The 144,000 who bear the sign are not safe from dangers. signs you are one of the chosen ones..
QspecialForcesThe 144,000 who bear the sign are not safe from dangers. They are tried and tempted more than any! In fact, they go into more dangerous situations than most even... so I tell you truly that among the 144,000 there shall be Traders. The mark means a calling missions and responsibility before God. It is not a guarantee against Temptations or illnesses, if it were what Merit would there be in the chosen? the Mark is an invisible sign by which those who bear with love, respect,and Zeal and humility can complete their mission. That mark that illuminates them in their greatest trials, that reveals profound knowledge. #144flaminginiates #missions #mandates #CatalinaAroyo - AS WARRIORS OF LIGHT WE WEAR THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD You AWAKE is their GREATEST FEAR 💞🌹🕊🌍💫 --->>> https://rumble.com/v4hi4sc-as-warriors-of-light-we-wear-the-full-armor-of-god.html - FREQUENCY IS ENERGY IS VIBRATION IS LOVE and LOVE IS EVERYTHING --->>> https://rumble.com/v5irvg5-frequency-is-energy-is-vibration-is-love-and-love-is-everything.html --->>> https://rumble.com/v5ibxfd-frequency-is-energy-is-vibration-is-love-and-love-is-everything.html - ARCH ANGELS SEND FROM GOD >> https://rumble.com/v1n6hxo-archangels-sent-from-god.html - "The greatest fear in the world of sheeps" .. you are no longer a sheep, but a lion -->> https://rumble.com/v1kmtdz-the-greatest-fear-in-the-world-of-sheeps.html - IN CASE YOU FORGOT... Babylon is falling is now narrated - 💫GOD ALWAYS WINS✨ -->>>> https://rumble.com/v2a2fog-babylon-is-falling-is-now-narrated-god-always-wins.html - FLASHBACK TO REALITY >>> 🔥 Q for Anons reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State ---->>> https://rumble.com/v2fxpbi-q-and-anons-reveals-vatican-rothschild-reptilian-connection-behind-the-deep.html10K views 76 comments -
QspecialForcesTHE BLOCK IS HOTT....COMMS COMMS COMMS #getsome #PUREBLOOD #HOPEONAROPE #wwg1wga #GMT #QNN #Futureprovesthepast #DONTDRINKTHEKOOLAID17 http://tiny.cc/DDKonYouTube http://tiny.cc/DDKonRumble http://tiny.cc/DDKonTwitter http://tiny.cc/DDKonTruthSocial7.34K views 22 comments