How To Assemble An AR-15 Lower Parts Kit & Stripped Lower Receiver
MrgunsngearRecorded this roughly 10 years years ago but the information is still solid and now banned from Youtube. Lower build kits for sale: https://bit.ly/3Xlq9uy Nine Line Apparel shirts: (discount code MRGUNS20): https://mrgunsngear.org/3oMJ9Tm Facebook.com/Mrgunsngear or Facebook.com/GNGfacebook https://t.me/MrgunsngearChannel https://parler.com/#/profile/Mrgunsngear Instagram.com/mrgunsngear www.twitter.com/mrgunsngear Email sign up: Mrgunsngear.com MRGNG.org My Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/mrgunsngear My videos on WPSN: https://www.watchwpsn.com/mrgunsngear To sign up for the Warrior Poet Society Network (code MRGUNS for 10% off): http://mrgunsngear.org/3nSuUJC Music Epidemic Sound Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on arms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your arms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a retail shop and DO NOT sell or deal in arms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or arms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above. Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone else’s footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech.13.8K views 77 comments -
Top 5 Combat Drills | Special Forces Training | Tactical Rifleman
tactical_riflemanThis week, on Tactical Rifleman, we are going to cover Karl’s favorite 5 Rifle Drills for New Shooters. Yes, there are hundreds of great drills out there. Yes, you need to practice all your critical skills, such as transitions, malfunctions, and speed reloads. However, first and foremost, new shooters need to develop muscle memory. That takes thousands (7-9k) of repetitions of the same CORRECT movements and actions. You’ll see that each of these drills builds on the drill(s) before it; so that you are continuing to push those said movements and actions into your subconscious mind. It’s like driving… the first few months, you had to think about brakes and turn signals. Now, you just drive subconsciously. That frees up the conscious mind to focus on signs, signals, and other drivers. Likewise, you need to push all these basic shooting skills into your subconscious mind. That frees up the conscious mind to focus on “Is it a Threat” and “Is it a Threat that warrants Deadly Force?” Master these drills, through lots of repetition of each. If your unit doesn’t have that much ammo, then start with dry firing, and wrap up with live fire. Once, you have mastered them, then add all your critical skills to these drills: Add Transition to Pistol Drills, every time your rifle runs dry or malfunctions Add Tactical & Speed Reloads Add Turning & Moving Drills, to these drills Use Dummy Rounds, to induce Malfunctions during these drills. Once you have mastered these five drills; we’ll give you plenty of other great shooting drills to work on. When you are ready to test; use the timed Critical Task Evaluations (CTEs) to see if you make the standard. If you don’t know them, we are going to cover them in an upcoming video, on Tactical Rifleman. Again, we know there are tons of other great rifle drills out there. I know all the Internet Ninjas are gonna start screaming how “Their Drill is Better” or how we “Obviously don’t know how to Shoot.” Yep, you guys are awesome. However, these are still Karl’s Top-5 Combat Drills for New Shooters. Thanks for watching. Strength & Honor, TR. Help support Tactical Rifleman by purchasing one of our T-shirts, check them out at: https://ballisticink.com/collections/tactical-rifleman For more go to http://www.tacticalrifleman.com/ Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TacticalRifleman/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tactical_rifleman/?hl=en Twitter-http://bit.ly/TACrman1.97K views 3 comments -
The Rifleman Drill
EmptyCasesThe purpose of the Rifleman Drill is to help you further develop your skill at shooting from field positions. Here are the links to the gear used in the video: GUN: https://www.stagarms.com/firearms/new-firearms-for-2022/pursuit-hunting-rifles/stag-10-pursuit-rifle-16-308-with-nitride-barrel-right-handed-in-midnight-bronze-stag10003502.html TRIGGER: https://timneytriggers.com/ar-targa-long-two-stage-trigger/ AMMO: https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=260 SLING: https://www.galcogunleather.com/riflemann-sling_8_120_1388.html SHOT TIMER: https://pact.com/product/club-timer-iii/ TARGET: https://www.thompsontarget.com/halo-bullseye-8-reactive-shooting-targets-8-5x11/ The drills and training suggestions offered in the DrillZ & SkillZ video series are not intended for novice shooters, nor are they comprehensive in nature. They are best used by those who have successfully completed a basic level handgun or rifle shooting course, and who are looking for assistance in further developing their craft. You can find quality firearms training at www.gunsite.com and you can see all of the DrillZ & SkillZ videos here: https://empty-cases.com/blog/drillz-skillz/ NOTE:: Produced by professional shooters and videographers on a safe range with the intent of providing educational and entertaining content. Always obey the four rules of firearms safety: 1. All guns are always loaded. 2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. 3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target. 4. Always be sure of your target and what is beyond. All video captured forward of the muzzle was obtained with a remotely operated camera.401 views -
