Science Uprising
28 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Challenge the modern assumptions of bad science by exploring the evidence against materialism
Michael Egnor Demolishes the Myth of Materialism (Science Uprising EP1)
Center for Science and CultureHas science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. This episode of Science Uprising investigates claims by scientists and professors like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Carl Sagan, and Daniel Dennett, who try to hijack science to promote materialism—the idea that physical reality is all there is. Hear from experts who challenge this view of science, and learn about scientists who have to hide behind a mask because they face intimidation and censorship from dissenting from materialism. People featured in this episode include Jay Richards, PhD, Assistant Professor at The Catholic University of America, filmmaker, and author or co-author of books such as The Human Advantage, The Privileged Planet, The Hobbit Party, Infiltrated, and Money, Greed, and God; and Michael Egnor, MD (from Columbia University), neurosurgeon and professor of neurological surgery at Stony Brook University. Dr. Egnor is renowned for his work in pediatric neurosurgery. See https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2516312/baby-born-with-deformed-head-celebrates-first-christmas-thanks-to-surgery-and-a-3d-printed-skull/. Check out these other videos: Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor discusses the evidence against materialism and explains how materialism undercuts rather than supports genuine science. https://youtu.be/BqHrpBPdtSI Jay Richards: Why Materialism Fails In this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, philosopher Jay Richards defines materialism, discusses how it has impacted us, explains why it shouldn't be confused with science, and analyzes why it ultimately fails as an explanation. https://youtu.be/Li_CR6wBfQ4 Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit www.ScienceUprising.com to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.421 views 2 comments -
Jay Richards: Why Materialism Fails - Science Uprising extra content
Center for Science and CultureIn this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, philosopher Jay Richards defines materialism, discusses how it has impacted us, explains why it shouldn't be confused with science, and analyzes why it ultimately fails as an explanation. Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books.77 views -
Stephen Meyer: Is Methodological Naturalism Necessary for Science? - Science Uprising extra content
Center for Science and CultureIn this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, philosopher of science Stephen Meyer explains why methodological naturalism (aka methodological materialism) isn't necessary for the practice of science. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books.53 views -
Michael Egnor Shows You're Not A Meat Robot (Science Uprising EP2)
Center for Science and CultureAre we simply robots made out of meat? Or is there an inescapable “I” who makes real choices that can change our lives? This episode of Science Uprising (Mind: The Inescapable I) challenges claims by materialists like Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett that humans are simply robots without free will. Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. People featured in this episode include Michael Egnor, MD, a Professor of Neurosurgery and Pediatrics at Stony Brook University; and Jeffrey Schwartz, MD, a Research Psychiatrist at UCLA and author many books such as The Mind and the Brain, Brain Lock, and You Are Not Your Brain. Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz is a research psychiatrist at the School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles and one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. Decades ago, he began to study the philosophy of conscious awareness, the idea that the actions of the mind have an effect on the workings of the brain. Jeff’s breakthrough work in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) provided the hard evidence that the mind can control the brain’s chemistry. He has lectured extensively to both professional and lay audiences in the US, Europe, and Asia. Jeff’s books include The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force and the bestseller Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, the seminal book on OCD. Learn more about his research and writing on the brain and neuroplasticity at https://jeffreymschwartz.com/about/ Michael Egnor, MD (from Columbia University), neurosurgeon and professor of neurological surgery at Stony Brook University. Dr. Egnor is renowned for his work in pediatric neurosurgery. His practice includes patients diagnosed with Arnold Chiari deformity, hydrocephalus, cranio-synostosis, brain tumors, and spina bifida, as well as children with severe head trauma. He has an international reputation for research on hydrocephalus, and he is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Hydrocephalus Association in the United States. See https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2516312/baby-born-with-deformed-head-celebrates-first-christmas-thanks-to-surgery-and-a-3d-printed-skull/. Check out our other videos: Science Uprising Episode 1 - Reality: Real vs. Material Has science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? https://youtu.be/Fv3c7DWuqpM Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw Check out other videos from the Science Uprising playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.264 views 1 comment -
