JUAN and Alpha Warrior
13 videos
Updated 11 days ago
Fantastic podcaster with programs all over social media. His work with Juan is some of the best.
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is a Juan O Savin Communication tools 101 for those that would like to come up to speed right now with why he was in Antarctica and the many current and historical EVENTS that you might have missed. Go Slow Students the Instructor is going to have a Test at the End. 6G is MILITARY GRADE LIGHT WAVE COMMUNICATIONS. This is run by the SPACE FORCE and they OWN the SAT STREAM. REMEMBER SPACE FORCE IS NOT JUST OUTER SPACE BUT INNER SPACE. We have a GIFT that is revealing itself right now. But this is the FOG of WAR. This is where if you have not find your LANE you are going to have to drive really slowly. He brings up POLITICS, FINANCES and WIKILEAKS. Then closes with the UN building a Military Base in Antarctica. TEST ME.19.3K views 37 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN -In OUR Name? Repentance- Alpha Warrior 8 13 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSPart two starts with the Brutal Truth. Do you set your own stuff aside? You might just prepare for the Day to day. A wise man sees trouble coming and gets out of the way. Alpha is going to take his Iraqi Denar as Placemats and Wall Paper. Finally someone tells the truth. Are you in the Fight? The Election is discussed in detail. 2024 will not be completed on Time. Everything was completely corrupted. They will find someone to blame. Rest assured. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/update-widespread-crowdstrike-outages-explained-possible-election-implications/ This Part Two goes dark when Juan discusses the War Lords that in Somalia were racing to get the bodies from the crew of Black Hawk down. To eat them to get their power. Uganda was were Juan was last year. Some of his shows are here: https://rumble.com/v41pufi-juan-o-savin-ugandas-kids-and-christian-principles-gerry-foley-12-16-2023.html Harold Bredesen was a friend of Christian Principles. And speaking in Tongues. Juan again mentions the Lutheran Minister Harald Bredesen who interviewed the great Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Link Here: https://rumble.com/v3r4mq7-pastor-harald-bredesen-interviews-anwar-sadat-arab-republic-of-egypt-1978.html This is about a healing ministry that also Curry Blake has established. JGLM.org for more information. Christ had to explained that it is ok to heal someone on the SABBATH. Nino did a show about this as well https://rumble.com/v3ridoy-juan-o-savin-there-but-for-the-grace-of-god-go-i-nino-10-24-2023.html What is the horror that WE have been dealing for our Country? This is going to lead to National Shaming and then Repentance. Like Uganda or the Ukraine things that were done in our name. Think on this.13.7K views 12 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Blown Away, A Moment in History- Alpha Warrior 8 13 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThe Pause will be brief for the next two years for Juan O Savin. This is Part one of three. Thanks Alpha for this great interview. Alpha Warrior helps to get this concept fleshed out with some great questions. Something in the Air? The Era that created the Songs we identify with. A delightful intro to Juan's state of mind- Yes at the 2017 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with Roundabout https://youtu.be/6kbcqKkTmko?si=4Mi2P9DgWrfMar3T Several Topics are talked about here. The Banking System and the Japanese Markets. The Full story here: https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/08/05/why-japanese-markets-have-plummeted Secret Service comes up and they look at the backstory. They are a branch of the Treasury! Is the Re-evaluation of the Currency happening.. Zim Bonds, the Dong, the junk money that everyone thinks will make them a zillionaire. Right. Get real folks. Think like a CON ARTIST. This truly has got people on pins and needles. Any day now. Secret decoder ring plan. LOL Worth Listening to twice.20.9K views 11 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Nano Chips, Alien connections- Alpha Warrior 11 17 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is *clipped* to less then 15 min. This program by Alpha Warrior was premiered tonight 11 20 23 https://rumble.com/v3wxd91-alpha-presents-defcon-roundtable-featuring-juan-osavin-patriot-streetfighte.html .. but it was during Juan's Friday Call with the Candidates Coalition which was the 17th. So I *clipped out* only Juan's PRESENTATION which I always do here to highlight just his part. This is the program that Juan mentions here that Alpha played before he joined it.. this wonderful coherent conversation by Laura Aboli really hits on all points! https://rumble.com/v3x695l-laura-aboli-better-way-conference-2023.html Alpha Warrior: the FULL presentation is here: