#381: A Noble Lie | Chris Emery
MacroaggressionsThe producer of “A Noble Lie”, the controversial documentary on the Oklahoma City bombing false flag event of 1995, explains what his independent investigation found during the making of the film over a decade ago. Chris Emery, founder of Free Mind Films, has been documenting the crimes of the intelligence agencies throughout his films which include “State of Mind: The Psychology of Control” and “Shadowring”, which explores the relationship between the Council on Foreign Relations and White House policy. The average American has no idea that his government is being run by a committee of unelected bureaucrats that is financed by its sister organization in the U.K., Chatham House, and is committed to destroying the United States from within. HYPOCRAZY New Book: https://amzn.to/3AFhfg2 Website: http://theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com/ Macroaggressions Merch Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/macroaggressions?ref_id=22530 Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/Macroaggressions C60 Purple Power - https://c60purplepower.com/ Promo Code: MACRO My Patriot Supply: Go to https://www.preparewithmacroaggressions.com for $100 off a 4-week supply of food. Chemical Free Body: https://chemicalfreebody.com/macro/ Promo Code: MACRO Wise Wolf Gold & Silver @ (800) 426-1836: https://macroaggressions.gold/ LegalShield: www.DontGetPushedAround.com EMP Shield: www.EMPShield.com Promo Code: MACRO Anarchapulco: www.Anarchapulco.com Promo Code: MACRO Chris Emery: www.freemindfilms.com1.15K views 1 comment -
The Truth About The OKC Bombing of 95 with Chris Emery & Mel K
Truth Seekers WorldwideFor years following the bombing, countless victims’ family members, survivors, rescuers, and ordinary Americans, have questioned the official accounts of that fateful day. Hoping to shed light on answers long ignored and censored, both by prominent media outlets and the U.S. government, A Noble Lie peels back what we thought we knew about the bombing and it’s perpetrators. This film exposes information never before examined or brought to the attention of the American public. Chris Emery, the producer of “A Noble Lie”, the controversial documentary on the Oklahoma City bombing false flag event of 1995, explains what his independent investigation found during the making of the film over a decade ago. Christopher Emery was born in Turin, Italy. He was adopted and moved to the U.S. He continues to hold dual - U.S. / Italian citizenship. Christopher's interest in documentary film production and investigative journalism) continues to uncover deception contained within the U.S. Governments 'Official Narratives' of: The U.W. Campus, Sterling Hall bombing - Madison, WI (Aug 1970). The Johnson & Johnson / Tylenol Murders - Chicago, IL (Sep, 1982). The shootout at Ruby Ridge, ID (Aug, 1992). The '93 - New York City, World Trade Center attacks - (Feb, 1993). The Waco, TX massacre (Apr, 1993). The Oklahoma City, OK bombing (Apr, 1995). The U.S. Navy accidental shoot-down of TWA Flight 800 over Long Island Sound, NY Jul, 1996. The 9/11 attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Shanksville / *(New Baltimore)*, PA Sep, 2001. The CVD 19 / SARS2 worldwide pandemic & the co-conspirators w/Big Pharma, the CDC, FDA and the W.H.O. Mar, 2020 to present. The CIA, MI6, and IDF trained Ukraine troops and the NATO funded hot war between Russia and Ukraine Feb 2022 - present. The Lahaina - Maui, HI Wildfire massacre and cover-up. Aug, 2023. Christopher co-founded multi-award winning documentary film production company - Free Mind Films, LLC, where he works as a Producer, Writer and V.P. of Marketing and Distribution. Noble-Lie Documentary: https://www.amazon.com/Noble-Lie-Don-Browning/dp/B0B6LM2V49/ Please consider following/supporting The Mel K Show: https://rumble.com/c/TheMelKShow Private FB Group ➜ https://www.facebook.com/groups/227520826040332 Truth Social ➜ https://truthsocial.com/@truthseekersworldwide Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/truthers_w_wide Thank you for joining us on this journey! God bless! Leslie Corrupt U.S. govt, Oklahoma City bombing, Deception, True Perpetrators, A Noble Lie,1.24K views 5 comments -
Investigative journalist Chris Emery talks about the cover-up of the OKC bombing & Aliens living underground!