The Mystery of Human DNA (Science Uprising EP3)
Center for Science and CultureIs the software that runs life the result of accumulated copying errors? Or does it require a programmer? This episode of Science Uprising examines how Microsoft founder Bill Gates, geneticist and entrepreneur Craig Venter, and even evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins all acknowledge that DNA is like software. But how was that software created? Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. People featured in this episode include Stephen Meyer, PhD, Director of the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute and author of Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design; and Douglas Axe, Maxwell Visiting Professor of Molecular Biology at Biola University and author of Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition that Life Is Designed. Check out our other videos: Information Enigma: Where does information come from? Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? https://youtu.be/aA-FcnLsF1g Science Uprising Episode 1 - Reality: Real vs. Material Has science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? https://youtu.be/Fv3c7DWuqpM Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw Check out other videos from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.90 views -
Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism - Science Uprising Expert Interviews
Center for Science and CultureIn this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor discusses the evidence against materialism and explains how materialism undercuts rather than supports genuine science. Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. Michael Egnor, MD (from Columbia University), neurosurgeon and professor of neurological surgery at Stony Brook University. Dr. Egnor is renowned for his work in pediatric neurosurgery. See https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2516312/baby-born-with-deformed-head-celebrates-first-christmas-thanks-to-surgery-and-a-3d-printed-skull/. Check out these other videos: No, You're Not a Robot Made Out of Meat https://youtu.be/rQo6SWjwQIk Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor: Why Machines Will Never Think https://youtu.be/EXOX3RCpEbU Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.85 views 3 comments -
Jeffrey Schwartz: You Are More than Your Brain - Science Uprising Extra Content
Center for Science and CultureIn this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, research psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz, MD, discusses evidence from the treatment of OCD that you are more than your brain. Dr. Schwartz is a leading researcher of the philosophy of conscious awareness, the idea that the actions of the mind have an effect on the workings of the brain. Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz is a research psychiatrist and one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. Decades ago, he began to study the philosophy of conscious awareness, the idea that the actions of the mind have an effect on the workings of the brain. Jeff’s breakthrough work in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) provided the hard evidence that the mind can control the brain’s chemistry. He has lectured extensively to both professional and lay audiences in the US, Europe, and Asia. Jeff’s books include The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force and the bestseller Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, the seminal book on OCD. Learn more about his research and writing on the brain and neuroplasticity at https://jeffreymschwartz.com/about/ Check out these other videos: Michael Egnor: The Evidence against Materialism https://youtu.be/BqHrpBPdtSI Science Uprising Episode 2 - Mind: The Inescapable I, Are we simply robots made out of meat? Or is there an inescapable “I” who makes real choices that can change our lives? https://youtu.be/rQo6SWjwQIk Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.141 views 1 comment -
Stephen Meyer Shatters the Myth of the Multiverse (Science Uprising EP4)
Center for Science and CultureIs our universe just an accident? Or does it display exquisite evidence of fine-tuning and intelligent design? This episode of Science Uprising investigates claims by scientific atheists like Lawrence Krauss and Bill Nye that our universe is nothing special and that the fine-tuning scientists observe can be explained away by the existence of multiple universes. In his latest book, Stephen Meyer demonstrates how discoveries in cosmology and physics coupled with those in biology help to establish the identity of the designing intelligence behind life and the universe. Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. Featured experts include Bijan Nemati, Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama, Huntsville, and former long-time researcher at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab; Frank Tipler, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Tulane University, and co-author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle; and Stephen Meyer, PhD, Director, Center for Science and Culture, Discovery Institute and author, The Return of the God Hypothesis. Check out our other videos: Information Enigma: Where does information come from? Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? https://youtu.be/aA-FcnLsF1g Science Uprising Episode 1 - Reality: Real vs. Material Has science proven we are all just matter? Or does reality extend beyond what we can see and touch? https://youtu.be/Fv3c7DWuqpM Unbelievable Myths Neil deGrasse Tyson and Co. Love to Tell https://youtu.be/aJ_YXRA7uyw Check out other videos from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Are you ready? The uprising has begun. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode.449 views 1 comment -