https://rumble.com/v3wxd91-alpha-presents-defcon-roundtable-featuring-juan-osavin-patriot-streetfighte.html A couple of notes: He mentions Clif High who is all in on identifying the "hybrid" program on Aliens. The "Half Passed Human" Juan agrees this goes back to incidences that happened in the Garden with the bringing Eve out of Adams Rib. I thought this a bit odd. But having many definitions of this only means that we are still having difficulties EXPLAINING it. This is because it was done back in the 70's and 80's and back then it was SciFi to most people. We had movies that "explained" the results of these half human hybrids but only speculated on how. Because I have this story having done extensive research over many years and working in Animal Husbandry. At some point this story which I have told many about but no one "believed me". Ah well I well let others come out first. It is still very dangerous out there and as a side note... I posted this on my YT channel as a test. And they took it down last night. For "medical misinformation". That is their last stand but I think this program is couched enough to say.. it is because of this VERY ISSUE.. "they" can not be allowed to let this even being suggested. You can guess why I hope. The Battle is not over. Juan also mentions "Nano Chips". This was also ascribed to the Good vs Evil fight. Hope we get more to flesh this out. Juan is trying to walk on the beach now.. and that might be a good thing. Artificial Beings that are "chipped" walk among us. And with Juan starting to talk about this now? Him recognizing that these beings are being controlled? This is a very good development. Alpha Warrior part one https://rumble.com/v3hiqqa-juan-o-savin-artifical-intelligence-musk-darpa-pt-one-alpha-warrior-9-9-202.html Part two https://rumble.com/v3hjtom-juan-o-savin-fraud-jan-6-fbi-ops-azov-army-pt-two-alpha-warrior-9-9-2023.html44.8K views 33 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Artificial Intelligence, Musk, DARPA Pt ONE- Alpha Warrior 9 9 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is PART ONE to the show premiered 9 13 2023 but recorded on 9 9 2023 so Alpha does a fantastic Job and uses his knowledge base to do VALUE ADDED. The way Juan described the AI was a first. Google is the MAJOR PLAYER in Search Engine MANIPULATION. Key words Algorithms and Modifications even to the MUSK platform now called X. It is insane that 25 MILLION voters are effected BY THE GOOGLE MANIPULATED PLATFORM KEY WORD that you can not find what you are looking for!!!! Even Duck Duck Go is at the WILL of the 800 LB GORILLA called ALPHABET INC. That includes GOOGLE YOUTUBE and 23 and ME! YOU must know that this is why we can not get a handle on the VOTE FRAUD, THE CO-OPing of our DEVICES and the RUNNING OF OUR MINDS 6 GW is already in play where YOU are the one FOREIGN to the SYSTEM. 5 GW that was written btw with Boone Cutler , SGT, US Army (Retired) that did the RESEARCH. The Citizen's Guide to FIFTH GENERATION WARFARE is a WORKBOOK to give you the training YOU MUST LEARN so that more people get INFORMED. IF not the Artificial Intelligence WILL CONTROL YOU! The Azov Army and their Nazi background is explained here as well. The unit has drawn controversy over its early and allegedly continuing association with far-right groups and neo-Nazi ideology, its use of controversial symbols linked to Nazism, and early allegations that members of the unit participated in human rights violations. Part two get into the HISTORY of the events in the Agencies and the CIA that you have already heard. The Answer to the Question at the end of part one comes much later.11.9K views 23 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSSome will find this interesting. The Alien Card was just played by those that want to obscure the real event that happened on this day ... J6 of 2021. We still have evil lurking right on the GROUND. The Guys did not mention this.. I WONDER WHY???? Please go to STOPHATE.COM and contribute to something REAL. Coffee with Juan and the beautiful scenery of KONA, HAWAII. This brings back memories from stories of incidences in the past that when tied together we understand that all along.. this has been one FANTASTIC CON JOB.26.1K views 56 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis one is about PSYOPS and what is hidden from sight. These projects and three letter mapping during our whole life are often never seen. What we are is just one big EXPERIMENT. Why do we not know about this? Why the SECRETS? We don't understand how this works or will we EVER know the RESULTS of these Projects? Many of these are the background of VAULT 7 ... mind control, SOCIAL CONTROL, psyops. What will happen during this year? 2024 is only the beginning and an early phase in a WIDER operation. The Illusion is well explained with MAGIK. The distraction of "sleight of hand". Many have lived their lives in ILLUSION. We have so many "layers" what is possible? CGI, Holograms, Aircraft captures, at a level of SCIENCE FICTION.22.2K views 52 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- COMMS we know, GOD & YOUR MISSION - Alpha Warrior 2 14 2024
