Social Services & Police Get Shut Down Like the Clowns They are by a Dad.
EEmmaBrewin[" https://www.patreon.com/markkishonchristopher 1. Want to know, God's Bank Account. 1.1 You think I am joking? 1.2 Go and witness it yourself. "] [" 2. This is the magnitude of the deception that Mankind faces on a daily basis. "] [" 3. My intention and the work of the Federal Postal Court is to put these people in prison. 3.1 If you wish to help, aid you can do so here. 3.2 If you wish we can even list you as a patron on my Website. Use this Link to send your support via BTC Wallet Transfer: 1MThZpvXNkKCjVDBV5QPEXLvQfiH8RxRvr "] [" For more details & resources visit: https://www.mkchristopher.com/library "] [" For Mortgage / Debt / Loans / Elimination email me..."] markkishonchristopher@gmail.com Visit my Website: https://www.mkchristopher.com/ : David-wynn: Miller's Website: https://www.dwmlc.net/ [" For my Patreons: https://patreon.com/markkishonchristopher "] ["Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.christopher "] ["Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/forthepeopleoftheearth "] ["Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markkishonchristopher/ "] ["Twitter: https://twitter.com/KishonMark."] ["LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-kishon-christopher-a3790a1b/ "] [" https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tPFU99dcw0w3/ "] [" Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/markkishonchristopher "] Watch out for Scammers, Trolls in the Comments Section with my Image - Thats not me. [“Thank you.”] : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right/copy-claim. #markkishonchristopher #markkishon #mkchristopher.com #markchristopher #markkishonchristopher@gmail.com216 views 1 comment -
How To Handle Yourself In a Court_ - Mind Your Language.
EEmmaBrewin[" 1. Want to know, God's Bank Account. 1.1 You think I am joking? 1.2 Go and witness it yourself. "] [" 2. This is the magnitude of the deception that Mankind faces on a daily basis. "] [" 3. My intention and the work of the Federal Postal Court is to put these people in prison. 3.1 If you wish to help, aid you can do so here. 3.2 If you wish we can even list you as a patron on my Website. Use this Link to send your support via BTC Wallet Transfer: 1MThZpvXNkKCjVDBV5QPEXLvQfiH8RxRvr "] [" For more details & resources visit: https://www.mkchristopher.com/library "] [" For Mortgage / Debt / Loans / Elimination email me..."] markkishonchristopher@gmail.com Visit my Website: https://www.mkchristopher.com/ : David-wynn: Miller's Website: https://www.dwmlc.net/ [" For my Patreons: https://patreon.com/markkishonchristopher "] ["Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.christopher "] ["Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/forthepeopleoftheearth "] ["Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markkishonchristopher/ "] ["Twitter: https://twitter.com/KishonMark."] ["LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-kishon-christopher-a3790a1b/ "] [" https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tPFU99dcw0w3/ "] [" Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/markkishonchristopher "] Watch out for Scammers, Trolls in the Comments Section with my Image - Thats not me. [“Thank you.”] : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Copy-right/copy-claim. #markkishonchristopher #markkishon #mkchristopher.com #markchristopher #markkishonchristopher@gmail.com97 views