Never Forget Benghazi
6 videos
Updated 6 months ago
This is a list of episodes devoted to the Benghazi Attacks on September 11, 2012, that claimed the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty.
The mission is to Never Forget Benghazi, cut through the political rhetoric, and bring the attackers to justice.
Talking 13 Hours with the REAL Dave "Boon" Benton!
The Andres Segovia ShowDave Benton and Sarah Adams co-wrote Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy, A Cold Case Investigation. It's available on hardcover and kindle. Dave, also known as "Boon", is one the of the heroes and survivors of the Benghazi terrorist attacks 9/11/2012. He was portrayed by actor David Denman in the film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi. Was David's take on Dave accurate? Full interview: https://youtube.com/live/239TVw829ec Contrarian. Motivator. Demotivator. Podcaster talking all things Tech & Real Estate over coffee. #TheAndresSegovia #13hours #daviddenman ***** ✔️Like. ✔️Share. ✔️Follow. ✔️Subscribe! ⌨️ Join My Locals Community: https://theandressegoviashow.locals.com/ 🎧 Listen On Spotify For Exclusive Audio Content: https://spoti.fi/2Ja1pk4 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theandressegovia/ 📱 Also Find Me On Gab/GETTR/Guilded/LinkedIn/Minds/Parler/Truth Social/Substack/Twitter/Vero THE KEEP ANDRES CAFFEINATED FUND 📚 Buy My Books: https://theandressegovia.com/the-book-club/ ☕ Buy Coffee: https://rangercandycoffeecompany.com/?ref=lsfjo2ak18 Use Promo Code ANDRESSEGOVIA for free shipping! 💻 Buy My Gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/theandressegoviashow (Purchases made from store links helps support the show, and it doesn't cost you extra!😉)59 views -
The Benghazi Attacks: 10 Years Later, The Saga Continues (ft. Boon & CIA Targeter Sarah Adams)
The Andres Segovia ShowMy special guest today are the co-authors of the new book Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy Sarah Adams and Dave "Boon" Benton. Boon is best known as one of the GRS operators that ignored a "stand-down" order to save Americans in danger during the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the Special Missions Compound in Benghazi, Lybia. Sarah Adams is a former CIA Targeter that was on the ground in Benghazi before and after the attacks. She's been investigating who the attackers were in order to be brought to justice. Ten years later, she and Boon are still investigating and are publishing their findings for the first time. ✔️Like. ✔️Share. ✔️Follow. ✔️Subscribe! 🎧 Listen On Spotify For Exclusive Audio Content: https://spoti.fi/2Ja1pk4 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theandressegovia/ 📱 Across the Socials: https://theandressegovia.com/connect/ THE KEEP ANDRES CAFFEINATED FUND ☕ Buy Coffee: https://rangercandycoffeecompany.com/?ref=lsfjo2ak18 📚 Buy My Books: https://theandressegovia.com/the-book-club/ 💻 Buy My Gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/theandressegoviashow Check Out All My Referral Links HERE (Purchases made from store links may give me some money to buy coffee. It doesn't cost you extra!😉)544 views 1 comment -
The World Of The GRS ft. Benghazi Survivor and Hero Mark "Oz" Geist
The Andres Segovia ShowFor Giving Tuesday, here's a throwback to when I interviewed Mark "Oz Geist, Benghazi hero and survivor. Across The Socials @TheAndresSegovia & Twitter @_AndresSegovia www.TheAndresSegovia.com Affiliate Links: https://withkoji.com/@TheAndresSegovia266 views 1 comment -
Talking Afghanistan, Benghazi, & The Global War On Terror With Ex-CIA
The Andres Segovia ShowMy guest is Sarah Adams, Author of Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy and former CIA Targeter. In this wide-ranging discussion, we talk about updates to her investigation into the Benghazi Attackers, Fact vs Fiction in Hollywood, Afghanistan and our Allies left behind, the outlook of The Global War On Terror, and For on-going updates, follow Sarah on Instagram @askarimediagroup and buy her book Benghazi: Know Thy Enemy on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Across The Socials @TheAndresSegovia & Twitter @_AndresSegovia www.TheAndresSegovia.com Affiliate Links: https://t.co/WHhZe7DUZz424 views -
The 2nd Amendment & Safety Training With Benghazi Hero Boon
The Andres Segovia ShowBoon is of the heroes of the Benghazi Terror attacks of 2012. He's a weapons instructor and arguable one of the best qualified to speak with on the 2A and policy solutions. In this wide ranging discussion, we touch on the current debates and policies regarding gun rights, police training and funding, and mental health issues. Resources: IG: db_boon IG: Threat Management Solutions Website: Shooting Classes Across The Socials @TheAndresSegovia www.TheAndresSegovia.com924 views 1 comment -
Why the Benghazi Attacks Are Personal To Me
The Andres Segovia ShowContrarian. Motivator. Demotivator. Podcaster talking all things Tech & Real Estate over coffee. #TheAndresSegovia #13hours #benghazi ***** ✔️Like. ✔️Share. ✔️Follow. ✔️Subscribe! ⌨️ Join My Locals Community: https://theandressegoviashow.locals.com/ 🎧 Listen On Spotify For Exclusive Audio Content: https://spoti.fi/2Ja1pk4 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theandressegovia/ 📱 Also Find Me On Gab/GETTR/Guilded/LinkedIn/Minds/Parler/Truth Social/Substack/Twitter/Vero THE KEEP ANDRES CAFFEINATED FUND 📚 Buy My Books: https://theandressegovia.com/the-book-club/ ☕ Buy Coffee: https://rangercandycoffeecompany.com/?ref=lsfjo2ak18 Use Promo Code ANDRESSEGOVIA for free shipping! 💻 Buy My Gear: https://www.amazon.com/shop/theandressegoviashow (Purchases made from store links helps support the show, and it doesn't cost you extra!😉)26 views