15 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Mel sells CRYPTO and the conversations here are around NESARA/GESARA and the XRP world.
JUAN O SAVIN- FBI Corruption & SES Revealed - Mel Carmine 2 5 2025
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSPART ONE- The real background to the FBI in general is not "stellar". Juan dealt with many Agents that as a contractor he had provided information to. FBI Corruption & SES Revealed. We are now seeing with Kash Patel and his inside information (who was certified today! 2 20 2025 After many delays) We have the facts that the Un-Select Committee fabricated J6 and many other crimes that were run by the very people that you thought were hired to investigate CRIME were tasked by higher ups to investigate YOU. https://rumble.com/v5v4dvq-kash-patel-day-one-shut-down-fbi-building-create-museum-of-the-deep-state-s.html Some good examples and Mel Carmine does a great show here. Full show is on a secondary channel and I do post this in two parts. Mel and his team is hosting a SUMMIT in Cape Canaveral FL, March 8 and 9 see his website at www.QFS1776.com for details. https://rumble.com/v6h3244-juan-o-savin-update-trump-d.o.g.e.-winning-2525.html14K views 12 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN - HE'S ON A MISSION FROM GOD - Mel Carmine 2 5 2025
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSPART TWO- Second part comes up with a message. President Trump is on a MISSION FROM GOD. Juan talks about the Divine Authority that President Trump has taken on to clean up a HUGE mess. This was not just a recent event and Juan suggests you read the Book of Enoch. Here is a good copy: https://www.ccel.org/c/charles/otpseudepig/enoch/ENOCH_1.HTM Juan explains that Moses was very connected to the Old Testament and we all should become more knowledgeable of this period of time. He talks about "on Eagles Wings" that symbol should be taken to heart and the people that are going to be the players in the FUTURE OF AMERICA. Work as a TEAM. We will be taking on NATION STATE THUGS and we need to be prepared. Some good examples and Mel Carmine does a great show here. Full show is on a secondary channel and I do post this in two parts but other than the lengthy commercial in the middle it is the whole show. Mel and his team is hosting a SUMMIT in Cape Canaveral FL, March 8 and 9 see his website at www.QFS1776.com for details. https://rumble.com/v6h3244-juan-o-savin-update-trump-d.o.g.e.-winning-2525.html20.7K views 26 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThrow Down with Capt Kyle, Kelly, Tironianae & Mel Carmine QFS XLM Nesara Gesara This chat is so explosive you're going to need some shades! Juan dominates this program and talks about the BIG SURPRISE and the DIRECTION that you need to know about for yourself and your loved ones. When this hits it may be drastically different then you consider is possible at this time. Many that have hung their hats on the GESARA/NESARA programming are going to be possibly hung out to dry. Juan has always recommended GOLD and SILVER for investment portfolios but it is obviously too late to act at this point. Prepare the best you can and be ready for shortages when the VISA system or BANKS are put on hold. Our way of life is changing and to survive this period of time.. it will take resourceful and dedicated reasoning powers. Money this time will not see you through.. it will be a good place to live and supplies. And PRAY to GOD while JESUS drains the SWAMP.23K views 133 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- TRUMP for the WIN! Bankruptcy of America? PART TWO- Mel Carmine 4 2 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is very lively. The truth has to be based on CONTRACT LAW and JUSTICE. Juan has said this before. GESARA/NESARA is bull shit. Sorry folks. Just not going to happen. But.. the real reason we will be going through this pain is the Commander in Chief has a PLAN. It is a brilliant plan.. just like the TWO PRESIDENTS only one person could have created this.. SAYS the LORD. Only I could have been the ONE! https://rumble.com/v4g5tp2-trey-smith-two-presidents-kim-clement-prophacies-2-28-2024.html Trump will win this.. the MONEY situation will take YEARS to get back what we have lost. The IDEAL is that we would be paid back but with WHAT? That is what a FULL BANKRUPTCY is for.. to figure out how the COUNTRY that owes 38 TRILLION could ever consider EVER paying back anything. Debts will be paid off TO THE PEOPLE. NOT to the CORPORATIONS that will NO LONGER EXIST! Brilliant... Juan does explain a bit of this but many details are to come.. stay tuned. To see the whole program please visit here: https://rumble.com/v4n62we-juan-o-savin-has-different-views-on-the-ending-brics-wnot-rule-america-or-h.html ✅ For more information also visit Mel Carmine's: www.qfs1776.com and be prepared, be healthy while we wait for the biggest transfer of wealth in the planet. Recharge your batteries at www.stayingaliive.com Reserve your ticket now to meet and greet Dr. Sandra Rose Michael the Inventor of the EESystem (Energy Enhancement System) Juan