Is the Bible a Jewish book?
Dustin NemosIs the Bible a Jewish book? No, it’s never been Jewish—every single book in the Bible was written by the Adamic Race—it’s our racial history from cover to cover. However, it is true that Jews wrote their own scripture called the Talmud—they published it one thousand years later. Source: The Seed Struggle (@theseedstruggle on X) https://x.com/theseedstruggle 💵 Please support our sponsors On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) VanMan's Miracle Tooth Powder www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans Gourmet Coffee for Patriots! www.TheGreatAwakeningCoffee.com www.TheSerapeum.com Social Media Links : www.TheSerapeum.com/Links 💵www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/donate- Single AND Recurring Donation Options ▶️www.gab.ai/nemoV ▶️ Telegram Chatroom - https://t.me/+wW74vLWlDTZlZGMx Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/Hisstory https:// TheSerapeum.com/Chat https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/ =========================================== Sponsors: https://RedPillLiving.com - Health & Beauty - Value Holistics & Quality CarbonShield60 - Doubled Lifespan in Mammal Studies! TimeStop - The Worlds Premier Beauty Cream! With CarbonShield60! https://TheGreatAwakeningCoffee.com - Gourmet Coffee for Patriots! https://TheGreatAwakeningBooks.com - Censored Books for Patriots. TheSerapeum.com is the worlds largest library of the occult (censored) and hidden history of Mankind, and Nephilim Kind. The Seed of the Serpent lives on, and the Seed War continues. Welcome to the Seed War: You've been Warned. At TheSerapeum.com, We Cover Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Elongated Skulls, Biblical and Scriptural Deep Dives, Censored History, and Who Runs the World - as well as what THEY Believe and Worship (And the Cosmology They are Hiding From Us), Culture & Christ, get informed and involved, Join us in TheSerapeum.com NOTE: any action by any media or internet firms) to negatively impact the production of this video will be interpreted as a violation of 18 USC 242 and 42 USC 1983, 84, 85, and we reserve the right to file civil and criminal legal action against youtube.com and its affiliates for attempting to suppress this "free speech"; and will also be construed as "conspiracy to aide the crimes listed herein".8.19K views 9 comments -
Dustin NemosMARTIN LUTHER'S REBUKE OF ANTICHRIST JEWS Source: Free Your Mind Videos https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) Sleepy Joe Sleep Aid https://redpillliving.com/sleep If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... Without Negative Side Effects. ✅ https://redpillliving.com/sleep ——————————————————————— For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/news ——————————————————————— Follow on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@REALDUSTINNEMOS Also follow us at Gab https://gab.com/nemosnewsnetwork Join our Telegram chat: https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/chat ——————————————————————— 💵 Please support our sponsors: Protect yourself by buying gold; Nemosnewsnetwork.com/gold Nemos News is 100% listener funded. Thank you for your support in our mission to Break the Cycle of Fake News. If you value our work please consider supporting us with our vetted patriot sponsors! ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors Shop Patriot & Detox the Deep State with www.RedPillLiving.com, Home of Sleepy Joe - the world's most powerful all natural sleep formula & The Great Awakening Gourmet Coffee for Patriots. "Our Specialty, is Waking People Up." ——————————————————————— Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/hisstory https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/8.94K views 53 comments -
The Rev 4:3 Podcast Ft. DUSTIN NEMOS: The END TIMES WAR from the Beginning to RIGHT NOW
Dustin NemosIt's always a really good idea to PRAY before listening to anyone teach on scripture, end times, or anything else-but in this case I believe it is of utmost importance! Be ready to be shaken, challenged, outraged, and ultimately enlightened to all that is going on around us, and how the 6000 year war against the darkness that's hiding in plain sight, is about to come to an end with our Messiah, Jesus Christ vanquishing the enemy for good, and making everything right once again. HALLELUYAH! Dustin Nemos, devoted husband and father of four, and lifelong atheist who met Jesus while seeking to uncover answers to his biblical challenges that no pastor could answer, is demonstrably one of the most censored names in US independent media. In this episode, and his ongoing ministry, he draws back the curtain to show us the Agenda behind the Agenda, and what is coming soon for us all. It is such a HUGE blessing to have had him take the time to share his anointing for end times truth, and his heart with us here at the Rev 4! If you find that this episode opened your eyes or blessed you in any way, please consider donating to his mission. This is how he supports his family and "they" have made it very difficult for him to make income through the normal online channels. Source: The Rev 4:3 Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/3JJ1FAqmrIOAwQpmgPyi58?si=d5b3c59032f84f79 On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS- (Coupon code good for one time use) 💵 Please support our sponsors: ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— VanMans Miracle Tooth Powder - www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... Without Negative Side Effects. ✅ https://redpillliving.com/sleep ——————————————————————— For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/news ——————————————————————— Follow on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@REALDUSTINNEMOS Also follow us at Gab https://gab.com/nemosnewsnetwork Join our Telegram chat: https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/chat ——————————————————————— 💵 Please support our sponsors: Protect yourself by buying gold; Nemosnewsnetwork.com/gold Nemos News is 100% listener funded. Thank you for your support in our mission to Break the Cycle of Fake News. If you value our work please consider supporting us with our vetted patriot sponsors! ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors Shop Patriot & Detox the Deep State with www.RedPillLiving.com, Home of Sleepy Joe - the world's most powerful all natural sleep formula & The Great Awakening Gourmet Coffee for Patriots. "Our Specialty, is Waking People Up." ——————————————————————— Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/hisstory https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/patriot-strong-podcast-ft-dustin-nemos-on-catholicism-the-scarlet-whore-of-babylon22.3K views 170 comments -
Is there a payload in the vaccinated?
