Scott Bennett, a former US Army officer has died at the age of 53 after a battle with cancer
Greatwhitelion212020’S BIG LIE WILL COME BACK WITH VENGEANCE AGAINST WASHINGTON Word Received: October 6, 2024 (First Prophecy) I am bringing whistleblowers and proof of stolen elections for your fake presidents and puppets. I am bringing this at a time you would least expect it. It will be your fall. It will bring you to nothing. Do not get too cozy where you are and do not think this election or this Nation is yours to have because they are Mine, and you are losing control of all of it, saith the Lord of Hosts. IT'S ALMOST OVER FOR THE BIDEN Word Received: July 15, 2024 My children, it is almost over for "the Biden," yes; for Obama, yes; for the establishment, yes; and for the globalists, yes. So, hold on because I am here to deliver My Nation from their hands, saith the Lord of Hosts. AN ELECTION IS NEAR, BUT NOT HOW YOU SUPPOSE Word Received: July 6, 2024 (First Prophecy) Hold on, My United States, for great change is coming. A reset is taking place. Removals will begin to pick up speed in ways you never would have thought of. To My children in the Land of My Eagle: the scenery in your Nation will dramatically change from how things are now to how things were meant to be. Not only will a government be eradicated, but the ones who put them in those positions will also be annihilated along with them, including your three letter agencies. Their power, control, hidden assignments, and hidden agenda will be exposed big time. Whistleblowers will come from everywhere. It is now time for their boldness to crush the head of the snake that brought great deception to this land. I told you before that the old guard will be brought out from their hiding places, brought out into the open, exposed, removed, and brought to nothing. A DOJ whistleblower is about to come forward to bring that department down to nothing. A great landslide of events has started to bring down the corruption in My land. YOUR ENEMIES ARE ABOUT TO TAKE MORE BOLD STEPS AGAINST YOU Word Received: June 2, 2024 (First Prophecy) A whistleblower is coming to bring down the narrative in Ukraine. They have been there, seen it all, and know the truth, and they have proof of what is happening in that country. Your supposed government has been hiding and doing things there against this Nation and the world. Things they buried or burned will resurface. Truth will destroy their lies and will bring down their plans for war, chaos, and their use of bioweapons. DO NOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER ELECTION TO SAVE YOU- I AM Word Received: January 7, 2023 Dominion, I say this company's name again. It has no dominion or authority over My Nation. Their hold over you is finished, and every corporation, every nation, and every governmental official connected to this company will be brought down with them. It doesn't matter the power it seemed to have over My Nation and the world; it is finished now, saith the Lord. THE SWAMP IS BEING DESTROYED Word Received: January 3, 2023 COVID will be fully exposed. Everything your enemies planned will no longer stay in the dark and hidden from the world. The resistance is growing. People are waking up, and more people are standing up. My children, call every lie to be revealed and every lie holding you captive to be destroyed. These are your days of deliverance, so receive them now, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 🕊🔥 GOD WINS! 🙌🏼🙏🏼 November 23, 2024: 💔 Scott Bennett RIP Thank you for your boldness! Scott Bennett, a former US Army officer and long-time analyst for Press TV, has died at the age of 53 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. (Video on my Rumble Page)673 views 5 comments