He Says He Can PROVE Israel Was Behind 9/11 | Matthew Tower
Kim IversenThe Kim Iversen Show LIVE | September 11, 2024 Special 9/11 Anniversary Show! Was Israel behind 9/11? Our guest, Matthew Tower says yes. Matthew Tower is a former Zionist and former Jew, now Christian. He is an author,filmmaker, and podcaster. Go to TruthTower.com to watch his documentary Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, & Palestine, and follow him on X @TruthTowerPod. You can also sign up at TruthTower.com for email updates on his future work." Order today at http://www.BENAKED.com/KIM - code KIM to save 15% off your order Become a member of my LOCALS community where you will gain access to exclusive content, behind-the-scenes videos, valuable information, and even connect with me personally and others as well. It's a great way to support my independent media channel while receiving more content. You can become a FREE member or a paid subscriber. Visit https://kimiversen.locals.com/support Sign up for my FREE email newsletter here to get notifications of livestreams and segments: www.KimIversenemailsignup.com (I will never spam you or sell your info)97.1K views 869 comments -
George Bush , a holy unjustified war in Iraq
Free HumanityGeorge Bush , a holy unjustified war in Iraq, iraq war, 911 , 2001, Saddam Hussein, war of terror, international gang stalking of muslims, islamophobia, racism , hatred, international war on all muslims, for something muslims did not do, barbaric west, marxist, communist, bolshevik, zionist, satanist, pedophile , gay, homosexual, lgbtq, bolsheviks, omar samson, free humanity, bush, skull and bones, free masons, war on religion, tradition and humanity730 views 1 comment -
The Free Masons War on Islam , part 5
Free HumanityThe Free Masons War on Islam , part 5, free masons declared war on islam , because muslims will not bow to the anti christ system, dajjal, anti christ, trump, covid-19, aids, depopulation, cia, mossad, drug trade, psy ops, deciet, propaganda, indoctrination , false flag, fear, trauma based mind control, subliminal messaging , sub conscious , israel, jews, zionists, federal reserve, lubavitch, gold , oil, drugs, regime changes, free masons,zionists, omar samson, free humanity, vaccines, genocide, virusses325 views -
Free Masons war on Islam, Part 6
Free HumanitySaddam Hussein al Masjid , the great leader of Iraq, the greatest leader in Islam in a century, was not a traitor!, he is loved and revered by his people far and wide, until this day, he is our hero, a true martyr, a symbol of Arab pride, and of Arab resistance, he was a hero of his people, globalist powers conspired against Saddam, and eventually hanged him like a criminal on live camera for the world to see!, Free Iraq, Free Syria, Free Lebanon, Free Lybia, Free Palestina! , omar samson, satanists, jews, mossad, cia, free masons, luciferians, conspiracy, history, truth , gulf war, kuweit, war, iran, persians, shia, sunni, tribes, regime change , drugs, oil , gold, arms, testing ground, dessert storm, havana syndrome, mind control, silent weapons, emf , nuclear weapons, depleted uranium250 views -
Free Masons War Against Islam, Part 1
Free HumanityIf you are really a thing to the Masons, and they can't get you to be one, they resort to harassment from which they propose to rescue if only you bow to them. It starts off from afar moving ever closer with the day. They get to you though ANY weal link they can find. You will always see them inch closer, until they are right beside you, tying their darndest to make your life hell abusing the weak minded, and taxpayers’ money. It's in the end a power game for them, and it knows no end. Mukazo Mukazo Vunda, Coherent Madness: Effective Defense Against Covert Warfare, Free Masons ,War, Against, Islam, Part 1, zionists, jews, Palestine, crusades, temple mount , Al Aqsa , temple of solomon, knights of the temple of solomon, jew, usery, banks, infiltration, khazars, sephardi, babylon, talmud, genocide, war, suffering, history, mystery, conspiracy, omar samson, free humanity440 views -
The Freemason war on Islam pt 2
Free HumanityFrench revolution, jews, jacobins, napoleon, rotchilds, free masons, invasion of Egypt, major war in europe, a great reset, bolshevik, revolutions, communist, zionists, infiltrators, crypto-jews, powerfull money elite, bankers , usery, anarchy, islam, Egypt, omar Samson, free humanity, history, conspiracy , mystery , napoleonic wars, emperor, pope, catholic church310 views 4 comments -
The Free Masons War on Islam, part 3
Free HumanityThe Free Masons War on Islam, part 3, cia, mossad, drug trade, psy ops, deciet, propaganda, indoctrination , false flag, fear, trauma based mind control, subliminal messaging , sub conscious , israel, jews, zionists, federal reserve, lubavitch, gold , oil, drugs, regime changes, free masons,zionists, omar samson, free humanity277 views -
The Free Masons war on Islam , part 4
Free HumanityThe Free Masons war on Islam , part 4, aids, depopulation, cia, mossad, drug trade, psy ops, deciet, propaganda, indoctrination , false flag, fear, trauma based mind control, subliminal messaging , sub conscious , israel, jews, zionists, federal reserve, lubavitch, gold , oil, drugs, regime changes, free masons,zionists, omar samson, free humanity, vaccines, genocide, virusses262 views -
Israel first Tommy Robinson implies that Israel is protecting the West from an Islamic takeover
Free HumanityIsrael first Tommy Robinson implies that Israel is protecting the West from an Islamic takeover, united kingdom , tommy robinson , terrorism, zionism, racism, hate, extremism, false flag, deception , psy op, mossad, agent, hisbara troll,jew, bankers, money, brittain , immigrant riots, Omar Samson, Free Humanity90 views -
Qaddafi was set to introduce a gold backed currency , the gold dinar ( the reason for his death)
Free HumanityGaddafi's Gold Dinar Currency: The Legacy and Its Threat to Western Powers. The world of international finance is a complex and often opaque, dominated by a handful of powerful countries and institutions. For decades, the U.S. dollar has been the dominant currency in this system, allowing the United States to exert significant influence over the global economy and maintain its position as a superpower. However, in the early 2000s, one man sought to challenge this dominance and create an alternative currency that would empower developing countries and challenge the status quo. That man was Muammar Gaddafi, the former leader of Libya, and the currency he sought to create was the gold dinar.140 views