Dustin NemosCan the content be released with frequency? What is the reason Trump installed 5G towers on schools, care homes and churches in Warp Speed? Google CONPLAN 88, watch this compilation. Source: The Seed Struggle https://x.com/theseedstruggle/status/1859271790024945699 On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) Sleepy Joe Sleep Aid https://redpillliving.com/sleep If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... Without Negative Side Effects. ✅ https://redpillliving.com/sleep ——————————————————————— For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/news ——————————————————————— Follow on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@REALDUSTINNEMOS Also follow us at Gab https://gab.com/nemosnewsnetwork Join our Telegram chat: https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/chat ——————————————————————— 💵 Please support our sponsors: Protect yourself by buying gold; Nemosnewsnetwork.com/gold Nemos News is 100% listener funded. Thank you for your support in our mission to Break the Cycle of Fake News. If you value our work please consider supporting us with our vetted patriot sponsors! ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors Shop Patriot & Detox the Deep State with www.RedPillLiving.com, Home of Sleepy Joe - the world's most powerful all natural sleep formula & The Great Awakening Gourmet Coffee for Patriots. "Our Specialty, is Waking People Up." ——————————————————————— Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/hisstory https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/12.8K views 44 comments -
Dustin NemosKING BAU RADIO | ANTISEMITISM IS ILLEGAL & JEWS AREN'T "JEWS" FEAT. DUSTIN NEMOS Source: KingBau https://rumble.com/user/KingBau 💵 Please support our sponsors On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) VanMan's Miracle Tooth Powder www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans Gourmet Coffee for Patriots! www.TheGreatAwakeningCoffee.com www.TheSerapeum.com Social Media Links : www.TheSerapeum.com/Links 💵www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/donate- Single AND Recurring Donation Options ▶️www.gab.ai/nemoV ▶️ Telegram Chatroom - https://t.me/+wW74vLWlDTZlZGMx Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/Hisstory https:// TheSerapeum.com/Chat https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/ =========================================== Sponsors: https://RedPillLiving.com - Health & Beauty - Value Holistics & Quality CarbonShield60 - Doubled Lifespan in Mammal Studies! TimeStop - The Worlds Premier Beauty Cream! With CarbonShield60! https://TheGreatAwakeningCoffee.com - Gourmet Coffee for Patriots! https://TheGreatAwakeningBooks.com - Censored Books for Patriots. TheSerapeum.com is the worlds largest library of the occult (censored) and hidden history of Mankind, and Nephilim Kind. The Seed of the Serpent lives on, and the Seed War continues. Welcome to the Seed War: You've been Warned. At TheSerapeum.com, We Cover Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Elongated Skulls, Biblical and Scriptural Deep Dives, Censored History, and Who Runs the World - as well as what THEY Believe and Worship (And the Cosmology They are Hiding From Us), Culture & Christ, get informed and involved, Join us in TheSerapeum.com NOTE: any action by any media or internet firms) to negatively impact the production of this video will be interpreted as a violation of 18 USC 242 and 42 USC 1983, 84, 85, and we reserve the right to file civil and criminal legal action against youtube.com and its affiliates for attempting to suppress this "free speech"; and will also be construed as "conspiracy to aide the crimes listed herein".20K views 117 comments -
The Silent War: Ep. 6392 Trojan Trump is Selling Us Out Again, WW3 and Plandemic 2.0
Dustin NemosOn this episode of The Silent War: The Silent War: Ep. 6392 Trojan Trump is Selling Us Out Again, WW3 and Plandemic 2.0 CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) VanMan's Miracle Tooth Powder www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... Without Negative Side Effects. ✅ https://redpillliving.com/sleep ——————————————————————— For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/news ——————————————————————— Follow on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@REALDUSTINNEMOS Also follow us at Gab https://gab.com/nemosnewsnetwork Join our Telegram chat: https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/chat ——————————————————————— 💵 Please support our sponsors: Protect yourself by buying gold; Nemosnewsnetwork.com/gold Nemos News is 100% listener funded. Thank you for your support in our mission to Break the Cycle of Fake News. If you value our work please consider supporting us with our vetted patriot sponsors! ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors Shop Patriot & Detox the Deep State with www.RedPillLiving.com, Home of Sleepy Joe - the world's most powerful all natural sleep formula & The Great Awakening Gourmet Coffee for Patriots. "Our Specialty, is Waking People Up." ——————————————————————— Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/hisstory https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/10.9K views 78 comments -
