Kennedy Americans Podcast
33 videos
Updated 3 months ago
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RFK Attacked By Biden AND Trump! (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 31)
RFK Jr. News Channel2024 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. has been under attack from every direction in recent weeks, evidencing the threat he poses to the two-party system. Since the addition of Nicole Shanahan to the ticket as #RFK's running mate, #Democrats are growing increasingly concerned about the electoral impact Kennedy might have on President #Biden's re-election chances. Biden continues to trail behind former president #Trump in the polls -- but not by much; a percentage point or two, within the margin of error. That means November is shaping up to be a very close contest, and already #RFKJr is being made the scapegoat for whichever party loses. Democrats are calling him a spoiler for MAGA, saying that a vote for Bobby is a vote for Trump. Republicans call him a spoiler for Biden, saying that a vote for Bobby is a vote for Biden. Both the Biden and Trump camps are also deploying scare tactics to frighten away potential RFK voters by falsely labeling him some sort of extremist. Donald Trump called Kennedy a "Marxist, far-left radical" this week, in what seemed a desperate attempt to bring #MAGA voters who might vote for Kennedy back into the fold. His son Donald Trump Jr. and Fox News Trump mouthpiece Sean Hannity also hit hard at RFK this week, attacking his environmental record and other "loony liberal" policies. Democratic Party operatives like Lis Smith and Keith Olbermann, meanwhile, are labeling the Kennedy/Shanahan ticket as "far-right," "MAGA," and even "fascist!" Their media lapdogs launched a series of hit pieces this week attacking Kennedy's stances on everything from #abortion to puberty blockers, gun control, and the #Gaza war. Then came the "brain worms" story that caused a feeding frenzy, providing late-night comedy fodder and even prompting Kennedy to crack a few jokes about it. We will discuss all that and more on Episode 31 of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast, with our panel of #Kennedy24 campaign volunteers, social media influencers, and voters. Join us as we respond to these media smears and distortions of his policies. We set the record straight about where Kennedy really stands on the issues that matter most to Americans. Premieres tonight at 8 PM Eastern!969 views 1 comment -
Campuses In Crisis: Where Does RFK Stand? (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 30)
RFK Jr. News Channel24 Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. has been strangely silent the past few weeks about the #antisemitic, pro-#Hamas protests happening on college campuses. Although #RFKJr has been asked about it in recent interviews, and answers briefly in a lawyerly manner about the difference between demonstrations on public vs. private property, he has otherwise completely avoided talking about the issue. While every other candidate in the presidential race issued statements on this national crisis immediately, Kennedy waited nearly three weeks before speaking up. Kennedy finally posted a tweet about the campus unrest Saturday outlining what he would do as president to ensure fairness to all students on campus, but said nothing about what he would do to stop the lawlessness and violence we are witnessing on campuses across America. https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1786943517710786626 Kennedy has proclaimed himself to be strongly pro-Israel, and supports #Israel's war against Hamas. At the same time, he says he is "very pro-Palestinian," and supports the two-state solution that would establish #Palestine as an independent sovereign nation. Is Kennedy doing the same "both sides" dance as President #Biden, afraid of losing progressive Democrats and Gen Z voters? Are his campaign advisers telling Bobby to tone down his pro-Israel rhetoric in order to appease the woke mob? At a time when #antisemitism escalating to frightening levels, #Jews are being assaulted in the streets, and some protesters are issuing calls to "kill all the Zionists," it feels like open season on Jews. The exclusion of Jewish "#Zionists" from campuses, establishment of "Zionist-free zones," Jewish students not being allowed to attend class, acts of harassment, intimidation and violence, hate speech and symbols of Jew hatred on campus property are all flagrant violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act -- which is not being enforced by campus