O’ Savin doesn't feel that the Brics Nations have a shot, he thinks it's going to be “American Rules” when it comes to the Final monetary system, and there are people that we can't see who control everything, and according to his views which I respect!! even though I don't have to agree! we are ALL being played, and there will be no debt forgiveness, they'll be no transference of wealth, they'll be nothing!!!! the bad guys win, and for that to happen?? God has to lose, I personally do not agree with that, Besides it's written in the Bible, where do you stand on this one? Juan O' Savin is 100% confirmed to be in Cape Canaveral June 8-9 https://www.quantumsummit1776.com The Quantum Financial System is coming, XRP and XLM - digital assets are here to stay whether you like it or not. The XRPQFS Manual is intended for the new user who knows nothing about Nesara - Gesara, XRP and digital assets. Please visit our website for more information: http://www.qfs1776.com31.7K views 77 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- FOG OF THE ELECTION. Whats right and wrong- Mel Carmine 9 2 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThe FOG of the ELECTION is upon us. Clipped for focus on Juan- There is always More to the Story. Some of this depends on the way the STORY is told. And the Sources. The best way is to find out from the EXPERTS. This was recorded on Sept 2nd right after the "On the River!" Show with Ethan Lucas. https://rumble.com/v5dfdpp-juan-o-savin-on-the-river-a-tight-window-to-make-a-deal-ethan-lucas-9-2-202.html The first story is about the Aircraft seized from Maduro in Venezuela. The Justice Department today announced the seizure of a Dassault Falcon 900EX aircraft owned and operated for the benefit of Nicolás Maduro Moros and persons affiliated with him in Venezuela. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/united-states-seizes-aircraft-used-nicolas-maduro-moros-violation-us-export-control-and Mel asks about the "arrest" of Trump and it is not possible. Some of this is about a Federal Case that should never have been heard by this New York Court. Speculation is our worst case scenario right now. Everyone wants to be right. But lets not race to be wrong. In the next few days and weeks it will be like a series of rapidly escalating wrong conclusions. Mel Carmine asks about the Trump, Elon, RFKjr alignment. Musk wants to buy Ripple, XRP? Interesting answer by Juan. Cryptos and other "somethings" out in the future may actually take center stage. This is where it goes after that.. The RFKjr positioning in the Political "game". 9,000 people change during this kind of election cycle. It may get pretty rocky in the next 60 days. And then he mentions a Squirrel. Full Program here: https://rumble.com/v5dhzek-a-must-watch-updates-with-juan-osavin-i-got-him-to-admit-xrp-qfs.html Team No-Sleep. The last story is the best and also very sad. Kamala Harris has some seriously messed up mind problem. This is the way it looks to Juan. From Personal Experience with a friend that was drug damaged and ended up with something that rings to Juan in Kamalas Laughing. Has anyone noticed? The Laughing/Cackling thing is definitely WEIRD. https://www.tiktok.com/@dailywire/video/707395055403206583521.7K views 21 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- The QFS/Crypto Advice to Follow PT 2 - Mel Carmine 1 3 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThe Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with One Step. This is the Part where you have to sit down and listen. We get some REAL information that YOU can follow. NOT to become a VICTIM of a SCAM. These are all over the SM WORLD. Telegram in particular. But the way it shakes out you will understand. You might get your toes wet by getting a WALLET set up. You must do this with nothing more than "coffee money". That is like $10 or less and give Mel a chance to set you up in a secure environment without the "overseas transaction" SCAMS. This will be an entry point that then you can go forward with IF you FIND YOURSELF interested or if it becomes necessary. Now I only say this because JUAN is going to be setting up "something" in the near future that I have been told about. So follow listen and learn and you will be ahead of the game. Mel's site is QFS1776.com and he has a great tutorial which you should read through before ANY INVESTMENT. https://www.qfs1776.com/resources I will be getting myself set up so we can do this together. More to come. This is Mel's description of this Interview. *Clipped* for clarity. Juan O’ Savin goes on saying, “Don't bet against America!! and most importantly don't bet against the US dollar”, what he's talking about is the US digital dollar, This will allow the United States to make a historic comeback of proportions that no country has ever experienced before. I understand that could be partial but I'd be willing to put my cojones on the line, and say that this is downright and interview that you can understand, and you won't get too miffed at his long-winded answers, and perhaps one of the best interviews ever given by my friends