Frank Tipler: The Singularity - Science Uprising Expert Interview
Center for Science and CultureIn this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, distinguished physicist and cosmologist Frank Tipler at Tulane University discusses the Big Bang, fine-tuning, and more. Be sure to visit https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. FRANK J. TIPLER is Professor of Mathematical Physics at Tulane University. He is the co-author of (with John Barrow) The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, about the significance of intelligent life in the universe, and the author of The Physics of Immortality about the ultimate limits of computers, and the role computers will play in the universe, and The Physics of Christianity, about his scientific research into central Christian claims and beliefs. Other related videos you might be interested in: Privileged Species featuring Dr. Michael Denton https://youtu.be/VoI2ms5UHWg Jay Richards: The Privileged Planet https://youtu.be/j_m9DxLJ7V0 Cosmic Fine-Tuning Would Be Hard to Believe if It Weren’t True: an Interview with Michael Denton https://youtu.be/l-joKMFSHSU Check out other videos from the Science Uprising playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- About Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode. Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ The Discovery Science News Channel is the official Youtube channel of Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture. The CSC is the institutional hub for scientists, educators, and inquiring minds who think that nature supplies compelling evidence of intelligent design. The CSC supports research, sponsors educational programs, defends free speech, and produce articles, books, and multimedia content. For more information visit https://www.discovery.org/id/ http://www.evolutionnews.org/ http://www.intelligentdesign.org/ Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: Twitter: @discoverycsc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/discoverycsc/ Visit other Youtube channels connected to the Center for Science & Culture Discovery Institute: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryInstitute Dr. Stephen C. Meyer: https://www.youtube.com/user/DrStephenMeyer The Magician's Twin - CS Lewis & Evolution: https://www.youtube.com/user/cslewisweb Darwin's Heretic - Alfred Russel Wallce: https://www.youtube.com/user/AlfredRWallaceID208 views 9 comments -
Bijan Nemati: Rare Earth - Science Uprising Expert Interview
Center for Science and CultureIn this bonus interview footage from Science Uprising, astrophysicist Bijan Nemati engages in a wide-ranging discussion of the rarity of the Earth, the search for extra-terrestrial life, fine-tuning, the Big Bang, and lots more. Currently at the University of Alabama—Huntsville, Nemati spent much of his career as a scientist at NASA's famous Jet Propulsion Lab at Caltech. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode. Other related videos you might be interested in: Stephen Meyer: Fine-Tuning and the Origin of the Universe https://youtu.be/GQ7GBZm087Y Jay Richards: The Privileged Planet https://youtu.be/j_m9DxLJ7V0 Cosmic Fine-Tuning Would Be Hard to Believe if It Weren’t True: an Interview with Michael Denton https://youtu.be/l-joKMFSHSU Check out other videos from the Science Uprising playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8eQzfCOiS1OmYcqv_yQSpje4p7rAE7- About Science Uprising Well-known scientists have been preaching a materialistic worldview rather than presenting the public with all the evidence. We are here to change that. The objective scientific evidence does not prove our universe is blind and purposeless. It does not show we are simply meat machines. It does not prove that evolutionary mechanisms can completely account for the diversity of life on earth. This is what THEY want you to think. Think for yourself and make an informed decision. Visit the Science Uprising website at https://scienceuprising.com/ to find more videos and explore related articles and books. You can also find out more information about the people interviewed in this episode. Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryScienceNews ============================ The Discovery Science News Channel is the official Youtube channel of Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture. The CSC is the institutional hub for scientists, educators, and inquiring minds who think that nature supplies compelling evidence of intelligent design. The CSC supports research, sponsors educational programs, defends free speech, and produce articles, books, and multimedia content. For more information visit https://www.discovery.org/id/ http://www.evolutionnews.org/ http://www.intelligentdesign.org/ Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: Twitter: @discoverycsc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/discoverycsc/ Visit other Youtube channels connected to the Center for Science & Culture Discovery Institute: https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryInstitute Dr. Stephen C. Meyer: https://www.youtube.com/user/DrStephenMeyer The Magician's Twin - CS Lewis & Evolution: https://www.youtube.com/user/cslewisweb Darwin's Heretic - Alfred Russel Wallce: https://www.youtube.com/user/AlfredRWallaceID227 views 1 comment