Alien invasion
4 videos
Updated 1 month ago
No matter where you live, except a handful of countries, you're being illegally invaded by aliens.
Didn't see that coming.
WolvMarineI think I can safely say when I first watched this video that I didn't see that coming. I thought ya maybe the dudes gonna bolt but what the cop ended up doing kinda surprised me. How about you? Did you see that coming? Thank you, take care. -WolveMarine 🫡 If you'd like to buy me a coffee ☕️👇 buymeacoffee.com/USMCschlote80 views -
LIVE REPLAY: Trump to Visit the U.S. Southern Border in Cochise County, AZ - 8/22/24
Right Side Broadcasting NetworkPresident Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will Visit the U.S. Southern Border in Cochise County, Arizona on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. ET. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 1:30 p.m. ET. The start time is approximate and subject to change. The Birch Gold Group: Get your free Gold IRA information kit simply by going to https://birchgold.com/rsbn today! The Wellness Company Contagion Kit, are you ready for the future? Get yours today at https://makecaregreatagain.com Free Trump Book: Get your free Trump book! Just pay a small shipping and handling fee! Go to http://freetrumpbook.com/402K views 290 comments -
TommyRobinsonOfficialIT IS SO IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE TO SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE!!!! Support Tommy at - www.helptommy.com61.8K views 679 comments -
Illegal Aliens riot at a Paris Airport.
WolvMarineIllegal aliens riot at a airport in Paris. After French officials try to deport an illegal alien. Is this a sign of things to come in the United States of America? You know if President Trump is elected and mass deportations take place like he's promised. The DNC threw their cover groups, like ANTIFA, will make sure rioting is SOP at all deportations. Will this stop MAGA from voting for Trump? Hell No!68 views