Extraction' mission 'Blindside'. It started with full on action but ended with some easy puzzle types elements ;) Nice work done :D If U like it give it a thumbs up & don't forget 2 subscribe Let others give the chance 2 also like the video by sharing :) Support me by becoming a patron: https://www.patreon.com/iamcgbd My Facebook Page_[https://www.facebook.com/iamcgbd] My Blogger Page_[https://iamcgbd.blogspot.com/] My Instagram ID_[https://www.instagram.com/iamcgbd/] My Twitter Page_[https://twitter.com/iamcgbd] Post anything you want me to see at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/iamcgbd Thanks 4 watching :) #FearGameplay #FearPart10 #FearInterval5 #Interval5Extraction #Blindside3 views