administrators, state governments, or the federal government. On this edition of Maverick News we ask why President #Biden isn't doing what President John F. #Kennedy did: send in the National Guard to protect the rights of ALL students, stop the violence, enforce the law of the land, and restore order on campus. The Kennedy legacy is civil rights. It is time for #RFK to pick up the mantle of #JFK and his father, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, on this divisive issue that is tearing our nation apart, and undoing 60 years of racial progress started by his ancestors. His uncle Jack's campaign slogans during the 1960 were "a time for greatness," and "leadership for the 60s." Can his nephew meet that high standard now? Because this is a time for greatness, not timidity. We need moral clarity and leadership for the 20s, right now. Now is the time for Kennedy to shine; to lead; to do something bold. I'll tell you what that is tonight on Maverick News. Join us at 9 PM Eastern.870 views 5 comments -
RFK Assassination Forum (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 29)
RFK Jr. News Channel(* This week we will pick up where we left off in Episode 28 hearing voter reactions to Kennedy's running mate choice Nicole #Shanahan in the second hour of the program.) If you've been following my recent series of podcasts exploring the #RFK assassination around the 55th anniversary of Sirhan Sirhan's trial, you'll also find tonight's panel discussion fascinating (and at times, emotional). Episode 29 of "#Kennedy Americans" delves into the murder of Senator Robert F. Kennedy on the presidential campaign trail in 1968. I opened up the floor to a live panel discussion on X (formerly known as Twitter) of the case evidence, conspiracy theories, and opinions as to whether Sirhan is guilty or innocent. We also talked about Sirhan's motives for the crime: by his own admission, Sirhan killed Sen. Kennedy because of his outspoken support for #Israel. Sirhan, a Palestinian who was radicalized politically, turned 80 years old last month -- still hoping for parole after 55 years behind bars. Should he be released? We'll talk about that too. Finally, we will discuss the obvious parallels between the elections of 2024 and 1968, and the unique security risks posed to #RFKJr since the #Gaza war began. The Department of Homeland Security has refused #RFK Secret Service protection five times now. The #Kennedy24 campaign made a sixth request in March 2024. Please SIGN THE PETITION asking President #Biden to give Bobby Kennedy Secret Service protection right NOW at http://Security.Kennedy24.com Support my independent journalism with a donation or monthly membership at http://StrangeBedfellowsPodcast.com I've endorsed #RFKJr for president in 2024. Join me! http://Kennedy24.com/LoriSpencer866 views -
VP Pick Nicole Shanahan, RFK Gaza War Debate (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 28)
RFK Jr. News Channel2024 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy, Jr. surprised everyone with a March 26th announcement that Nicole #Shanahan would be his VP running mate. A short list leaked two weeks earlier did not include Shanahan's name, instead speculation swirled around names like Tulsi Gabbard, Jesse Ventura, Aaron Rodgers, Mike Rowe, or Andrew Yang, among others. On Episode 28 of the Kennedy Americans podcast I hosted a live roundtable on X Spaces (formerly Twitter) asking #RFKJr campaign staffers, supporters and volunteers who attended the announcement in Oakland last week for their reactions to Shanahan. Emotions were mixed, to say the least! Some were passionately disappointed, while others expressed excitement. The selection of Shanahan is obviously a shift to the left (both Kennedy and Shanahan are former #Democrats), leaving many of #RFK's #libertarian and #conservative voters wondering if they can continue to support a "Democrat-lite" ticket. Also, we heard opposition voices from the left, such as my friend Craig "Pasta" Jardula (of "The Convo Couch" and "The Jimmy Dore Show"), who says he stopped supporting Kennedy over his support for #Israel in the #Gaza war. It was a frank and open exchange of views, demonstrating the wide range of political camps represented within the #Kennedy24 campaign's big tent. While we sometimes disagree, these live #XSpaces are always respectful and spirited dialogue -- and we think that's exactly what our country needs more of. Join us tonight from 9-11 PM Eastern for the premiere on YouTube, Rumble, Twitch, Facebook, and of course, live on X!1.11K views 7 comments -
RFK's VP Picks: We Debate!
