New Discourses - Jay Dyer Benjamin Boyce Sovereign Nations Hicks
9 videos
Updated 4 months ago
New Discourses - Benjamin Boyce Sovereign Nations Hicks
Communism 3.0: The Succession of Capitalism and the China Model
New DiscoursesThe New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 148 Karl Marx characterized Communism as "the negation of the negation," which is a peculiar turn of phrase he borrowed from his theoretical predecessor G.W.F. Hegel. What that means is that propertied societies, whether slave, feudal, or capitalist, negate our innate Communist ("social") nature, and then Communism in turn negates capitalism as the highest form of development of the productive organizational modes of society. Well, the negation of the negation experiment was run in various parts of the world through the 20th century and failed everywhere, and what we learned is that the negation of the negation is actually either collapse and then control by an oligarchy or, in other cases, Fascism. These two can be synthesized to create a negation of the negation of the negation, so to speak, that takes Communism as the theoretical ideal and "basic spirit" of historical development while utilizing Fascism as its practical mode of production, and that's exactly what we see in China following the rise of Deng Xiaoping. It's also exactly what we see in the West under the ESG scoring model for corporate behavior and the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals that it services. In this important episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay makes the development of "Communism 3.0," a Corporatist Communism for the 21st century clear. You won't want to miss it. New book! The Queering of the American Child: https://queeringbook.com/ Support New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/support Follow New Discourses on other platforms: https://newdiscourses.com/subscribe Follow James Lindsay: https://linktr.ee/conceptualjames © 2024 New Discourses. All rights reserved. #NewDiscourses #JamesLindsay #Communism1.93K views 15 comments -
The Origin of Queer Theory: Gayle Rubin's "Thinking Sex"
New DiscoursesThe New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 79 Thinking Sex Series, Part 1 of 3 People have very rapidly realized, whether in Groomer Schools, marketing, or so many other corners of society that we've been suckered into supporting Queer Theory under the banner of a gay and lesbian civil rights movement. We've also figured out very quickly that Queer Theory is a branch of Identity Marxism: Queer Marxism, which takes "normalcy" as its special form of bourgeois property to abolish through (Queer) class struggle. Where, though, did Queer Theory come from? It is relatively widely accepted that the first real Queer Theory paper is Gayle Rubin's 1984 essay "Thinking Sex" (https://sites.middlebury.edu/sexandsociety/files/2015/01/Rubin-Thinking-Sex.pdf), which calls for a new radical politics of sexuality. To help people understand what Queer Theory is and always has been about, James Lindsay proudly hosts a three-part New Discourses Podcast series reading through "Thinking Sex" in full and offering his commentary on it. In this first part, we learn that Queer Theory from its very beginnings is profoundly interested in both child pornography and pedophilia. It's almost shocking to hear. Join James to understand Queer Theory from its very origins. Support New Discourses: https://www.paypal.me/newdiscourses https://newdiscourses.locals.com/support https://patreon.com/newdiscourses https://subscribestar.com/newdiscourses https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9K5PLkj0N_b9JTPdSRwPkg/join https://merch.newdiscourses.com/ Website: https://newdiscourses.com Follow: https://facebook.com/newdiscourses https://twitter.com/NewDiscourses https://instagram.com/newdiscourses https://newdiscourses.locals.com/ https://pinterest.com/newdiscourses/ https://linkedin.com/company/newdiscourses https://minds.com/newdiscourses https://reddit.com/r/NewDiscourses Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/newdiscourses https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/new-discourses/id1499880546 http://bit.ly/NDGooglePodcasts https://open.spotify.com/show/0HfzDaXI5L4LnJQStFWgZp https://stitcher.com/podcast/new-discourses © 2022 New Discourses. All rights reserved. Image usage: Gerard Koskovich, CC BY 3.0 [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gayle_Rubin.jpg], via Wikimedia Commons4.08K views 5 comments -
Ep.423: Occult Roots of Dialectical Warfare Tactics w/ Stephen Coughlin | Courtenay Turner
