Manufactured Public Health Crises
Doctors For Covid EthicsDr. Wolfgang Wodarg has had a long, successful, and remarkably varied career in clinical medicine, public health, and German politics. Some 15 years ago, Wolfgang was an early and outspoken critic of the swine flu vaccine, and his opposition was crucial in halting the swine flu vaccination campaign. Of course, Wolfgang also spoke up early and clearly against the baseless panic whipped up around COVID-19. For those interested in delving deeper into the topics of public health crises and the rule of fear, Dr. Wodarg's book, "False Pandemics: Arguments Against the Rule of Fear," is readily accessible on Amazon, providing a wealth of knowledge and insights.11.8K views 9 comments -
Wouter Aukema: a deep dive into the EMA's adverse events reports database
Doctors For Covid EthicsWouter is a Dutch data analyst who has examined the adverse event reports that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) makes available through its website -- and not just those adverse events that relate directly to the COVID vaccines, but really ALL reports, for approximately 6,000 different drugs and vaccines. In these data, he has detected a steep rise in the reports on drugs against cancer and autoimmune diseases, as well as eye and skin conditions. This rise coincided with the roll-out of the COVID vaccines and may be caused by their increased use due to the adverse events of those vaccines. In his presentation, Wouter demonstrates two software tools that he has created for the analysis of the EMA data, and that he has made publicly available. The first, more comprehensive tool requires the installation of some software programs, as explained on his website: http://www.aukema.org/ The second tool, less fine-grained but more up-to-date, can be accessed online, without requiring any local installations: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/wouter.aukema6900/viz/EMA-EV-ATC-V02/Dashboard1 Wouter hopes that people with medical expertise will put these data and these tools to good use.3.39K views 2 comments