LLibertarian99Chris Emery made the documentary A NOBLE LIE (2011) about the Oklahoma City Bombing. Chris & Pete get into the crimes of AG Merrit Garland back when he was covering up the crime of OKC bombing back in 1995 along with other criminals like FBI Director Chris Wray and Robert Mueller 3rd etc... SPLC & ADL are just pathological liars & attack dogs for the criminals. Chris had spoken 4-5 times with Dr Samuel Cohen who worked at LOS ALAMOS. Atomic bomb & Hiroshima. Walker base in Roswell @47:10 talking about UFO's and Chris did an interview with the Museum in Roswell. Aliens living underground for at least 50 years under Kirtland Airforce base in New Mexico. He says this is not crazy but FACT. 5-6 different species. They walk amongst us. Technology transfer. A NOBLE LIE: THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING (2011)- Chris Emery documentary https://rumble.com/v2epcrm-a-noble-lie-the-oklahoma-city-bombing-2011.html Source: Pete Santilli https://www.banned.video/watch?id=64c00f988c997fe53e810ecf1.02K views 2 comments -
The OIG Report Contradicts AG Garlands Evidence From the OKC Bombing That It Was a Truck Bomb
The Pete Santilli ShowThe Pete Santilli Show Episode 3111 6PM - with special guest Chris Emery (Co-Producer of A Noble Lie) talks with Pete Santilli. Share this interview far and wide! Website: - http://freemindfilms.com The Pete Santilli Show Episode 3111 6PM Archive (9-6-22) - https://thepetesantillishow.com/archives/22233 Check Out Our New “TEAM JESUS” T-Shirts! 🇺🇸 Printed in Cincinnati, Ohio By Americans http://pistolpete.store/1210 LIVE STREAM: http://petelive.tv PODCAST: https://thepetesantillishow.podbean.com/ _____________________________________ FOLLOW US: TRUTH: https://truthsocial.com/@petesantilli TRUTH #SBN: https://truthsocial.com/tags/sbn RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/ThePeteSantilliShow GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/petesantilli LOCALS: https://petesantilli.locals.com/support FRANK SPEECH: https://frankspeech.com/shows/pete-santilli-show-tv FRANK SOCIAL: https://www.franksocial.com/u/PeteSantilli ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@petesantilli:1/live:a09 ROKFIN: https://rokfin.com/petersantilli FOXHOLE: https://pilled.net/#/profile/134014 TELEGRAM: https://t.me/thepetesantillishow TELEGRAM CHAT: https://t.me/FriendsOfPete LINKS: http://petesantilli.mobi _____________________________________ SUPPORT US: PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/petesantilli LOCALS: http://petesantilli.locals.com/support MYPILLOW.COM: http://mypillow.com/pete (Use Promo Code PETE) 🚨 PROTECT YOUR 401K FROM CRIPPLING INFLATION & GROWING DEBT. IF YOU HAVE $50K OR MORE IN RETIREMENT SAVINGS, CALL 855-614-1681 or visit http://goldco.com/pete TO RECEIVE A FREE IRS LOOPHOLE KIT & LEARN ABOUT HOW TO GET $10,000 (Or More) In Free Silver For Doing It! 🔵Representing Americans 50 plus, AMAC is centered on American values, freedom of the individual, free speech, and exercise of religion, equality of opportunity, sanctity of life, rule of law, and love of family, with benefits at all levels. VISIT: http://AMAC.us/pete 🚨Do you owe $10,000 or more to the State or IRS? Have a garnishment, Liens, Levies? Let Anthem Tax Services help you get your life back. Visit: http://TaxHelpPete.com CALL ANTHEM TODAY at 888-521-3552 & Tell them Pete Santilli Sent You!894 views 2 comments