Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough
17 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Here is the playlist to my play through for Pokemon Radical Red!
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 17 |
Kriton GamingIn this video we rematched Lt. Surge & we take on Sabrina the psychic Gym Leader! Lt. Surge wasn't too hard but Sabrina was an absolute menace! nonetheless I will continue to bring content for you all as I suffer playing Pokemon! Hope you all enjoyed & Thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart17#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming#pokemonplaythrough#pokemonradicalredplaythrough#pokemonromhackplaythrough#pokemonplaythroughpart17148 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 15 | Giovanni Destroyed Me!
Kriton Gamingyes as the titles states I got absolutely destroyed by Giovanni in this video and well I did the best I could but I do hope you all enjoyed! I apologize for the delay as well but I will do better next time! I hope you all enjoyed & thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart15#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming#pokemonplaythrough#pokemonradicalredplaythrough#pokemonromhackplaythrough#pokemonplaythroughpart15117 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 14 | I Got Train Wrecked
Kriton Gamingso the title speaks for itself and I got mopped completely in this video however I do plan to do more leveling up and team building for the next video to bring more enjoyable content for you all! Hope you all enjoyed & thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart14#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming#pokemonplaythrough#pokemonradicalredplaythrough#pokemonromhackplaythrough#pokemonplaythroughpart14138 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part13 | Let The Mother Rest!
Kriton Gamingto start off I got absolutely destroyed in this video and it was painful... but nonetheless I hope it brought a smile to your faces! I will bring more content for you all & thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart13#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming#pokemonplaythrough#pokemonradicalredplaythrough#pokemonromhackplaythrough#pokemonplaythroughpart13174 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 12 | Giovanni is The Boss For A Reason!
Kriton GamingIn this video we take on Giovanni the head of Team Rocket & this did take several recordings to beat! I hope you all enjoyed & thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart12#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming#pokemonplaythrough#pokemonradicalredplaythrough#pokemonromhackplaythrough#pokemonplaythroughpart1267 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 11 | Entering The Rocket Casino!
Kriton GamingThis video is a quick upload due to my lack of time but I do hope you all enjoy this play through I will work better & Thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart9#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming#pokemonplaythrough#pokemonradicalredplaythrough#pokemonromhackplaythrough#pokemonplaythroughpart1198 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 10 | Grind Don't Stop!
Kriton GamingIn this upload we take on the next Gym and it did take me several times to beat it the next video will be uploaded later I just hope you all enjoy & Thank you all for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart9#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming96 views -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 9 | We Are Back!
Kriton GamingThis video is nothing crazy just a quick upload and many more to come & I apologize for the audio in the last few minutes of the video! I need a new mic ... Thank you for watching! #pokemon#pokemonradicalred#pokemonromhack#pokemonrom#playthrough#pokemonplaythrough#playthroughpart9#pokemontrainer#pokemonrumble#rumblefyp#pokemonrumbleplaythrough#pokeromhack#enjoy#fun#gaming167 views 2 comments -
Pokemon Radical Red Playthrough | Part 8 | Lt. Surge is Busted
Kriton GamingWE continue forward into the romhack that is Pokemon Radical Red and the intensity it comes with we face Lt. Surge and yes I did lose 3times however 4th time was the charm so just happy we won! Hope you all enjoyed and thank you for watching :D!69 views