CourtenayTurnerStephen Coughlin returns to the Courtenay Turner Podcast for a deeper dive into dialectics and their esoteric roots. This discussion is a little taste of what will be at the Cognitive Liberty Conference, August 17th. Get your tickets now! Livestream is available for the 16th & 17th. In person tickets are still available for the 17th in Nashville! ▶ GET Livestream Tickets NOW for Courtenay's Cognitive Liberty Conference: https://cognitivelibertyconference.com ▶Follow & Connect with Stephen Coughlin: ✩ Unconstrained Analytics: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org ✩ Coughlin's Books: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/books/catastrophic-failure-blindfolding-america-in-the-face-of-jihad/ ✩ Twitter: https://x.com/S_Coughlin_DC _____________________________________ ▶ GET Livestream Tickets NOW for Courtenay's Cognitive Liberty Conference: https://cognitivelibertyconference.com ▶ Follow & Connect with Courtenay: https://www.courtenayturner.com ✩ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/courtenayturner ▶ Support my work & Affiliate links: ✩Buy Me A Coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/courtzt ✩GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/courtenayturnerpodcast ✩Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Courtenay-Turner ✩Cash App: https://cash.app/$CourtzJT ✩ Gold Gate Capital (Secure Your Wealth!) https://bit.ly/COURTZGoldSilver ✩ SatPhone123 (Claim Your Free Satellite Phone!) https://bit.ly/COURTZ123 Promo Code: COURTZ ✩ Richardson Nutritional Center: (B-17!) https://rncstore.com/courtz ✩ Relax Far Infrared Saunas: (Warm Up!) https://relaxsaunas.com/COURTZ Discount Code: COURTZ ✩ IronHawk Financial (Become Your Own Bank!) Receive Free Books On How: Send email, subject: "Free Books" and Mention Promo Code "COURTZ" to: Joe@IronHawkFinancial.com ✩Discover The Magic of MagicDichol: https://iwantmyhealthback.com/COURTZ ✩Defy The Grid With Real Currency.....Goldbacks!: https://bit.ly/Courtenay-Turner-Goldbacks Promo Code: COURTZ ✩Honey Colony "Where The Hive Decides What’s Healthy": https://bit.ly/HoneyColony-COURTZ Promo Code: COURTZ ✩Full Moon Parasite Protocol: https://bravetv.store/COURTZ Promo Code: COURTZ ▶ Follow Courtenay on Social Media: ✩Twitter: https://twitter.com/KineticCourtz ✩TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@CourtenayTurner ✩Instagram: https://instagram.com/kineticcourtz ✩Telegram: https://t.me/courtenayturnerpodcastcommunity ▶ Listen to &/or watch the podcast here! https://linktr.ee/courtenayturner ▶WATCH: VIP Summit 3: Truth to Freedom with Courtenay Turner https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147831940/KVR3yvZo ▶ Read some of her articles: https://www.truthmatters.biz ————————————————— ▶ Disclaimer: this is intended to be inspiration & entertainment. We aim to inform, inspire & empower. Guest opinions/ statements are not a reflection of the host or podcast. Please note these are conversational dialogues. All statements and opinions are not necessarily meant to be taken as fact. Please do your own research. Thanks for watching! ————————————————— ©2024 All Rights Reserved3.67K views 21 comments -
Ep.435: Dialectical Pantheism vs Leftism w/ Clint Chavarria | The Courtenay Turner Podcast
CourtenayTurnerCourtenay invites Clint Chavarria aka 'Classic Liberal' onto the show to explore the roots of classical liberalism, American founding, how it differs from leftist ideology and dialectical pantheism. ▶Follow & Connect with Clint Chavarria: ✩ Twitter: https://x.com/ClassicLibera12 _____________________________________ ▶ GET On-Demand Access for Courtenay's Cognitive Liberty Conference: https://cognitivelibertyconference.com ▶ Come meet Courtenay LIVE @ ✩ MAGA Fest in New Orleans, LA on Sept 13 & 14 (Promo: Turner) https://www.magafest24.live ✩ Freedom Fest in Knoxville, TN on September 28th https://tcgc1776.org ✩ Red Pill Expo in Tulsa, OK on Nov 16 & 17 (Promo Code: COURTZ) https://bit.ly/RedPillExpo ----------------------------------------- ▶ Follow & Connect with Courtenay: https://www.courtenayturner.com ✩ Linktree: https://linktr.ee/courtenayturner ▶ Support my work & Affiliate links: ✩Buy Me A Coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/courtzt ✩GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/courtenayturnerpodcast ✩Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Courtenay-Turner ✩Cash App: https://cash.app/$CourtzJT ✩ Gold Gate Capital (Secure Your Wealth!) https://bit.ly/COURTZGoldSilver ✩ SatPhone123 (Claim Your Free Satellite Phone!) https://bit.ly/COURTZ123 Promo Code: COURTZ ✩ Richardson Nutritional Center: (B-17!) https://rncstore.com/courtz ✩ Relax Far Infrared Saunas: (Warm Up!) https://relaxsaunas.com/COURTZ Discount Code: COURTZ ✩ IronHawk Financial (Become Your Own Bank!) Receive Free Books On How: Send email, subject: "Free Books" and Mention Promo Code "COURTZ" to: Joe@IronHawkFinancial.com ✩Discover The Magic of MagicDichol: https://iwantmyhealthback.com/COURTZ ✩Defy The Grid With Real Currency.....Goldbacks!: https://bit.ly/Courtenay-Turner-Goldbacks Promo Code: COURTZ ✩Honey Colony "Where The Hive Decides What’s Healthy": https://bit.ly/HoneyColony-COURTZ Promo Code: COURTZ ✩Full Moon Parasite Protocol: https://bravetv.store/COURTZ Promo Code: COURTZ ▶ Follow Courtenay on Social Media: ✩Twitter: https://twitter.com/KineticCourtz ✩TruthSocial: https://truthsocial.com/@CourtenayTurner ✩Instagram: https://instagram.com/kineticcourtz ✩Telegram: https://t.me/courtenayturnerpodcastcommunity ▶ Listen to &/or watch the podcast here! https://linktr.ee/courtenayturner ▶WATCH: VIP Summit 3: Truth to Freedom with Courtenay Turner https://www.universityofreason.com/a/2147831940/KVR3yvZo ▶ Read some of her articles: https://www.truthmatters.biz ————————————————— ▶ Disclaimer: this is intended to be inspiration & entertainment. We aim to inform, inspire & empower. Guest opinions/ statements are not a reflection of the host or podcast. Please note these are conversational dialogues. All statements and opinions are not necessarily meant to be taken as fact. Please do your own research. Thanks for watching! ————————————————— ©2024 All Rights Reserved2.03K views 7 comments -
Exposing the Modern "Woke" Movement with James Lindsay (WiM489)
"What Is Money?" ShowJames Lindsay joins me to discuss the modern “woke” movement, the true nature of Karl Marx and Marxism, critical race theory and rationality, queer theory, the threat of central bank digital currencies, and how we can unite to fight against pervasive ideologies. James Lindsay is an author, internationally recognized speaker, and the founder and president of New Discourses. // GUEST // New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/author/jameslindsay/ Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B009BBX7BI X: https://x.com/ConceptualJames Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conceptualjames/?hl=en // SPONSORS // In Wolf's Clothing: https://wolfnyc.com/ The Farm at Okefenokee: https://okefarm.com/ Heart and Soil Supplements (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://heartandsoil.co/ Swan Bitcoin: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/breedlove22/ // EVENTS I WILL BE ATTENDING // Bitcoin 2024: the World’s Largest Bitcoin Conference (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://b.tc/conference Pacific Bitcoin 2024 (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://www.pacificbitcoin.com/ // PRODUCTS I ENDORSE // Protect your mobile phone from SIM swap attacks: https://www.efani.com/breedlove Noble Protein (discount code BREEDLOVE for 15% off): https://nobleorigins.com/ The Bitcoin Advisor: https://content.thebitcoinadviser.com/breedlove Lineage Provisions (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://lineageprovisions.com/?ref=breedlove_22 // SUBSCRIBE TO THE CLIPS CHANNEL // https://www.youtube.com/@robertbreedloveclips2996/videos // OUTLINE // 0:00 - WiM Intro 2:51 - Helping Lightning Startups with In Wolf's Clothing 3:42 - Wokeism Worldwide 6:34 - What is Private Property? 19:17 - Defining Capital 28:57 - Do Communists Actually Believe? 35:53 - The True Nature of Marxism 42:26 - The Self-Destruction of Equity 1:00:19 - The Farm at Okefenokee 1:01:29 - Heart and Soil Supplements 1:02:29 - Wokeism and Equity 1:16:16 - What are the Means of Production? 1:21:39 - Origins of Marx and Marxism 1:39:11 - Engineered Crisis’ and the Central Bank 1:51:00 - Critical Race Theory and Rationality 2:05:38 - How Can We Fight Back Against CRT? 2:11:03 - Swan Bitcoin: Set up Instant and Recurring Bitcoin Buys 2:12:00 - Bitcoin 2024: The Largest Bitcoin and Fintech Conference in the World 2:13:06 - George Soros and Reflexivity 2:22:39 - Difference Between Religion and Ideology? 2:43:47 - What is Queer Theory? 2:51:35 - Origins of Cultural Marxism 2:55:41 - Global Citizens and CBDC 3:05:10 - How Can We Unify? 3:14:47 - Closing Thoughts // PODCAST // Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/ Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-what-is-money-show/id1541404400 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8EewBGyfQQ1abIsE RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7 Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22 Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22 Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBreedlove Dollars via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Breedlove-2 The "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32843101 // WRITTEN WORK // Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/ Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/ // SOCIAL // Breedlove X: https://x.com/Breedlove22 WiM? X: https://x.com/WhatisMoneyShow Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22 All My Current Work: https://linktr.ee/robertbreedlove880 views 3 comments -