Juan O’ Savin.17K views 20 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN - Digital Currency, QFS - *clipped part two* Mel Carmine 1 22 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSFor those wanting to know more about the Digital Currency situation and Quantum Financial System Reset, already underway, please take a look at this Presentation. Good information on both sides and clipped for brevity. They discuss the Digital Currency offerings that might survive the RV. As this channel advises *this is NOT financial ADVICE*. His links are on all his other programs. I do not promote this system one way or the other... discernment is advised. A conversation that explores the past and the present and is linked to our dollar.. and as Juan tells us.. and a "soft landing" metaphor is given, I will give you this landing notice... "Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent. Please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. (Only on flights where smoking is allowed: At this time, we request that you extinguish your cigarettes and) Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final check and collect any remaining cups and glasses. Cabin service is now terminated. Thank you."12.3K views 29 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Challenged on EVERY FRONT! PT 1- Mel Carmine 1 3 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is some of the best advice Juan has Given recently. He states "We are Challenged on Every Front" in the PART ONE. Then explains in more detail how this will effect you in PART TWO. Give Evil nothing to oppose is a statement that means we need to become Wise.. when you see problems GET OUT OF THE WAY. Since I clipped off Mel's half... if you want to watch the flashing lights (on loop) and him fade in and out with a bad "green screen" and the Ads be my guest: https://rumble.com/v454c6c-juan-osavin-dont-bet-against-america-and-most-importantly-dont-bet-against-.html21.8K views 6 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSMEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 2023 Be THANKFUL for the things we have. It is a GIFT to be here. Be THANKFUL. Thank you for your service to our Country. Juan has a point that needs to be said. Tyranny by the Deep State vs We the PEOPLE that want LIBERTY. The short take is the ILLUSION that we have been shown by the MSM. You do realize we have been CONNED right? When the PEOPLE fear the GOVERNMENT there is TYRANNY, when the GOVERNMENT fears the PEOPLE there is LIBERTY - Thomas Jefferson13.7K views 26 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Technology EBS, Towers, WuHan, Crypto- Mel Carmine 10 2 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSSorry Mel that flashing light Scalar System gives most people headaches. Mel Carmine host of this Presentation. StayAliive.com https://youtu.be/iDkUFMRXtbc Juan gets into the meat of some issues that I am so glad he addresses in this presentation. The EBS system is going to be sending out a pulse tomorrow 10 4 2023 that is mostly to get everyone "keyed into" this Emergency System to receive notification if certain "communication" systems cease to function. What does that mean? That if they are going to take down the internet.. they will be "relying" on the 4G cell towers to maintain connection TELEPHONICALLY with the people within our Borders. This of course is unfortunately the way most receive the INTERNET. Bad Idea. For many years now (Juan says 10 years but my knowledge base goes back 20 years) the WAVE FORM that can be produced and targeted within INDIVIDUAL power gradient Frequency waves with pinpoint precision can be by GPS signal DIRECTED to specific AREAS, POPULATIONS and INDIVIDUALS. So is the FEAR of it effecting you? I hate to tell you but ever since "OBAMA PHONES" 2008 if you want a year.. where Cell Phones were HOOKED UP.. all of us.. to CELL TOWERS. VIA THE INTERNET and GPS signal.... You have been AFFECTED. Technically this is what the issue is and always will be because we NOW are DEPENDENT on these DEVICES. If you want to NOT participate TURN OFF YOUR PHONE and if you can get someplace where their is NO connection to a TOWER or WIFI go there for the window around 2:22pm EDT and stay there to think about what withdrawal from the internet feels like. Get used to it. At some point it will ALL go down. And then you have to go to "PLAN B". Get a plan B. (not forever just while we "re-route" the way internet is transferred. Right now it goes through so many switches and glitches it is a miracle it works at all. The move is to LIGHT WAVE COMMUNICATIONS. This is Fiber Optic and Starlink Sats. LIGHT TRANSFER is clean and is difficult to split.. so your data is much more secure. Like VPN or other services it is the way of the FUTURE. So.. the next few topics are Torsion Physics, WuHan and then JFKjr. And Crypto. and to make your day.. YES JUAN OWNS CRYPTO.. I will post the Second part if it is anything important to the conversation. And NEVER give a kid a CELL PHONE.. they are EMFields that literally alter your Brains ElectroMagnetic Resonance.27.5K views 85 comments