Can The Proper Energy Eliminate Chemtrails?
MyPatriotsNtwrkHere's a short video from Jim Gale at Food Forest Abundance showing how electro culture and other pieces of technology are helping to dissipate or get rid of chemtrails above his property. Here's the link to the Telegram channel: https://t.me/foodforestabundance/977 UPDATE from Jim: https://t.me/foodforestabundance/1020 For more info on electro culture, check out this post... https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/patriot/electroculture-suppressed-technology-revealed-on-how-to-grow-bigger-crops-eliminate-pesticides-naturally/ UPDATE: https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/patriot/new-update-on-electro-culture-chemtrails-emf-radiation-more/ And to get REAL Patriot News, go to https://MyPatriotsNetwork.com/Join284 views -
Can Electroculture Eliminate Chemtrails In The Sky?
MyPatriotsNtwrkCan Electroculture Eliminate Chemtrails In The Sky? UPDATE: https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/patriot/new-update-on-electro-culture-chemtrails-emf-radiation-more/ Watch this quick video of a farmer who shows that his electroculture set up seems to be working for him to help dissipate chemtrails in the sky above his property. Have you used this before? You can learn more about electro culture at: https://mypatriotsnetwork.com/patriot/electroculture-suppressed-technology-revealed-on-how-to-grow-bigger-crops-eliminate-pesticides-naturally/ And get REAL Patriot News at https://www.MyPatriotsNetwork.com/Join Video from Jim Gale at Food Forest Abundance https://t.me/foodforestabundance/976 Update from Jim: https://t.me/foodforestabundance/10201.06K views 2 comments