BPNT Book Series - Chapter 22 - Is the Earth billions of years old?
Bible Prophecy videosHow old is the earth? Remember the 80,000 tons of mud per hour that the Mississippi river dumps in the Gulf? They have measured the delta in the Gulf of Mexico and concluded that it has been doing that for about 4400 years. Bristlecone Pine trees are thought to be the oldest living trees in the world. The Redwoods in California are among the biggest and oldest. They estimate that they are about 4000 years old. The oil that is under the surface of the planet is pressurized. That’s why it gushes up into the air like a fountain when it is tapped. After studying the pressure and the rocks and earth around these fields of oil, they have estimated that the containment can only be expected to last about 5000 years before it will deteriorate and burst followed by collapse. But wait! I thought it took 65 million years for it to develop? How has it maintained the pressure all these years? Doesn’t make sense at all… Science data shows that something big happened to the magnetic poles about 4000 years ago. More on this later… Guess what happened about 4400 years ago? An event we call Noah’s flood. The bible shows through lines of genealogy, telling us the ages of people when they had so and so and then how old that person was when they had so and so all the way to Noah, and then all the way to Jesus. It was about 1650 years between creation and the flood and then about another 2400 years to Jesus. This makes the earth about 6000 years old. But wait! Isn’t there all kinds of evidence to show that the earth is much older than that? Don’t we have carbon dating and other things that prove more age than that? We discuss these questions in this video! The Bible also shows us exactly how old the earth is. It's right about 6000 years old! The geneologies in the Bible show the exact years from Creation to when Abraham was born (1946 years exactly)... Then, we see it was another 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus (545 from his Abraham's birth to the promised land, then 450 years of judges, then 500 years of kings and then about 500 years from Daniel to Jesus)... And then about 2000 years from Jesus to today... https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/creation/earthsAge175 views -
Scientific Evidences for a Young Earth - Bruce Malone
CompassvideoBruce has made quite an impact on Christians around the world with his powerful apologetic presentations. Using excellent slides, humor and scientific facts, you'll have no problem defending Genesis One from a scientific standpoint.1 comment -
The Evolution Lie - Russ Miller
CompassvideoThe God-less theory of evolution is taught as fact to millions of unsuspecting children each day in public schools. Russ uses scientific facts to show why taking a Biblical stand does not undermine science, but rather illuminates science! -
Evolutionary Theory EXPOSED w Professor Walter Vithe
TreeofLife11Zoologist and Pastor Dr. Walter Veith exposes the LIES of Evolution showing how the EVIDENCE STRONGLY supports the idea of explosive creation by a superior designer. Pastor Dr. Walter Veith joins Brian Wilson live via Skype to expose the broken pillars which evolution stands upon as well as make the case for God's intelligent design on earth and throughout the greater universe. Find Professor Veith's work here: https://www.ClashofMinds.com Watch his evolution / creationism series "The Genesis Conflict" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMU1soRrtJk&list=PLdbXyyVfVp-55KmIH5gQhYVUZ9xE5sXeA196 views 1 comment -
The Genesis Conflict ~ 01 ~ The Earth In Time & Space by Walter Veith
The Loud CryThe debate over the age of the earth has gone on for a long time. Does the evidence support a young earth, or one that is billions of years old? What do canyons, time zones, and fossils have to do with the Bible? Can they disprove the big bang theory? This video discusses the big bang theory of origins and its plausibility. It presents the catastrophic origin of the geological column, evidence for rapid water deposition of the layers of the geological column, canyon formation, erosional features, and missing time zones. The standard geological view is contrasted with the Biblical view enabling the viewer to make a choice between the two models. With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube. Comments, subscriptions, likes and rumbles are welcome on our channels: The Loud Cry on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCry The Loud Cry - International on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCryIntern... The Loud Cry Shorts on Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-2450752 The Loud Cry on YouTube: / @theloudcry These channels are not for profit. Please share. Thank you for watching.350 views 2 comments -
The Genesis Conflict ~ 02 ~ A Universal Flood by Walter Veith
The Loud CryWas there a great flood as the Bible tells us? Science denies that the Biblical Flood occurred, but what does the geologic evidence have to say? Modern science opposes a universal flood, as it would have destroyed the continuity of the fossil record in the geological column. In this video, evidence for precisely such a universal phenomenon is presented with fascinating video material from modern day catastrophes on a smaller scale. The origin of the petrified forests and their flood implications are also discussed. With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube. Comments, subscriptions, likes and rumbles are welcome on our channels: The Loud Cry on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCry The Loud Cry - International on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCryIntern... The Loud Cry Shorts on Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-2450752 The Loud Cry on YouTube: / @theloudcry These channels are not for profit. Please share. Thank you for watching.295 views -
The Genesis Conflict ~ 03 ~ Bones In Stones by Walter Veith
The Loud CryAre there dinosaurs in the Bible? What does the Bible have to say about the appearance and disappearance of dinosaurs? Is the fossil record compatible with the Bible? This lecture discusses the fossil record and compares catastrophism with the standard paradigm of evolution. Alternative models for the order in the fossil record are presented together with evidence for the sudden appearance of all life forms during the so-called "Cambrian explosion." With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube. Comments, subscriptions, likes and rumbles are welcome on our channels: The Loud Cry on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCry The Loud Cry - International on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCryIntern... The Loud Cry Shorts on Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-2450752 The Loud Cry on YouTube: / @theloudcry These channels are not for profit. Please share. Thank you for watching.272 views -
The Genesis Conflict ~ 04 ~ Where Mammals Reigned by Walter Veith
The Loud CryDoes the Biblical account of a worldwide flood match the evidence in the geological column? This lecture discusses the ice ages and reasons for mammalian distribution and appearance in the upper portion of the geological column. The evolution of humans and the time constraints in terms of recolonization of post-flood Earth are also discussed. With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube. Comments, subscriptions, likes and rumbles are welcome on our channels: The Loud Cry on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCry The Loud Cry - International on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/TheLoudCryIntern... The Loud Cry Shorts on Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-2450752 The Loud Cry on YouTube: / @theloudcry These channels are not for profit. Please share. Thank you for watching.229 views 1 comment