RFK Jr. News ChannelThe short list of Robert F. #Kennedy Jr.’s vice presidential contenders is now public, and although we don’t yet know who it will be, it’s fun to speculate. #RFKJr is set to announce his running mate this Tuesday, March 26th in Oakland, CA. (We will broadcast that big announcement live on the Maverick News Network, and across all of our “Kennedy Americans” channels, so be sure and subscribe for notifications.) On Episode 27 of the “Kennedy Americans” podcast our panel of #Kennedy24 campaign volunteers and #RFKJr supporters debate the potential VP picks. We will have advocates on the panel for Gov. Jesse Ventura, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers, Mike Rowe, Trisha Lindsay, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang, Rand Paul, Tony Robbins, and more. Each will make their case why they think Mr. Kennedy should choose their preferred candidate, and argue against who they think would be the wrong pick. This might get heated! Join us for the GREAT DEBATE: RFK’s VP PICKS tonight at 9 PM Eastern.1.12K views 6 comments -
Veepstakes: Who Will Be RFK's VP? (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 26)
RFK Jr. News ChannelLast month, 2024 independent presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. said that he would be announcing his vice-presidential running mate "within 30 days." On Episode 26 of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast our panel discusses the short list of potential VP picks for #RFKJr; the pros and cons of the top contenders, and place our bets on who will ultimately win the Veepstakes. We'll also discuss the latest campaign news, Mr. Kennedy's 6th request for Secret Service protection, update you on the nationwide ballot access petition drive, and explain those recent Federal Election Commission complaints filed by the Democratic National Committee against the American Values 2024 Super PAC. This podcast contains excerpts from a recent #XSpace. Our #Kennedy24 team hosts regular live Spaces with special guests including #TeamKennedy staffers, volunteers, voters, Kennedy family members, and sometimes even Bobby himself! It's a fun way to stay involved with the campaign and meet new friends. Follow me on Twitter to be notified of future Spaces where you can join the conversation live! Join my team of volunteers, donate, volunteer to collect ballot access petition signatures, and buy Kennedy campaign merch at http://Kennedy24.com/LoriSpencer. Tune in tonight at 9 PM Eastern on YouTube, Rumble, Facebook, Twitch, VK, and X! All episodes of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast are permanently archived on this Rumble channel: Rumble.com/KennedyAmericans. Please subscribe! To volunteer, donate, buy official campaign merch, or find an event near you, visit: http://Kennedy24.com/LoriSpencer We aren't just Kennedy Democrats, or Kennedy #Republicans, or Kennedy #Libertarians, or Kennedy #Independents. We are KENNEDY AMERICANS!922 views 5 comments -
Kyle Kemper Talks Trudeau, Freedom Convoy, RFK and Crypto! (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 25)
RFK Jr. News ChannelOn Episode 25 of the “#Kennedy Americans” podcast we introduce you to Kyle Kemper, lead activator for the #Kennedy24 campaign. You might already be familiar with Kyle as the half-brother of Justin #Trudeau, Prime Minister of #Canada. Kyle famously split with his brethren on #Covid lockdowns, mask and #vaccine mandates. He made headlines after joining the #FreedomConvoy of #truckers protesting outside Parliament Hill against Trudeau’s pandemic policies two years ago this month. In this conversation on #XSpaces, Kyle and I talked about the trucker #convoy, and last week’s court ruling that Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act was unconstitutional. We talked about his work for the #RFKJr campaign, and the upcoming “Kennedy Convoy” across America with Kyle leading the way in his custom Kennedy bus. Kyle Kemper also explains why he is so enthusiastic about #cryptocurrency, and gives his thoughts on the future of #Bitcoin. If you don’t already know and love Kyle Kemper, you will after meeting him on this episode! Join us for the premiere at 7 A.M. Eastern Tuesday. Start your day with some #KennedyEnergy! All episodes of the "Kennedy Americans" podcast are permanently archived on this Rumble channel: Rumble.com/KennedyAmericans. Please subscribe! To volunteer, donate, buy official campaign merch, or find an event near you, visit: http://Kennedy24.com/LoriSpencer We aren't just Kennedy Democrats, or Kennedy #Republicans, or Kennedy #Libertarians, or Kennedy #Independents. We are KENNEDY AMERICANS!1.16K views 1 comment -
