playlist thumnail

WTD Form: The Defenders Path

6 videos
Updated 3 months ago
This Playlist details the 8 different sections of The Defenders Path. A form that codifies the defensive skils used in our system. While every permuation or variation of each skill is not shown, it gives us a proper listing of defensive tools that we develop and work on with other drills. Section 1: Shield Of Faith Seciton 2: Hard Blocking Schema Section 3: 21 Point Cover Drill Sectoin 4: Leg Shields Section 5: Leg Intercepts, Interrupts, and Stop Kicks Section 6: Wing Chun Influence Section 7: Praynig Mantis Section 8: The Wrestlers Compass
  1. WTD Form: The Defenders Path. Section 1 : Shield Of Faith
  2. WTD Form: The Defenders Path. Section 2: Hard Blocking Schema
  3. WTD Form: The Defenders Path. Section 3: 21 Point Cover Drill
  4. WTD Form: Section 4: Leg Shields
  5. WTD Form: The Defenders Path. Section 5: Leg Intercepts, Interrupts, and Stop Kicks
  6. WTD Form: The Defenders Path. Section 6 : Wing Chun Influence