WTPN SIT/UP Inauguration threats, troops in DC, Q phones, Blinken, UK pedos & more.
We The People NEWSYour support is greatly appreciated! Here is my STRIPE link: https://buy.stripe.com/28o9EyeHJ6wQ5KE5km NOTE: please adjust QUANTITY to change donation amount. Also, it says “pay Truth and News” at top; that’s me. 👍 Thank you so much! TODAYS SOURCES https://amg-news.com/booom-judy-byington-bombshell-report-seven-kingdom-alliances-global-financial-revolution-and-takedown-of-the-new-world-order-begins-on-mon-20-jan-2025/ VT INTEL Courtesy of Commander Thor COMMANDER VALIANT THOR ON TELEGRAM LINK: https://t.me/vvt369 WE THE PEOPLE NEWS ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/we_the_people_NEWZ MOD TELEGRAM ***ALL TIC TOK LINKS EMBEDDED IN VIDEO. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE LIGHT BEINGS FOR ASSISTING HUMANITY IN THIS WAR AGAINST THE EVIL CABAL. WE KNOW YOU HAVE SACRIFICED MUCH AND AT TIMES YOUR LIVES HAVE BEEN LOST. WE WANT YOU TO KNOW OUR PRAYERS AND CONDOLENCES ARE WITH YOU AND THOSE LOST. WE SEND YOU LOVE, LIGHT AND PEACE AND HOPE THAT ONE DAY WE WILL MEET YOU AND BEABLE TO GIVE YOU OUR MESSAGE OF THANKS, LOVE AND APPRECIATION IN PERSON. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL BEINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT HELPING TO RID THE WORLD OF THIS EVIL DARKNESS. NOTE: COMMANDER THOR CAN RELAY MSGS TO THE LIGHT BEINGS AND RETRIEVE MSGS, AND IF ANYONE HAS QUESTIONS OR THOUGHTS, PLEASE ASK HIM AND HE WILL ANSWER IF HE CAN. THANK YOU TO JUDY BYINGTON FOR DAILY UPDATES AND ONGOING COMMITMENT TO SAVING CHILDREN. MAY GOD BLESS YOU! FULL ILLUMINATI HISTORY VIDEO: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLnfLPoQ/ RESOURCES: RESOURCES - John Michael Chambers Resources » Resources | Geoengineering Watch Reese Reports link on telegram: https://t.me/gregreesevideoreports https://rumble.com/c/c-659545?page=5 https://archive.org/download/reese-report-videos https://archive.org/details/reese-report-videos https://www.infowars.com FREE AUDIO BOOK “STRANGER AT THE PENTAGON” LINK: https://ufos-disclosure.blogspot.com/p/valiant-thor.html TODAYS ADDITIONAL SOURCES: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/ https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/us-politics/index.html https://anonup.com/@KatistheSea3 https://www.rt.com Charlie Ward daily news updates & insider club clips: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/pqlCrTAephy6/ ALL DAILY RESTORED REPUBLIC VIA A GCR UPDATES: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi ALL NINOS CORNER.TV VIDEOS LINK: https://watch.ninoscorner.tv VT INTEL Courtesy of Commander Thor COMMANDER VALIANT THOR ON TELEGRAM LINK: https://t.me/vvt369 ALL TIC TOK LINKS EMBEDDED IN VIDEO.72.8K views -
SGT ReportProtect Your Retirement W/ a Gold or Silver IRA: https://www.sgtreportgold.com/ CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust ------------------ Keep your skin healthy, GET Native Path Collagen: CLICK HERE: https://getnativepathcollagen.com/SGT SGT Report listeners can get up to 45% OFF Deb Tavares is back to spit facts about the UN-Rothschild Agenda to gut America and get the people off the lands and into 15-Minute 'smart' cities. Thanks for tuning in. Deb's site: https://stopthecrime.net/120K views 301 comments -
SGT ReportDr. Gundry has THE KEY to losing weight & keeping it OFF!! --> http://thehealthyfat.com/SGT -------------- LOSE those wrinkles TODAY!! CLICK HERE: https://bhmd1.com/SGT ^^LEARN HOW - Click Above^^ Martin Armstrong joins SGT Report to discuss the end of USURY and CBDC's under Donald J. Trump. We discuss a lot more too including Bitcoin. Is Armstrong right about Bitcoin? Was Bitcoin created by the NSA designed to acclimate the plebs to using (central bank issued) digital currency? Because if that's the case, It has been as much a failure as any success for the Bitcoin-only HODLR's. CBDC 'The End of Money': https://cbdctheendofmoney.com/ [An in depth inquiry into where we are headed if the central banks get their way] Armstrong Economics: https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/89.2K views 214 comments -
Dr. Jan Halper Hayes, Derek Johnson, Meri | Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness
Q_PatriotsDr. Jan Halper Hayes, Derek Johnson, Meri | Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness1.01K views 1 comment -
THE WAR FOR THE WORLD & HUMANITY -- Harley Schlanger & Dr. Rainer Rothfuss
SGT ReportGet GUT HEALTHY w/ the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here: https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/SGT ------------- Protect Your Retirement W/ a Gold or Silver IRA: https://www.sgtreportgold.com/ CALL( 877) 646-5347 - Noble Gold is Who I Trust The war for the world and humanity is ramping up as the Rockefeller-Rothschild NWO becomes increasingly tyrannical in the face of the tide turning against them. The world is waking up and resisting Bioweapon "vaccines", UN Agenda 2030 and the green new deal LIES. Harley Schlanger and Germany's Dr. Rainer Rothfuss join me to discuss the very latest developments.81.5K views 88 comments -
Cabal Loses Control, Crackdown Back Fires & Day of Reckoning Coming w/ Sam Anthony