RFK Reaching Out To Republicans (Kennedy Americans., Ep. 24)
RFK Jr. News ChannelFollowing the exits of #Vivek Ramaswamy and Gov. Ron #DeSantis from the 2024 presidential contest, many of their #Republican supporters are now joining #TeamKennedy. There are also rumors of a possible #Trump/#Kennedy unity ticket in the fall (although both campaigns are staying silent on that for now). Recent polls show that if former president Donald Trump teamed up with #RFKJr, such a ticket could win as much as 70% of the vote -- obliterating President #Biden in the general election. Sources close toDonald Trumpreached out toRobert F. Kennedy Jr.about serving as the presidential candidate’s running mate, per a new report by theNew York Post. “Trump operatives expressed an interest in Kennedy early on, but it was all premature,” a source said. The connection was made “right out of the box when Bobby announced” in April 2023, when Kennedy went public with his presidential bid. Still, the potential duo is on the table: “Anything’s possible. I wouldn’t write it off by any means,” the source added. On Episode 24 of the "#Kennedy Americans" podcast I'm joined by #Kennedy24 staffers Augustus Pallante and Kyle Kemper (who is also the half-brother of Justin #Trudeau, Prime Minister of #Canada) for a panel discussion with campaign volunteers and #GOP voters about how #RFK can reach out to #Republicans. We will hear from former DeSantis and Vivek supporters who are now all in for Kennedy, and talk to some #MAGA supporters who say they remain loyal to Trump, but would love to see a Trump/Kennedy ticket. Tune in tonight at 9 PM Eastern and please subscribe to our channel!649 views 1 comment -
"Bobby on the Ballot" Petition Drive (Kennedy Americans, Ep. 23)
RFK Jr. News ChannelThis week, 2024 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. #Kennedy, Jr. added two more states to his successful nationwide petition drive for ballot access: New Hampshire and #Hawaii. Since the start of 2024, the #RFKJr campaign has collected enough ballot petition signatures to place his name on the general election ballot in three states, including #Utah, where Kennedy's petition was approved by the Secretary of State earlier this month. On Tuesday, #Kennedy24 campaign manager Amaryllis Fox-Kennedy announced that campaign volunteers had collected more than 3,000 petition signatures in a single day during an election day drive around the state of #NewHampshire, meeting the threshold for ballot access in the Granite state. Hawaii requires 5,800 signatures to place #Kennedy's name on the November ballot. The #RFK campaign says they've now exceeded that number, but will continue to collect signatures in Hawaii to ensure they have more than enough to qualify. On the night of the New Hampshire primary, I hosted a Space on X (formerly Twitter) with #TeamKennedy staffers Kyle Kemper and Augustus Pallante and hundreds of campaign volunteers to celebrate our victories so far, and to discuss strategy for the months ahead. The campaign's goal is to get Bobby on the Ballot in all 50 states. Here's how we will get it done, and how YOU can help! Episode 23 of the "Kennedy Americans" features highlights from that X Space, which lasted for 3.5 hours. We will bring you more of this exciting meeting next week on the show! Catch the premiere tonight at 9 PM Eastern. and please share with your friends, family, and neighbors who might be interested in helping Kennedy obtain ballot access. Whether you ultimately plan to vote for Mr. Kennedy or not, I hope we can all agree that more candidates on the ballot equals a healthier democracy for all Americans. Join my team of volunteers if you'd like to help collect petition signatures in your state here -- http://Kennedy24.com/LoriSpencer724 views 1 comment