PART 2 of 2: How to assemble an AR/M4 lower receiver
CAVCOPIf you follow me, in this video you might learn a little more about me. This video is to show how to assemble an AR/M4 lower receiver, using basic tools (No fancy blocks, mounts, etc...) I try to show a few easy ways to do things, based on my years of experience. Its a simple process anyone can do at home. Lower receivers are "the firearm" and have to go through an FFL, but for $50 you can buy a stripped lower (along with FFL transfer fees, which tend to be going up as the FBI charges more to maintain an FFL). Why buy a stripped lower? Cost. If you want an AR/M4, you can buy just the lower for $50 and then pay a $25-$50 FFL fee. Other parts can be bought later., as you can afford them, through the mail or at gun shows. Another bonus is you are buying a stripped lower, that you can "build as a pistol". If you bought a complete rifle AR/M4, made by a company, its a rifle and can never legally be a pistol, unless you get a tax stamp/SBR/register it, and then you have worry about selling it later or doing paperwork to change it. A pistol you build, can stay a pistol, or be made into a rifle and back, based on the law. The AFT has put out, a pistol can be converted to a rife and back to a pistol, but a rifle must stay a rifle. Don't risk becoming a felon, making a rifle into a pistol . TIPS (you might fail to read); DO NOT USE ANY LOCTITE. USE A RAG TO WORK ON. USE OIL/GREASE ON METAL TO ALUMINUM PARTS. LINE THINGS UP, AND TAP LIGHTLY AT FIRST. USE TAPE OR CARDBOARD TO COVER THE RECEIVER (so you don't leave marks if you miss with a hammer/punch). USE A LARGE CLEAR BAG TO INSTALL SPRINGS/DETENT PINS (as they might fly off). TIGHTEN THE GRIP AND CASTLE NUT, THEN BACK OFF, AND RETIGHTEN (season the threads). STAKE YOUR CASTLE NUT, IF COMPLETE AND A SELF DEFENSE USE (non range toy). BE CAREFUL WITH THE TRIGGER GUARD EARS TOWARDS THE REAR WHEN INSTALLING THE REAR ROLL PIN, AS YOU COULD BEND/BREAK THEM. If looking for an affordable upper to attach to your lower, check out: https://apachearmaments.com/store/ Use this discount code provided by Therapy Range to save a few more bucks "Paulsfriend5"1.74K views 35 comments -
PART 1 of 2: How to assemble an AR/M4 lower receiver
CAVCOPIf you follow me, in this video you might learn a little more about me. This video is to show how to assemble an AR/M4 lower receiver, using basic tools (No fancy blocks, mounts, etc...) I try to show a few easy ways to do things, based on my years of experience. Its a simple process anyone can do at home. Lower receivers are "the firearm" and have to go through an FFL, but for $50 you can buy a stripped lower (along with FFL transfer fees, which tend to be going up as the FBI charges more to maintain an FFL). Why buy a stripped lower? Cost. If you want an AR/M4, you can buy just the lower for $50 and then pay a $25-$50 FFL fee. Other parts can be bought later., as you can afford them, through the mail or at gun shows. Another bonus is you are buying a stripped lower, that you can "build as a pistol". If you bought a complete rifle AR/M4, made by a company, its a rifle and can never legally be a pistol, unless you get a tax stamp/SBR/register it, and then you have worry about selling it later or doing paperwork to change it. A pistol you build, can stay a pistol, or be made into a rifle and back, based on the law. The AFT has put out, a pistol can be converted to a rife and back to a pistol, but a rifle must stay a rifle. Don't risk becoming a felon, making a rifle into a pistol . TIPS (you might fail to read); DO NOT USE ANY LOCTITE. USE A RAG TO WORK ON. USE OIL/GREASE ON METAL TO ALUMINUM PARTS. LINE THINGS UP, AND TAP LIGHTLY AT FIRST. USE TAPE OR CARDBOARD TO COVER THE RECEIVER (so you don't leave marks if you miss with a hammer/punch). USE A LARGE CLEAR BAG TO INSTALL SPRINGS/DETENT PINS (as they might fly off). TIGHTEN THE GRIP AND CASTLE NUT, THEN BACK OFF, AND RETIGHTEN (season the threads). STAKE YOUR CASTLE NUT, IF COMPLETE AND A SELF DEFENSE USE (non range toy). BE CAREFUL WITH THE TRIGGER GUARD EARS TOWARDS THE REAR WHEN INSTALLING THE REAR ROLL PIN, AS YOU COULD BEND/BREAK THEM. If looking for an affordable upper to attach to your lower, check out: https://apachearmaments.com/store/ Use this discount code provided by Therapy Range to save a few more bucks "Paulsfriend5"2.48K views 43 comments