Sarah WestallJoin the new media and the YourNews Equity Crowdfund at https://issuanceexpress.com/nico-regcf/ * Become A Citizen Journalist https://yournews.com/become-a-yournews-citizen-journalist/ ( Sign up for Substack at https://SarahWestall.Substack.com * Dramatically and safely lose weight: Purchase natural and safe GLP-1 Peptides at https://www.limitlesslifenootropics.com/sarah - Use code sarah to save 10% * Sam Anthony, CEO of YourNews.com, rejoins the program to discuss the state of the country and the chaos worldwide. We also discuss how the cabal has lost control of the narrative and the last 5 years of tyrannical crackdown has backfired. Anthony also shares his vision for a people controlled decentralized local news service. You can become an early investor and join the movement at https://issuanceexpress.com/nico-regcf/ * MUSIC CREDITS: “In Epic World” by Valentina Gribanova, licensed for broad internet media use, including video and audio * Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. * Disclaimer: "As a journalist, I report what significant newsmakers are claiming. I do not have the resources or time to fully investigate all claims. Stories and people interviewed are selected based on relevance, listener requests, and by suggestions of those I highly respect. It is the responsibility of each viewer to evaluate the facts presented and then research each story further84.5K views 101 comments -
Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Update 1.11.2025 >>> The Military And Trump Got Them All
Q_PatriotsDr. Jan Halper-Hayes Update 1.11.2025 >>> The Military And Trump Got Them All2.35K views 1 comment -
Benjamin Fulford Update Today Jan 10, 2025 - Benjamin Fulford
Breaking News - Situation Update📢📢: https://t.me/BenjaminFulfordSECRETSUS Benjamin Fulford Update Today Jan 10, 2025 - Benjamin Fulford.20K views 50 comments -
John & Juan – Updates With Juan O’Savin - URGENT QUESTION FOR AMERICA Inauguration | 1/12/25
John Michael Chambers - A Voice For Our TimesURGENT QUESTION FOR AMERICA Inauguration – A Decapitation of our Leadership? CRITICAL Intel from Juan O Savin: https://johnmichaelchambers.com/threats-to-national-security-part-1/ https://johnmichaelchambers.com/threats-to-national-security-part-2/ “Juan Like Never Before” - Preventing a decapitation of leadership event - All hands on deck - Do not place our King in peril! - Expect a Blitzkrieg transitioning into power - Please read the articles published below and on JohnMichaelChambers.com - China the formidable threat – stolen lections - With the clear and present known dangers (nukes included), should we hold our “standard inauguration”? - Juan (has a question for you - should we risk the decapitation of our leadership and others – “we the people”? Evaluate the risk and reward – Juans advice - Should we secure DJT at Cheyne Mountain for swearing in ceremony? - The change of protocols – streaming the inauguration from a secured location A Billion views? - DJT triggers we are not partying after inauguration- maybe more? - Juan discusses we are in an extremist situation - Should we support a secured inauguration? Juan thinks so and explains why - Juan (107) arrives LAX day of 1/07 to the “fires” - Area 51 discussed - Particles of DEW deployment discussed - Nation state level weaponry used in LA - Impact of the chemicals and its impact on the human body and how to combat it - Who would have the access to DEW level codes etc? - DJT’s inner – inner circle ascertained that China spearheaded the election theft of 2020 - Juan identifies a conspiracy leading to LA “fires” – Railroads? Olympics? - Was Miley a part of the authorization of DEW in LA? - Resignations and retirements are accelerating - Microwave weapons were used – DEW confirmation - Juan acknowledges the DEW cause by symptoms in part - DJT will act within two hours to get to work – parties/ceremonies skipped - Juan purchased three firetrucks and when? - Tactical nukes further define - Tactical nukes concerned for the inauguration - Juan address the “bizarre threats we are facing” - Drones and missing nuclear materials and items - Was the inside agencies part of a plan assisting in the assassination attempts on DJT? - China and the theft of our elections will come out - The recent J6 certification first time in history that process was not challenged by anyone - We are in a wartime condition as DJT arrives GITMO: taking on the stolen election – People will go to GITMO! - Some Podcasters have reported and (Falsely) – Juan shames them ref. hangings etc. “it’s painful to listen to” - Juans chief of staff serves at GITMO on investigative and prosecutorial tribunal helped set up the media (new media center, broadcasting from GITMO 2025) - Podcasters – knock off the nonsense! - Juan discusses missing nukes and materials in detail Free Subscription https://johnmichaelchambers.com/subscribe/ NOTICE: Many frauds weigh in as me (JMC). I NEVER promote or sell any QFS, Crypto, wallets etc. These people are reported as fraud and are banned but new ones crop up every week. ABOUT JUAN Juan has been serving this nation since the time of Ronald Regan and is a major voice today providing much needed intel and analysis in this war. He is very well connected I’ll leave it at that. His clandestine assignments and self-imposed directives (many which are unknown to the public), play a critical role in protecting this nation and its interests for decades. A good friend, and most valuable voice and resource for the new media. CALL TO ACTION! Free Subscription https://johnmichaelchambers.com/subscribe/ Rumble https://rumble.com/c/JohnMichaelChambers40kFV MAGA Gear Trump Silver Coin https://www.thejennifermac.com/23.6K views 100 comments -
White Hats Making Mass Arrests - EBS 10 Days of Darkness Imminent
TheGalacticFederationWhite Hats Making Mass Arrests - EBS 10 Days of Darkness Imminent881 views 1 comment