The Universe is NOT Expanding (But the BS on Earth is)
What's Left?Eric Lerner, Cosmologist and chief scientist for LPP Fusion, joins us again for a discussion on the recent observations made by the James Webb Space Telescope and how they contradict all the theories of current cosmology (the Big Bang, expanding universe, dark matter, dark energy and more). Join us for a discussion of some of the implications of JWST latest observations. https://wefunder.com/lppfusionfor investing https://www.lppfusion.comour company website https://www.youtube.com/lppfusionyoutube channel Ox Sam Camp https://www.oxsam.org/ Thacker Pass: https://www.protectthackerpass.org/ How to Order Your “What’s Left?” Shirt https://youtu.be/nItmqkrpWHU Find out more about our anti-mandate group: Workers & Students for Choice https://www.askhealthyquestions.com/ws4choice To see all our episodes go to: What’s Left? Website: https://whatsleftpodcast.com/ Contact us @: https://whatsleftpodcast.com/contact/ Subscribe to What’s Left? on Telegram: https://t.me/whatisleft ITunes and Spotify only show our last 100 episodes: Podcasts: iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/whats-left-now-who-we-are-and-why-we-are-doing-this/id1409349552 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg2LquMHl9ACwxZbo5WLn2w Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1302454 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4RGc1LFhlXRK0slZLRIVix Telegram: https://t.me/whatisleft Podvine https://podvine.com/podcast/whats-left-JW-0U-z1q VURBL: https://vurbl.com/station/5l5YWD16ZrP/ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/whats_left/ Odysee: https://odysee.com/@whatsleft:3 Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/andrew-libson/whats-left-2 Googleplaymusic: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Ip2kmnisjjchn6bugg2xrjoduja34 views -
The Fatal Flaw in the Theory of Evolution. Unlocking The Mystery Of Life. MUST SEE 12-23-2022
TheWarAgainstYouThe Fatal Flaw in the Theory of Evolution. Unlocking The Mystery Of Life. MUST SEE 12-23-2022 *** PROOF THAT THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSIBLE - Please Note: I may have gotten side tracked and spent 6 hours on this project. But it was Damn Well Worth It. I was filled with disgust after watching a recent video of an Atheist Scientist/Biologist pushing the Bogus Theory of Evolution. So I was Triggered to find a video that provided a good argument against Evolution. To my utter surprise and amazement, I was actually able to find Conclusive Proof that Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE. - But it is the work of these Amazing Scientists who's research over the coarse of many decades that actually allowed them to find Conclusive Proof that the Theory of Evolution as the Origins of Life is Completely Impossible. Now "That" is AMAZING - THE FATAL FLAW IS: - Modern biology attributed the Origin of Life to the Random Attraction through the Natural Affinity of Chemicals to explain the Formation of a Branch Chain of Amino Acids. That a Branch Chain then Reproduced ITSELF. - It takes multiple types of these Branch Chains of Amino Acids to Form a Protein. - (((The Problem is that it is IMPOSSIBLE for these Amino Acids to REPRODUCE Without DNA to Provide the INSTRUCTIONS and MEMORY on How to Build and Reproduce themselves.))) - And DNA is Immensely More Complex than a simple Protein. - The previous understanding of Biology is that Life Consists of a Physical Form and Energy. But it is Now Known there is a third aspect to Life: INFORMATION - Life Cannot Be Produced by Matter and Energy without without that Information. - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN THE ORIGINS OF LIFE WITHOUT INTELLIGENT DESIGN, AKA CREATION - Life is far more than the sum of it's parts. The Breath of Life precedes birth. Deconstruct a corpse and you will not find the Soul. Nor the Life Force. A pure materialistic atheist view of life is a false paradigm. Evolution itself has been proven to be a false doctrine. Scientists at the Highest level know this, but publicly still push this fake belief because it is an essential part that holds their bogus scientific theories together. - Life is not random, but follows the template of life and creation. Life is manifest from the Divine, or from a higher natural order, and is far more than simply mere physical matter and energy. - When Science no longer follows the Scientific Method, it becomes Bastardized. It becomes like a superstitious religion called Scientism. Scientific theories based upon abstract mathematical equations is not Proof of a Scientific Fact. It is Merely a Theory. Belief in Theories as Established Fact without Provable and Reproducible Results is nothing but Scientism. Everything must be proven and verified through Experimentation that provides reproducible results. Without that, you have nothing but empty theories. Not Science. - Explain