All CTGF Videos
4 videos
Updated 9 months ago
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The Best Way To Do Data On Holiday?
ChrisTechGamesFoodHi Folks, In this video I review the Wi-Fi Box 2024 in Japan. I look at how easy they are to get, how quick and simple they are to use, what kind of speeds you get and pricing. Is this the best way to do date in Japan, watch and find out! I hope you enjoy this video and please like, comment, subscribe, share and checkout my Patreon! Thanks for watching CTGF #wifibox #portablewifi #wifijapan #travel #japan6 views -
Things To Do in Japan 2024! #shenmue
ChrisTechGamesFoodHi Folks, In this video I show you Tokyo and the surrounding areas, Yokohama and the Shenmue Tour. Tokyo is a wonderful city to visit and tour, the people are kind and helpful, the sights incredible and the food wonderful. Costs are not exorbitant and the public transport is world class. I recommend staying in an AirBNB, it’s significantly cheaper and enables a home away from home style experience. Ota city, just 35 mins or so from Tokyo central by train or less by car is a great place to stay, loaded with restaurants both big and small. It’s important to mind your manners in Japan and it’s incredibly safe there. British Airways offer continuous flights for a premium meaning less overall travel time. Long haul flights are tiring so it’s recommended to review local travel as you’ll be jet lagged badly on arrival. I hope you enjoy this video and please like, comment, subscribe and share, thanks for watching. CTGF #japan #holiday #hot #britishairways #cheap14 views -
Best Budget Console 2024
ChrisTechGamesFoodHi Folks, In this video I show you which console I think is the best budget console for 2024. I explain why, including price, games and accessories as well as how to make it even better! I hope you enjoy this video and please like, comment, subscribe, share and checkout my Patreon. Thanks for watching CTGF19 views 1 comment -
The Best Console Ever Made? #gaming
ChrisTechGamesFoodHi Folks! In this video I look at what makes the PS3 possibly the best console ever made OR the GOAT. I look at the games, including variety, quality and cost. I look at the features of the console and how easy they are to use. All this and more in my look at why the PS3 is likely the best console ever built. I hope you enjoy this video and please like, comment, subscribe, share and checkout my Patreon. Thanks for watching! CTGF #ps3 #playstation3 #sony #gaming #cheap #GOAT #bestever #console #ctgf #bluray34 views