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The Root Bible Podcast

14 videos
Updated 7 months ago
Join us as we delve into the Word! You must be rooted in the Word and ignited by the Spirit, but instead of impractical, intangible ideologies, this podcast reveals how simple God has already made it for you to grow and to lead your home in Christ. This spiritual expedition not only unveils the countless ways in which God has worked in the past but also underscores the significance of our beliefs dictate who we allow God to be through us today. Your faith is pivotal, and as you align it with the teachings of God's Word, you open doors to a realm where God's heavenly culture becomes your tangible reality. Let the transformative power of God's promises guide your beliefs, paving the way for a life marked by health, wholeness, and power. Embrace the profound truth that what we believe shapes the world around you, and let the wisdom of God's Word shape your journey to a renewed and flourishing life. You and your family can join Root during the week in LIVE classes - there are classes for EVERY age! Everyone can grow spiritually through these live and interactive classes and live podcast recordings. To learn more, go to: To sow into these Biblical truths shaping lives and equipping Christians to grow spiritually, go to: #amazingmorning #HolySpirit #transformed #therealyou #rootofrevival #godsplan #thoughts #AttackOfTheEnemy #prayer #biblestudy #kingdomminded #kingdommindset #spiritualcoaching #spiritualgrowth #rootbibleacademy #HearingGodsVoice #perception #seemoreclearly #identity
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  2. Killing Sacred Cows of Healing - Heaven's Health - Root Bible Podcast
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  4. You have COMPLETE AUTHORITY over sickness - Heaven's Health - Root Bible Podcast
  5. Heaven's Health - God the Healer in the Old Testament (Junior High)
  6. Root Bible Podcast - Heaven's Health, Week 2
  7. Root Bible Podcast - Heaven's Health
  8. Heaven's Health - The Temple - Root Bible Podcast
  9. Root Bible Podcast - Heaven's Health displayed through Jesus
  10. "Heavenly Handoff: Transferring the Mantle" - Root Bible Podcast - Live Recording - Heaven's Health