Dr. Jay Smith - The Truth About Islam's Origins
Dustin NemosDr. Jay Smith - The Truth About Islam's Origins Source: Calvary Chapel San Jose https://www.youtube.com/@calvarychapelsanjose 💵 Please support our sponsors On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS (Coupon code good for one time use) VanMan's Miracle Tooth Powder www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans Gourmet Coffee for Patriots! www.TheGreatAwakeningCoffee.com www.TheSerapeum.com Social Media Links : www.TheSerapeum.com/Links 💵www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/donate- Single AND Recurring Donation Options ▶️www.gab.ai/nemoV ▶️ Telegram Chatroom - https://t.me/+wW74vLWlDTZlZGMx Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/Hisstory https:// TheSerapeum.com/Chat https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/ =========================================== Sponsors: https://RedPillLiving.com - Health & Beauty - Value Holistics & Quality CarbonShield60 - Doubled Lifespan in Mammal Studies! TimeStop - The Worlds Premier Beauty Cream! With CarbonShield60! https://TheGreatAwakeningCoffee.com - Gourmet Coffee for Patriots! https://TheGreatAwakeningBooks.com - Censored Books for Patriots. TheSerapeum.com is the worlds largest library of the occult (censored) and hidden history of Mankind, and Nephilim Kind. The Seed of the Serpent lives on, and the Seed War continues. Welcome to the Seed War: You've been Warned. At TheSerapeum.com, We Cover Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Elongated Skulls, Biblical and Scriptural Deep Dives, Censored History, and Who Runs the World - as well as what THEY Believe and Worship (And the Cosmology They are Hiding From Us), Culture & Christ, get informed and involved, Join us in TheSerapeum.com NOTE: any action by any media or internet firms) to negatively impact the production of this video will be interpreted as a violation of 18 USC 242 and 42 USC 1983, 84, 85, and we reserve the right to file civil and criminal legal action against youtube.com and its affiliates for attempting to suppress this "free speech"; and will also be construed as "conspiracy to aide the crimes listed herein".7.08K views 8 comments -
Dustin Nemos and Mike Adams talk prophecy, end times, Antichrist and revelations
Dustin NemosDustin Nemos and Mike Adams talk prophecy, end times, Antichrist and revelations - Interview Introduction and Context (0:01) - Dustin Nemos' Perspective on Historical Events (3:03) - The Role of Edomites and the Jewish High Priests (8:14) - Modern Political Implications and the Kazarian Mafia (14:10) - Genetic Evidence and the Nephilim (19:50) - The Role of Comets in Ancient History (21:55) - The Genetic War and Modern Israel (30:58) - The Role of Freemasons and the Star of David (31:14) - The End Times and Prophetic Signs (35:41) - The Role of Comets in the End Times (53:59) - The Final Countdown and the Rapture (2:07:17) Source: Health Ranger Report https://rumble.com/c/HealthRangerReport On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/NEMOS Coupon Code: NEMOS- (Coupon code good for one time use) 💵 Please support our sponsors: ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— VanMans Miracle Tooth Powder - www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... Without Negative Side Effects. ✅ https://redpillliving.com/sleep ——————————————————————— For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at www.NemosNewsNetwork.com/news ——————————————————————— Follow on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@REALDUSTINNEMOS Also follow us at Gab https://gab.com/nemosnewsnetwork Join our Telegram chat: https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/chat ——————————————————————— 💵 Please support our sponsors: Protect yourself by buying gold; Nemosnewsnetwork.com/gold Nemos News is 100% listener funded. Thank you for your support in our mission to Break the Cycle of Fake News. If you value our work please consider supporting us with our vetted patriot sponsors! ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors Shop Patriot & Detox the Deep State with www.RedPillLiving.com, Home of Sleepy Joe - the world's most powerful all natural sleep formula & The Great Awakening Gourmet Coffee for Patriots. "Our Specialty, is Waking People Up." ——————————————————————— Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/hisstory https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/patriot-strong-podcast-ft-dustin-nemos-on-catholicism-the-scarlet-whore-of-babylon20.5K views 212 comments