Beautiful Auckland
3 videos
Updated 3 months ago
Join me on day hikes and adventures to some of New Zealands most beautiful and amazing Regional Parks, Reserves and Coastal areas, in the Auckland region and surrounding areas.
Incredible locations for a "Mum Dad and the Kids" day out right through to challenging coastal tracks and trails along wild coastlines and stunning white sand beaches and through pristine indigenous forests.
And almost all are within and hour or so of Auckland CBD.
So join me a great day out...accompanied by great music soundtracks and lots of history and facts I share along the way of wherever I happen to be.
So much to see-so much to do...and all free!
Beautiful Auckland...
Exploring Kawakawa Bay New Zealand
LifestyleandtechNZHi everyone, today I'm taking a leisurely coastal walk along Kawakawa Bay and beach on Auckland's Clevedon coast. We will stop in at the marina, and enjoy lunch on the peninsular. A beautiful and popular holiday and summer vacation spot, within an hour of central Auckland...it's a superb place for that sunday drive, or a weekend stay at a motel or a bach along the beachside. Petrol services, general store and fast food is all here...and the many other beaches and Regional Parks I have visited and made videos on are all close by. Another wonderful playground for families...with shallow swimming beaches and abundant seafood you can gather at low tide. Cockle fritters here i come!! And at the end of the video watch out for a quick stop in at the famous Clevedon Coast Oyster farm...mmmmm....yummmm...lol So like and subscribe if you like this video...really appreciated. Thanks for watching. Rick Music by: Epidemic Sound fully licensed content. Wherever you're going- Cody Francis Do Over- Lofive4 views -
Wild Beach Hike in New Zealand
LifestyleandtechNZIn this video I explore spectacular Karepiro Bay, Okura Bush and Marine Reserve...and Historic Dacre Cottage. Not far north of Auckland...and situated between Long Bay and Stillwater on yet more gorgeous coastline, this very special spot is serene, secluded-yet very accessible to families, hikers, walkers, watersport enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys getting out in nature. With a rich Maori history and significant Marine Reserve and ancient areas of bush, the icing on the cake is a wee Cottage next to the crystal clear waters of the beach that dates back to circa 1855. Home to many varieties of rare and endangered New Zealand seabirds, this is a great spot to spend a lazy day or even camp in the Dacre Cottage camping area/s. I hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I did making it. Thanks for watching...like and subscribe if you wish.. Cheers Rick Please note: the small amount of aerial photography was taken from OVER 400 meters away with a special powerzoom lens. No wildlife was disturbed in any way-in accordance with Auckland Council, DOC and Dacre Bay Committee rules and regulations. For information on Dacre Cottage and in particular it's committee of volunteers, it's working bee's in the grounds 1st sunday of each month, making donations if you wish, and also booking a VERY economically priced campsite by the cottage please go to: http://www.dacre.org.nz/ Contact: Pete Townend Mobile: 0274 529255 email:dacrecottage@gmail.com Music supplied by licensed subscription@ Epidemic sound Hurt to the bone - Daniel Gunnarsson Rest of my Life (instrumental version) - Pastis Rest of my Life (vocal version) - Pastis22 views -
Tapapakanga Regional Park...Sacred and Beautiful
LifestyleandtechNZWelcome to Tàpapakanga Regional Park, a Sacred and beautiful park on the Firth of Thames, approximately 67 kms (1 hour 10 mins) from Auckland CBD. A wonderful scenic coastal Farm Park, that has a rich and significant history for both Màori and European people. From the first arrivals of Màori in the great Waka's (Màori seagoing craft) to the Ashby's, (European settlers) who made a home for their family on the foreshore and established lifelong friendships with local Iwi and a Màori Chief. A beautiful 197 hectare farm park, with numerous campsites, and free facilities available to all, it's a historic and magical place with many Archaeological sites, extensive flora and fauna and migratory wildlife. So come along with me as I explore yet another fantastic wild space...right on my own doorstep. I enjoyed making this video and hope you enjoy it too. Rick For details and bookings to the campsites go to: https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/ https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/p... Credits: Music All tracks are fully licensed via Epidemic Sound A Nomad's Journey - Victor Lundberg From This Silence - Jon Algar Driving South - Walt Adams15 views