Cavern of Dreams
7 videos
Updated 2 months ago
My gameplay of a neat little indie N64-inspired game. this will contain all of my Cavern of Dreams videos enjoy!
Cavern of Dreams:Final
Naglfar94 GameplaysWell now here we are the grand finale to this wonderful game and playthrough of mine ah I wish there was more to this game and it was a bit longer as it was so good. Anyway, the final battle of the game going against Luna but first the thing I do is since Fynn has his wings upgraded and can fly as long as he wants now and wherever in the game I go ahead and show off all the little areas you can explore and reach that can only be done when having the wing upgrade to fly, there are a lot of little neat things tucked away in this game and little areas you can reach by flight. Sadly they don't bear any impact on the game at all or add anything more to the main game. With that I go after Luna her battle is pretty simple well with Fynn's wings it makes it easier basically her battle is a giant obstacle course you gotta navigate and get Fynn's siblings to help him make her dizzy and knock her from flight and with that ends the whole game heh I hope you all enjoyed this little gem of a game and the playthrough! Enjoy the last boss and ending and well see y'all in the next game which will be soon!8 views -
Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 6
Naglfar94 GameplaysGetting even more closer to finishing this game up! In this one, I pick up from the last video and I go ahead and finish up the other portion of the Nightmare Gallery. So the rest of the missing eggs are within 2 other painting worlds that you must go inside of. The first one I go into which is the Wastes of Eternity was probably the most annoying one to deal with you see in that one there are these mummy-like things and while yes at first they are slow it seems like eventually they soon speed up so much to the point that no matter how fast you are going they will always catch you, so do not linger in this area too long and hurry up and find the egg. But the issue here is visibility is low as heck so it is hard to see the dang egg and even though I knew where the egg was at the thing wasn't even seen and I couldn't see the sucker so I got caught a few times. The next little area you have to go to is a fire-based area which eventually leads you into another painting world and I liked the other one in particular its design and for some reason, it made me think of SnakeWay from Dragon Ball Z haha.29 views -
Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 5
Naglfar94 GameplaysMore Cavern of Dreams and the adventure continues and now it is official that I am now at end game yep the final legs of the journey is here already and the only area left to visit in the game is the Nightmare Gallery. So remember in my very first video that kinda creepy area I went to gran an egg at with the trees that had faces on them? Yeah well behind the gate is the path to the Nightmare Gallery and now with the ability to spit water bubbles the way to there can be opened up and that is what I do. The area is split into two parts the small outdoor area where you are briefly at with the main thing in that being an outdoor maze you have to navigate to open the gallery. Once inside you are greeted to a pretty big level that goes all out with throwing puzzles at you and obstacles to cross. Eggs are also scattered inside certain paintings too! Yep in this level you can go inside of some of the paintings and each one is a mini world with a different challenge you have to face to get the egg within.10 views -
Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 4
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack at it with more Cavern of Dreams picking right up from the last video I did and continuing my ruin through the Prismic Palace area. So this is what I like to consider the 2nd portion or act 2 of the Prismic Palace as now the place has shifted from a snow and ice based level to there being a lot of water so essentially this is now a water stage. There is a lot of stuff to do here too and this level is shockingly pretty huge I'd argue one of the biggest and it is a tossup between which is bigger this place or Nightmare Gallery.15 views -
Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 3
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack with some more of this great little game and it is off to the next major area of the game since the last video. Along the way Luna the bat is encountered again and she is up to her usual in trying to slow down Fynn. At this point in the game I am at the middle point now and nearing the end of the game yeah just that fast and already nearing the end but the areas the remaining ones which aren't many have become much bigger with a lot more stuff to do in it. This next place headed to is another favorite place of mine the Prismic Palace and why you may ask? Because the whole level is snow and and ice-based! And I have to say when it comes to levels in games I really, reaaallllyyy love the snow-based areas as I love snow so much! So this place is automatically in my favorites. The level is split into two parts actually when you first arrive the place is covered in a blizzard and it is a snowstorm there. The one you have to help here who is frozen when you come across her is Opal and her eggs have been stolen so you have go around the level and find the eggs that belong to her and they are pretty easy to find and not get mixed up with well your own eggs and once her eggs are gotten she will then thaw the place out turning it into pretty much a water level so we go from a snow level to water pretty much.18 views -
Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 2
Naglfar94 GameplaysBack with more Cavern of Dreams and it is off to the second area of the game that you can visit..Actually Second area for me don't think it is 100% confirmed. Still, I believe if you wanted as long as you have Fynn's wings and horn upgrade you can visit any other area of the game anytime you want. Still, I always go to Airborne Armada what I consider the 2nd area of the game after I clear the Lake so anyway the Airborne Armada is a neat level in the game it is an airship of sorts yes but with a twist of it being alive! Yeah the whole thing is alive and man the details both subtle and not subtle given in this level are so well done! Such as the inside of the ship displaying on the walls if you look closely enough veins and blood vessels all over the place so the whole inside of the ship is pretty much an inside of body type of level combined with machinery it is probably one of the most unique levels in this game and the vibe is a tad bit unsettling a bit like not to the point of boo scary but it is kinda creepy a bit especially with the outside the mood it gives and the inside as well a bit with the music it has, All in all a very fun level and one of my favorite places to go in this game.20 views -
Cavern of Dreams:Playthrough 1
Naglfar94 GameplaysAlrighty now here we go with yet another game yeah this is a first on the channel running more than one game at once but my ongoing Cult of the Lamb gameplay I can't always do since I plan on doing that alongside my girlfriend and well we don't always get to play that. Anyway Cavern of Dreams this is a neat little indie game adorable as well that has the style and look of a Nintendo 64 era game and looking at this game it certainly does capture that N64 period and look very well which impressed me. So this game is all about collecting thing most specifically eggs and cards. The main goal though are the eggs which are little baby dragons and the siblings of our little cute hero Fynn who came to the place looking for them so there are no enemies or anything of the sort in this game and instead it is all about brain power so there are a lot of puzzles and riddles in here to fill in the place of enemies. At first I didn't think I would much like a game like that but boy was I wrong and I ended up wanting more of this game in the end. Oh yeah and Happy Thanksgiving to all!36 views 1 comment