how and why life manifests in Fractals of Divine Geometry, and then I will be impressed. Especially in relation to any Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection... - @OratorBlog 12-13-2023 *** The Scientists Beginning To Doubt The Theory Of Evolution | Unlocking The Mystery Of Life | Parable - 429,325 views December 23, 2022 Parable - Religious History Documentaries - The modern debate surrounding the origin of life on Earth has. always been divisive. Historically, scientists have sided with the theory of evolution, whilst followers of the world's religions side with the theory of creationism. This documentary follows a meeting of some of the worlds top scientists and scholars who harbour doubts that evolution holds all of the answers. - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.youtube.com/@ParableChannel *** If Darwin was alive today he would Debunk his own theory, because it has since been proven it does not stand up to the criteria he himself defined: - Darwin: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly be formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." *** The Origin of Species - Darwin DEBUNKED: Using Modern Science (12 Minutes of Density!) - "A Genetic Code is a single word formed in the mechanics of that life form. - If you change that code, you alter the meaning of that word." - https://youtu.be/pMzqA4XNxtw?si=-5xiU2sXkfcRhUF_ - Full video: - By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for a Creator Hoover Institution - 2.1M views 10 months ago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXexaVsvhCM&t=536s ***4.29K views 4 comments -
UK Statisticians Find Massive Death Spike During Covid 'Vaccine' Campaigns
RAIRFoundationUSAThis video is part of a larger article at RAIR Foundation USA This is an exclusively translated clip from the following German broadcast: https://www.servustv.com/aktuelles/v/aa1uhra88dp5llzqs7cp/30.7K views 7 comments -
A Word To The Unvaccinated (Alex Jones / InfoWars)
Sunfellow On COVID-19On June 7, 2024, Alex Jones @RealAlexJones writes: "A Word To The Unvaccinated. More and more people are finally acknowledging the individuals who did not blindly accept the COVID vaccine agenda." Source: https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/status/1799159894333173799 .................... Alex Jones -- @RealAlexJones -- videos on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/playlists/fjMIAoGPn9o Alex Jones on X https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Info Wars (Alex Jones Website) https://www.infowars.com/ The Great Reset: And the War for the World (Book) https://amzn.to/3yaDQCj Alex Jones on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/Infowars Alex Jones on GETTR https://gettr.com/user/infowars Alex Jones on Gab https://gab.com/RealAlexJones .................... See also: Dubious Data, Lies, Corruption, Propaganda, Brainwashing https://rumble.com/playlists/byFwM-ICr5A Free Speech, Censorship, Informed Consent https://rumble.com/playlists/cZ0hNmhMAOg Sudden Deaths, Excess Deaths, Plummeting Birth Rates https://rumble.com/playlists/diFxxaBXWgY COVID-19 Vaccine Death & Injury Stories https://rumble.com/playlists/UtGOH2S6pVo COVID-19 Vaccines: The Largest Health Crisis In Human History https://rumble.com/playlists/FMzHUtDikhY Outstanding COVID-19 Pandemic Overviews & Summaries https://rumble.com/playlists/T1zxPsSue9A Mass Formation Psychosis https://rumble.com/playlists/IW1ikH70xTw U.S. Government COVID-19 Hearings, Meetings & Events https://rumble.com/playlists/dbinmj9fvPU State COVID-19 Government Hearings, Meetings, Events https://rumble.com/playlists/RpNuMLKVgfg COVID Protests & Events https://rumble.com/playlists/J70jHQKq6Ss14.1K views 56 comments -
Denis Rancourt: Debunking Climate Hysteria
Ezra Interviews with Michael ThiessenIn this episode, Mike is joined by scientist and social theorist, Denis Rancourt. to debunk climate change hysteria and the myths forwarded by its cult leaders. and adherents. Episode Resource:Denis' Website: https://denisrancourt.ca/page.php?id=1&name=home Watch this episode on FLF Network: https://subspla.sh/4b5gj2t Sick of Mainstream Media Lies? Please Support us in bringing you real, truthful reporting and analysis from a Christian perspective. Subscribe to our various shows: LIBERTY DISPATCH PODCAST: https://libertydispatch.podbean.com OPEN MIKE WITH MICHAEL THIESSEN: https://openmikewithmichaelthiessen.podbean.com Stay up-to-date on all things LCC (https://libertycoalitioncanada.com): Gab: https://gab.com/libertycoalitioncanada; Telegram: https://t.me/libertycoalitioncanadanews; Instagram: https://instagram.com/libertycoalitioncanada; Facebook: https://facebook.com/LibertyCoalitionCanada; Twitter: @LibertyCCanada - https://twitter.com/LibertyCCanada; Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/LibertyCoalitionCanada; YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLb1yNIeJ-2bSuHRW4oftRQ You can also find us on Spotify & Apple Podcasts and just about every other podcast catcher! Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW and SHARE it with others!9.71K views 24 comments -
