Top 9 Sex Positions To Make Her BEG For More!
Tuz1319Top 9 Sex Positions To Make Her BEG For More!61 views -
The Kama Sutra - Full Audiobook
Tuz1319The Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana The Kama Sutra, or Aphorisms on Love, has survived at least 1400 years as a dominant text on sexual relations between men and women. Vatsyayana claimed to have written the Kama Sutra while a religious student, “in contemplation of the Deity” - but references to older works, shrewd disputations by Vatsyayana of those authors' recommendations, and careful cataloging of practices in various of the Indian states indicate much more emphasis on kama, or sensual gratification.43 views -
G-Spot Orgasm, How to find and Stimulate The G-Spot | Where Is The G-Spot Explained
Tuz1319Please watch and share these techniques with others. G-Spot Orgasm, How to find and Stimulate The G-Spot | Where Is The G-Spot Explained Ladies who have attempted yet at the same time been not able discover their G-spot may in the long run surrender out and out. Far more terrible, they frequently discount themselves as unequipped for physically encountering a vaginal climax. It might require a little investment, some new methods and a mess of persistence. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you can focus on each of the three, you will have the capacity to add the G-spot to your O list.59 views