COVID-19 Event
15 videos
Updated 10 days ago
This Playlist is about news and articles regarding past and current COVID-19 mandates.
A Report About COVID-19 Event Human Rights Failures In Australia - Too Little Too Late
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Russell Broadbent Russell Broadbent Independent Federal Member for Monash electorate in Victoria in the Australian Parliament ☆☆☆ The Australian Human Rights Commission provided a late report about the mismanagement of Human Rights in Australia during the COVID-19 event. The commission provided a report called Collateral Damage that exposed failures of all levels of governments(federal, state and local) in Australia in the mismanagement of Human Rights during the COVID-19 event. The report was Too Late Too Little. What lessons can your government learn from the failures in Australia?192 views -
Witness Statement 01 January 2025 - The greatest crime in Australian history
Country & Mountain LifeThis is a great documentary movie watch and share. The movie has presentations about sad events and injuries that result from the COVID-19 so-called vaccines. The injections of genetic therapies in the so-called vaccines that cause injuries, remove jobs, destroy lives and damage families.211 views -
Dr Peter McCullough: Endless production of spike protein after mRNA vaccine
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Dr Peter McCullough. Dr Peter McCullough is from the United States of America. He is a faithful member of Methodist Church in the United States of America. Dr Peter McCullough, Former Professor, Cardiologist, Renal (Kidney) specialist, and Epidemiologist. Dr Peter McCullough was the first doctor to write on peer-reviewed literature about early treatments for COVID-19. He wrote hundreds of peer-reviewed literature, including articles on Early treatments on COVID-19. He published most peer-reviewed literature than anyone in the world in his field of profession. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dr Peter McCullough explains the dangers of taking mRNA vaccine. Dr Peter McCullough presented at the Calvary Chapel of San Jose in the United States of America.424 views -
Dr David Martin: Corruptions in WHO
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Dr David Martin Dr David Martin is from the United States of America. A Professor, economist, entrepreneur, medical device innovator, and bioweapons specialist. ☆☆☆ In this presentation Dr David Martin exposes the corruptions in the World Health Organisation(WHO). Dr David Martin presented in the European Parliament in 2023. At the same event Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Ryan Cole, and Dr Peter McCullough presented in the European Parliament.319 views 2 comments -
Dr Aseem Malhotra: mRNA vaccines and heart problems since 2021
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Dr Aseem Malhotra Dr Aseem Malhotra is originally from India. He is now a citizen of United Kingdom. He is one of the top Cardiologists (heart specialists) in the United Kingdom. He usually gives public health talks on the public TV stations in England. Dr Aseem Malhotra initially supported COVID-19 vaccines. But he changed his ideas to campaign against COVID-19 vaccines when his vaccinated father died. His father was a Cardiologist. Dr Aseem knew his dad had a healthy heart, yet he died after he took COVID-19 so called vaccines. Therefore, Aseem Malhotra performed his own study about the death of his father and concluded that the COVID-19 vaccines killed his father. As a result, Dr Aseem Malhotra is now campaigning against COVID-19 vaccines. Dr Aseem toured Australia in 2023 to campaign against COVID-19 vaccines.231 views -
Professor Angus Dalgleish: COVID-19 "Vaccines" Under Trial Again
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Senator Malcolm Roberts. Senator Malcolm Roberts is a member of One Nation party, and is a Senator member for Queensland, in Australia Federal (National) parliament. ☆☆☆ This is a presentation of Professor Angus Dalgleish. Professor Angus Dalgleish made the presentation for the Australian Senate in Australia. Professor Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci. Professor Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of the UK and Australia, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Royal College of Pathologists. He is co-discoverer of the fact that HIV uses CD4 as a cell receptor in humans. As an oncologist, his main focus has been on developing immunotherapies to treat cancer. ☆☆☆ Watch as Professor Angus Dalgleish discusses COVID-19 vaccines in relationships to cancer. Also, watch as Professor Angus Dalgleish discusses COVID-19 vaccines in general.626 views -
History: Doctors promoted smoking as safe and effective