Scientist Dennis Rancourt on Why You Should Not Blindly Trust 'the Science'
RustyDwyerFascinating insights from Canadian Scientist Dennis Rancourt on the corruption and politicisation of Science. Bottom line. Be skeptical and question absolutely everything. SOURCE: VSRF Live #112: Vax Mass Homicide https://rumble.com/v4alctk-vsrf-live-112-vax-mass-homicide.html?mref=5hmzb&mc=c2vow239 views 2 comments -
Denis Rancourt: Realities Of Health (Interesting & Important)
Sunfellow On COVID-19Denis Rancourt @denisrancourt: "The kind of psychological stress that kills you is when your whole world is turned upside down; when your place within society disappears. So you lose your job, you lose your house . . . you completely cannot sustain your family . . . These big life-changing times of our lives are devastating tectonic shifts. Your whole life you thought you had a place in the world and it's gone. That will kill you within a very short time." Source Video: https://twitter.com/denisrancourt/status/1727097875564527787 Websites: https://denisrancourt.ca/ https://correlation-canada.org/ Denis Rancourt COVID-19 Reports: https://correlation-canada.org/research/ See also: Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) https://sunfellow.com/increasing-death-rates-plummeting-birth-rates-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-sads/ COVID-19 Vaccine Death & Injury Stories From All Over The World https://tinyurl.com/covid-19vaccine-injuries ........................... The best of the best of the best COVID-19 resources, videos, and memes: Resources: https://sunfellow.com/top-covid-19-resources/ Videos: https://rumble.com/c/SunfellowCovid19 Memes: https://sunfellow.com/the-lighter-side-of-covid-19/8.68K views 10 comments -
Denis Rancourt Versus Tracy Beth Hoeg On 17 Million Vaccine Deaths
Sunfellow On COVID-19Debate Released! Denis Rancourt v. Tracy Beth Hoeg On 17 Million Vaccine Deaths Rav Arora, Kevin Bass, Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD, & Denis Rancourt January 26, 2024 https://www.illusionconsensus.com/p/debate-released-denis-rancourt-v Hi everyone, The 3-hour vaccine death debate between Denis and Tracy has now been released! Anyone can access it now here in the Substack app/website or in the Spotify/Apple links below. I hope it helps shape your perspective on this contentious topic. Takeaways: • Tracy criticizes Denis' paper on the number of deaths caused by COVID vaccines, arguing that the estimate of 17 million deaths is implausible. • Denis defends his paper, explaining the methodology and selection of countries in the study. • The debate becomes heated as they discuss the accusation of cherry-picking countries. • Technical difficulties interrupt the discussion briefly. There are inconsistencies in estimates of excess mortality and the causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and deaths. • Methodology plays a crucial role in determining the accuracy of these estimates. • Accurate information and fact-finding are essential in understanding the impact of COVID-19 vaccines on mortality. • Further discussion and analysis are needed to address the discrepancies between different studies and estimates. There is a temporal association between booster rollouts and excess mortality. • The causes of excess mortality are complex and can vary between countries and age groups. • The peak in mortality after the pandemic announcement is a significant phenomenon that requires further investigation. • Analyzing mortality data in countries without age stratification requires additional considerations. • The consistent association of excess mortality with booster rollouts suggests a potential link. • Quantifying excess mortality and the vaccine dose fatality rate can provide insights into the risk of death. The correlation between vaccine rollout and excess mortality is a topic of debate, with different interpretations and perspectives. • Communication plays a crucial role in conveying scientific findings, and the choice of words and statements can impact public perception. • Traditional methods may not always capture vaccine mortality, and there is a need for more comprehensive data and analysis. • The case of Sweden's excess mortality highlights the complexities of interpreting data and the importance of considering different factors. • Improving data collection and reporting is essential for a better understanding of the impact of vaccines and other interventions. Clear communication and agreement on recording and distribution processes are important in collaborative conversations. Source Links: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/p/debate-released-denis-rancourt-v https://open.spotify.com/episode/1JxAtOB8ClGZdosFvPTdfF https://rumble.com/v493ifh-denis-rancourt-vs.