WEBINAR | Tartaria - Pod People & The World's Fairs: The Great Reset
Journey to TruthTartaria is one of the most fascinating subjects that somehow we haven't covered yet in 5 years of podcasting. Many claim this is an outlandish conspiracy theory. Though after diving down this rabbit hole it seems there is mountains of supporting evidence making this one of the most intriguing subjects we have looked into. As always the universe is showing up in mysterious ways providing new information that not only supports this theory but forces one to expand their mind and begin bringing in multidimensional concepts to help explain this mystery. So not only will we be covering this subject extensively, we will be bringing forward new theories and concepts that will certainly make you scratch your head 🤔. So if you're interested in giants, human/animal hybrids, pod people, advanced knowledge, technology & architecture, Free energy, mud floods, World's Fairs and other dimensions then this webinar will be for you. REBELS OF DISCLOSURE CONFERENCE: May 13-16, 2024 Grafton Illinois 🔥 Get your ticket today!🔥 https://www.rebelsofdisclosure.com/ WATCH OUR DOCUMENTARY HERE! 'Cahokia Mounds: The Untold Story' https://www.cahokiauntold.com PATREON: Subscribe to our Patreon for Webinars and Bonus Content: https://www.patreon.com/j2tpodcast HOPEWELL FARM CBD: PROMO CODE 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH10' gets you 10% off all cbd products! To Learn More and Purchase Hopewell Farm CBD Products. Crypto payment option now available! CLICK HERE -- https://hopewellfarmtn.com/?wpam_id=1 OMNIA RADIATION BALANCER: To Learn More and Purchase the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Use promo code TRUTH (all caps) for 10% off! CLICK HERE: https://www.omniaradiationbalancer.com/j2truth OUR WEBSITE: https://www.journeytotruth.online/ DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=QX6V8YRVJAY74&no_recurring=0&item_name=Journey+to+Truth+Podcast¤cy_code=USD Thank you 🙏 MERLINS LAB ORGONE PYRAMIDS & COLLOIDAL SILVER - 10% off with promo code 'JOURNEYTOTRUTH' https://merlinslab.myshopify.com/?ref=JourneyToTruth SHIRTS & MERCH: Use promo code 20ANDBACK for 20% off! https://teespring.com/stores/journey-to-truth-podcast CONTACT US: journeytotruthpodcast@gmail.com24.9K views 131 comments