Totalitarianism and the Progressive Impulse
New DiscoursesNew Discourses Bullets, Ep. 25 With the possible exception of our would-be overlords, we all know Nazis were bad. Fewer of us, especially in the younger generations, understand that Communists are also bad. Do you understand these two movements and how they're actually both bad because they're actually both part of the same current of thought? That current of thought is progressivism, especially of the collectivist-socialist kind, which is more broadly an actionable manifestation of the Romantic counter-Enlightenment movement. While different in important ways, what these two evil movements share in common is profound. Join host James Lindsay in this longer episode of New Discourses Bullets to see them both, as well as our present circumstances, more clearly. Support New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/support Subscribe to New Discourses on other platforms: https://newdiscourses.com/subscribe Follow James Lindsay: https://linktr.ee/conceptualjames © 2022 New Discourses. All rights reserved.431 views 4 comments -
Jay Dyer: Luciferian Secrets Of The Transhumanist, Technocratic Elites
The Alex Jones ShowJay Dyer: Luciferian Secrets Of The Transhumanist, Technocratic Elites39K views 24 comments -
The Gnostic Temptation
New DiscoursesNew Discourses Bullets, Ep. 61 Why are Gnostic cults so tempting? Why do people get sucked into them? It's not because Gnostics go around telling people they're wrong. It's because they go around telling people they're limited. Your beliefs, maybe in science, spirituality, Christianity, politics, or whatever, aren't wrong; they're low-level. The Gnostics hold themselves out as people who know more about whatever you're into than you do, and they explain their superiority as being "liberated" from the limitations "THEY" (your teachers, pastors, etc.) are placing upon your knowledge. They don't want you to know these secrets, but we do. That's the Gnostic temptation. Host James Lindsay breaks it down in this important episode of New Discourses Bullets, adding an example (https://www.dignityindex.us/index) of how the current Gnostic cults are trying to frame American values as level five out of eight in human dignity. Get James Lindsay's new book, The Marxification of Education: https://amzn.to/3RYZ0tY Support New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/support Follow New Discourses on other platforms: https://newdiscourses.com/subscribe Follow James Lindsay: https://linktr.ee/conceptualjames © 2023 New Discourses. All rights reserved. #NewDiscourses #JamesLindsay #gnosticism2.2K views 1 comment -
Ideological Totalism in the Woke Cult
New DiscoursesThe New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 111 Woke is a cult. In fact, Woke is a cult in exactly the same way Maoism was and is a cult. There's only a little daylight between them, as we recently explored here on the New Discourses Podcast. Ideological cults like Woke and Maoism operate in an environment Robert Jay Lifton labeled "ideological totalism," which he described in depth in his book 'Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of "Brainwashing" in China' (https://amzn.to/3k3jdEa ). In one of the later chapters of that book, Lifton details eight characteristics of ideological totalism, and in this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay reads through the relevant chapter in full and connects it both to the Maoist context Lifton is describing from the outside and to the Woke Marxist revolution we're currently suffering from the inside. Join James for an unprecedentedly close and detailed look at the cultic nature of Woke. Order James Lindsay's new book, The Marxification of Education: https://amzn.to/3RYZ0tY Support New Discourses: https://newdiscourses.com/support Follow New Discourses on other platforms: https://newdiscourses.com/subscribe Follow James Lindsay: https://linktr.ee/conceptualjames © 2023 New Discourses. All rights reserved. #newdiscourses #jameslindsay #woke941 views