-tracy-beth-hoeg-debate-on-17-million-lives-taken-by-the-.html ............... See also: Covid-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality In The Southern Hemisphere By Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey, and Jérémie Mercier https://correlation-canada.org/research/ ............... A Critique Of The "17 Million Deaths Caused By The Vaccines" Claim And The Current Data On Post-Vaccine Deaths Rav Arora and Tracy Beth Høeg January 18, 2024 https://www.illusionconsensus.com/p/a-critique-of-the-17-million-deaths Conclusions: I have deep sympathy for people who have lost a loved one to COVID-19 vaccination and I am dedicating this post to them. My criticism of Rancourt et al's analysis stems from the fact I think people are owed as accurate of data as possible. In regards to my current position, I don't think COVID-19 vaccines should continue to be used and I have made this clear publicly on multiple occasions including here. This is based on lack of evidence of efficacy and an incompletely defined risk profile. Now I want to give quick shoutouts to Denis Rancourt and his colleagues for attempting to answer a very difficult question and inspiring this post. I am sure he will have responses to what I wrote and they are welcome. Second, I did not get into all of the parts of Bret's interview that I loved, but I thought this tweet from Aaron Kheriaty summed up my feelings brilliantly... ............... My Response To Tracy Beth Høeg's Response To Denis Rancourt et al.! Ben, US Mortality January 20, 2024 https://usmortality.substack.com/p/my-response-to-tracy-beth-hegs-response Conclusion: Rancourt's estimate of 17M excess deaths are definitely within a possible range. Possible "vaccine deaths" may greatly vary based on age and underlying health status. The ongoing systemic hiding of relevant data by authorities, which does not allow proper analysis, is highly concerning. ............... Denis Rancourt videos on this Rumble channel: https://rumble.com/playlists/egGCGix2XII COVID-19 Vaccines: The Largest Health Crisis In Human History https://rumble.com/playlists/FMzHUtDikhY Sudden Deaths, Excess Deaths, Plummeting Birth Rates https://rumble.com/playlists/diFxxaBXWgY Increasing Death Rates, Plummeting Birth Rates, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome https://sunfellow.com/increasing-death-rates-plummeting-birth-rates-sudden-adult-death-syndrome-sads/ Study Finds Staggering 17 Million Global Deaths After Covid Jab Rollout (Rancourt, Baudin & Mercier) https://rumble.com/v4439j0-study-finds-staggering-17-million-global-deaths-after-covid-jab-rollout-ran.html Collection Of Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination https://react19.org/science Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/covid-19-vaccine-pharmacovigilance-report/ More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/ COVID-19 Vaccination Stories, Side Effects & Healing https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-vaccination-stories-side-effects-healing/ COVID-19 Vaccine Death & Injury Stories on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/UtGOH2S6pVo COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event Tracking System (VAERS) https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-vaers/ COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches Reference Page https://sunfellow.com/100-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-were-caused-by-just-5-of-the-batches/ Bad Batches / Hot Lots on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/N5UFz_VBbaE Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression, Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s https://sunfellow.com/bhakdi-burkhardt-cole-hoffe/ Vaccine-Induced "Turbo Cancer" https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow%20-%20turbo%20cancer Vaccine-Induced Cancer & Turbo Cancer on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/dtgIqdwOPYY COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Shedding, DNA Contamination https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-menstrual-breast-milk-disruptions-miscarriages-infertility-transmission-shedding/ Shedding videos on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/ILbbXTB09dw COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/A87UF7Dy_Qc COVID-19 Psychosis https://www.sunfellow.com/covid-19-psychosis/ COVID-19 - Mystery Clots In Vaccinated Deceased People https://sunfellow.com/covid19-blood-clots-in-vaccinated-dead-people/ Mystery Clots & Autopsy Discoveries on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/FbkcPTknHGA Has Our Blood Supply Been Contaminated By Vaccinated, Genetically-Modified Blood? https://www.sunfellow.com/has-our-blood-supply-been-contaminated-by-vaccinated-genetically-modified-blood/ COVID-19 Healing Resources https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-healing-resources/ How To Heal COVID Vaccine Injuries on Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/RaQVQsmVSS814.5K views 125 comments -