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Dr Peter McCullough. Dr Peter McCullough is from the United States of America. He is a faithful member of Methodist Church in the United States of America. Dr Peter McCullough, Former Professor, Cardiologist, Renal (Kidney) specialist, and Epidemiologist. Dr Peter McCullough was the first doctor to write on peer-reviewed literature about early treatments for COVID-19. He wrote hundreds of peer-reviewed literature, including articles on Early treatments on COVID-19. He published most peer-reviewed literature than anyone in the world in his field of profession. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dr Peter McCullough: "It Took Decades for Doctors to Wake Up To Dangers of Smoking--How Long Will it Take for mRNA? BIG TOBACCO had the medical community in a mass delusion, believing that smoking was safe for decades. It took US Surgeon General Luther Terry's Report on Smoking to wake them up in 1964. Will we need a Surgeon General's report on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, disabilities, and death to break the grip of BIG PHARMA?" ☆☆☆ The best minds in science once promoted smoking as safe and effective. Doctors were in the frontline to promote the practice of smoking. It took years before best scientists and doctors realised that smoking has been unsafe and bad for health. Similarly, one look forward to the time when science can admit errors regarding the current debates about the injuries regarding COVID-19 injections or gene therapies.291 views 4 comments -
Supreme Court Of Queensland: Dr William Bay wins against Queensland government and AHPRA
Country & Mountain Life🎤 📖 📚 💥 🔥 🛑 》Supreme Court Of Queensland: Dr William Bay won the court case at the Supreme Court Of Queensland against AHPRA, National Medical Board, and the State of Queensland. Source: Dr William Bay Queensland, Australia ☆☆☆ Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) suspended the medical registration of Dr William Bay. AHPRA is the national organisation in Australia that registers and regulate all the main health workers in Australia. Other health staff like Age care workers do not register under AHPRA. Dr William Bay did not obey the COVID-19 mandates of AHPRA. Dr William Bay took AHPRA, National Medical Board, and the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court Of Queensland. Suspended Dr William Bay argued that AHPRA is an illegal organisation, outside the Australian laws. This post is about the final outcome of the Supreme Court Of Queensland decision today Friday, 13 December 2024. Dr William Bay won his court case at the Supreme Court Of Queensland against Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency(AHPRA), National medical board, and the State of Queensland. Dr William Bay argued about consents, clinic freedom, and freedom of speech. Dr William Bay represented himself in court. Whereas AHPRA and her teams had more than ten lawyers for support in the supreme court. Dr William Bay studied a bit of law in the past. But he did not complete the law program. Thus, he is not a lawyer. He is a medical doctor, a General Practitioner. Dr William Bay did not work as a doctor because AHPRA suspended his medical registration. As a result, Dr William Bay had to do some odd jobs to get money. He had to work as a Uber eat driver to get money to survive. At the same time represented himself in the Supreme Court Of Queensland. It shows the strong will power and determination of Dr William Bay. He is also a true believer in the God of heaven. He often publicly praise and proclaim his faith and trust in the God of heaven throughout the trial.774 views 2 comments -
Pandemic Response Under Microscope - The Australian experiences
Country & Mountain LifeSource: Outsiders - Sky News Australia Outsiders is a program of Sky News Australia. Sky News Australia is an Australian news media ¤¤¤ This is an interview of Professor Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci. Professor Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology(Cancer) at St George’s University of London, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of the UK and Australia, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Royal College of Pathologists. He is co-discoverer of the fact that HIV uses CD4 as a cell receptor in humans. As an oncologist, his main focus has been on developing immunotherapies to treat cancer. ◇◇◇ In this interview, Professor Angus Dalgleish discusses the Australian responses towards COVID-19 so-called pandemic. Professor Angus Dalgleish discusses the mandates and the so-called vaccines. The discussion is about the Australian experiences. Nevertheless, other countries of the world can learn lessons from the Australian experiences.480 views -
Robert Koch Institute, Germany: COVID-19 "pandemic" was fake
Country & Mountain LifeSource: World Council For Health https://www.worldcouncilforhealth.org/ World Council For Health (WCH) is an international organisation of many expert scientists and medical scientists who are against COVID-19 mandates and vaccines. Some of the best medical minds in the world form and manage the WCH.603 views 1 comment