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSJuan starts PART TWO with the run down of the Communication tools that the Deep State developed for THEIR needs. Like the Blackberries that Hillary Used the Pallets of Phones seized in the first year of the Trump Administration (Obama Phones to Foreign Countries preinstalled with back doors) The Video "games" that suggest the Money Laundering and comms of the infiltrating ILLEGALS. All set up all employed to people and "operations" to make sure THEY were successful and YOU PAID FOR IT and couldn't even count on service! The Telecomms have been right in there with useary fees and shitty coverage because of the DATA Harvesting by Political Gangs and those that steal your Bank account, access codes and passwords. And you don't think this EFFECTS you? Think again! He also explains the "Honey Pot Scandels" George Papadopoulos, Jeffery Epstein and Brennan and those that created this CON are not really the ones at the Top! The Puppet Masters are doing a very good job at having you watch the MAGIC ACT and thinking it is REAL. A few links to help you during this Presentation. The PUPPET MASTERS https://rumble.com/v4cp96r-juan-o-savin-antarctica-and-the-puppet-master-gerry-foley-2-10-2024.html Release of "CIA GATE" by FOX NEWS https://rumble.com/v4dagvx-the-valentines-day-massacre-is-here-2-13-2024-fox-news.html Operation Gladio WWI https://rumble.com/v4d7ov0-operation-gladio-part-i-featuring-the-colonels-corner-ep.257.html Full show with Alpha Warrior https://rumble.com/v4efooz-tick-tock-its-going-to-be-biblical-featuring-juan-osavin-ep.258.html22.6K views 15 comments -
JUAN O SAVIN- Fraud JAN 6 FBI ops AZOV ARMY Pt TWO- Alpha Warrior 9 9 2023
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSThis is PART TWO of the show premiered 9 13 2023 but recorded on 9 9 2023 so Alpha Warrior does a fantastic Job and uses his knowledge base to do VALUE ADDED. This is about the "Social Infiltration of our Culture" and some new connections were buried within stories that you need to hear again, if you have not already. Run by Players behind the scenes by the THREE LETTER AGENCIES. The Manson "Canyon Bands" of Topanga Canyon. And of course the eventual Tate Murder is the first example. With ties to Tavistock in the UK. And more.. I actually had a personal encounter with the Manson "girls" out by the road on the old Simi Valley "Santa Susananne Pass Road". Where I rode my horse back in 1968 stabled at a former Race Track in Chatsworth. I took the windy road during the time when the Freeway was being built as during the weekdays when the graders were leveling the by pass. I was surrounded and asked if I wanted to join the group (with lures of pot and sex) by 3 girls who came out and tried to take my reins and guide my horse onto the property. I of course was not interested quickly turned and "high tailed it out of there" but to this day I recall the details and the feeling of this place.. it was truly CREEPY. http://www.californiacuriosities.com/spahn-ranch-and-manson-family-cave/ Manson established a base for the Family at the Spahn Ranch in August 1968 after Wilson's landlord evicted them. It had been a television and movie set for Westerns, but the buildings had deteriorated by the late 1960s. The ranch then derived revenue primarily from selling horseback rides. The Ukrainian Army and the Nazi symbols. Russia lost 25 MILLION citizens to the German Nazi Army. The Azov BATTALION is now in the UKRAINE. All about the DEEP STATES and OUR MONEY going into this WAR.. it is a RACKET. J6 the FBI behind the scenes. Bill Cooper told the world before 9/11 months before the date. Drugs, Money, Rock and Roll and Gun running. All a set up for what was to come. Another example was this event: The Oklahoma City Bombing "perpetrated by two anti-government extremists and white supremacists, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing occurred at 9:02 a.m. and killed 168 people, injured 680, and destroyed more than one-third of the building, which had to be demolished". It was proposed in the MEDIA as this SCRIPT.. but it is far from the TRUTH.18.4K views 31 comments -
ALPHA WARRIOR- New communication system- NINO 2 5 2025
JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSVERY IMPORTANT information about the NEW Communications system. I will get a line going on this to let everyone that can see the WRITING ON THE WALL that we have been waiting for. THE NEW COMM SYSTEM that will DELETE the OLD SYSTEM and it may be a few days of internet silence while we on the ground experience the SWITCH TO LIGHT WAVES Communications. STARLINK FIBER OPTIC and PORTALS to an ENTIRELY NEW WORLD COMM CENTRAL.17.6K views 15 comments