Dr. Charles Simone: The DOD Created The Vaccines, What If Cures Already Exist? They Do
X22 ReportFind Out Which Olive Oil Is The Best For Your Health Watch the Short Video Got To https://GetOlive1.com/X22 Today’s Guest: Dr. Charles Simone Website: http://drsimone.com/ Make Your Pet Healthy Watch A Short Video Explaining How To Do It https://UltimateDogHealth.com/X22 Dr Charles B. Simone. I am an Internist, a Medical Oncologist, aRadiation Oncologist, and anImmunologist, trained at the Cleveland Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, and the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Simone begins by letting us know that the virus was created on purpose and the DOD created the vaccine and then it was sold to Big Pharma. This was planned false flag to remove the President of the US. The cures have always existed but Big Pharma has kept it from the people. Now the people are learning that they do exist and that the Big Pharma and the Gov has been trying to hide from us. All source links to the report can be found on the x22report.com site. Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the subject matter. The representative artwork included with these videos shall not be construed as the actual events that are taking place. Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks Fair Use Notice: This video contains some copyrighted material whose use has not been authorized by the copyright owners. We believe that this not-for-profit, educational, and/or criticism or commentary use on the Web constitutes a fair use of the copyrighted material (as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use this copyrighted material for purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. Fair Use notwithstanding we will immediately comply with any copyright owner who wants their material removed or modified, wants us to link to their web site, or wants us to add their photo. The X22 Report is "one man's opinion". Anything that is said on the report is either opinion, criticism, information or commentary, If making any type of investment or legal decision it would be wise to contact or consult a professional before making that decision. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence before making any significant investing decisions.187K views 254 comments -
PLANDEMIC 2 Indoctrination Documentary - COVID-19
USAFrontlineDoctorsPLANDEMIC 2 Indoctrination Documentary - COVID-19 PLANDEMIC 2 Indoctrination Documentary - COVID-19 Please Subscribe, Like and Share The World! Please view these MUST SEE DOCUMENTS: Pfizer vaccine data. Of particular interest is page 30. There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Excpected That People Can Get From The "Vaccines" For "Covid-19" https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf FULL Report:https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ Court ordered Pfizer docs show Pfizer paying the FDA over $2.8 million dollars to fast track the vaccine.👇 Court ordered documents can be seen here, https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M1_cover.pdf Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated BY THE EXPOSÉ ON MARCH 20, 2022 https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/20/gov-canada-data-triple-vaccinated-have-a-i-d-s/ Life Insurance Companies Not Paying Out On Covid-19 "Vaccination" Deaths As It Is Considered Suicide Due To The Experimental Nature! https://rumble.com/vy9fmn-march-23-2022.html Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests March 1, 2022 https://healthnewshub.org/poison-control-cautions-about-toxic-substance-in-many-rapid-at-home-antigen-covid-tests/ Triple vaccinated Ontarians are catching COVID at a greater rate than the double vaccinated or the not vaccinated at all. On the link below, there's a separate graph wherein the rates of death across vaccination status are beginning to merge. Source: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data So They Say OnThe Fake News Media That Ivermectin Is Horse Medicine Right? READ THIS: (from the N.I.H) Website:https://search.nih.gov/search?affiliate=nih&query=ivermecton+and+cancer Please view these MUST SEE videos: Pfizer release list of adverse side effects link: (go to page 30-38) https://t.co/b23dEPrAzh Link to FDA’s List of Pfizer’s 1,290+ Known Adverse Side Effects for Its Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine”: https://granitegrok.com/blog/2022/03/fdas-list-of-1290-known-adverse-side-effects-from-the-pfizer-covid-vaccine Pfizer FDA’s list of known side effects: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ Face Masks: https://www.aier.org/article/medical-journal-warns-about-maskss-potentially-devastating-consequences/2.52K views 2 comments