Stand Up To Jewish Hate
21 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Video series that shows Jewish hatred of Christians and Christian society.
In Their Own Words: Stand Up To Jewish Hate
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on standing up to Jewish hate. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #StandUpToJewishHate4.41K views 3 comments -
In Their Own Words: Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Talmud Edition
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on Jewish hatred contained in the Talmud. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #StandUpToJewishHate5.93K views 2 comments -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Abortion Is A Jewish Sacrament
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Abortion is a Jewish Sacrament. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #StandUpToJewishHate5.33K views -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Birth Control Is A Jewish Sacramental
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Abortion is a Jewish Sacrament. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #StandUpToJewishHate3.63K views -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Black Lives Don't Matter To The Jews
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Black Lives Matter is Jewish, how the 1960s Civil Rights movement was Jewish, how black slavery was Jewish, and how the Transatlantic Slave Trade was Jewish. The Jews have always exploited the blacks. Please share this video if you like it! May God reward you! #StandUpToJewishHate Subscribe to my email list here to get notified of new content: https://christtheking.info/2.22K views 4 comments -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Christmas Music Has Been Subverted By The Jews
Christ The KingWho tends to write all those Christmas songs that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ and His birth? You guessed it! It's the Jews! Please share this video if you like it. May God reward you!3.36K views 2 comments -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Communism Is Jewish
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Communism is Jewish. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #standuptojewishhate https://christtheking.info/4.76K views 5 comments -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Critical Theory Is Jewish
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Critical Theory is Jewish. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #standuptojewishhate https://christtheking.info/4.07K views -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Divorce Is A Judaization of Christian Society
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Divorce is a Jewish subversion of Christian society. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #StandUpToJewishHate https://christtheking.info/6.8K views 1 comment -
Stand Up To Jewish Hate - Feminism Is Jewish Subversion
Christ The KingHere's a video that I made on how Feminism is a Jewish subversion of Christian society. Everyone needs to watch this and share this with everyone they know! May God reward you! #standuptojewishhate https://christtheking.info/6.6K views 3 comments